Creating and maintaining Project IDs

How to use project identifications (or IDs) to accurately complete accounting practices at UW-Madison.

Project IDs are also referred to as “projects” or “project codes.”

What is a project ID?

A project ID represents a program activity, event, special event or project within a fund that must be monitored and reported independently from the organization. It may have reporting requirements across multiple departments and divisions. Spending may be designated for a particular purpose.

A project ID generally has a beginning and an ending date, but it could be on-going.

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  • Project reporting
  • An individual revenue producing activity that is being performed within an organization of a college, school, or department unit

Creating a project

1. Determine if the project is sponsored or non-sponsored

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Sponsored Projects

  • Source of funds is from an external entity whom the UW will have an ongoing relationship with after the initial receipt of funding
  • Generally, if money is from the federal government it is a sponsored project
  • Ongoing relationship usually takes the form of obilling/letters of credit (LOC) draws oreporting requirements (both technical & financial)
  • Reporting requirements include “effort” reporting (work performed)
  • Facilities & Administration (F&A) overhead costs are usually charged
  • Has terms & conditions attached •time period often extends beyond a fiscal year
  • Under certain circumstances, internally funded projects may be treated like a sponsored project because of the imposed terms, conditions, or other reporting requirements (e.g. fund 101 projects created by Graduate School)
  • Funds used – 133 (Contracts), 135 (Gifts – WARF), 142-148 (Federal Aid)
  • Usually is in the form of a
    • Grant
    • Contract
    • Cooperative agreement

Non-Sponsored Projects

  • Source of funds could be from an internal entity such as State, departmental, or institutional
  • Gift projects are generally considered non-sponsored projects
  • May be funded by multiple sources •generally does not have billing or reporting requirements
  • “Effort” reporting is generally not required
  • F&A is generally not charged
  • Generally does not have conditions attached
  • Time period may extend beyond a fiscal year
  • Could be for a shorter period of time (i.e. fiscal year)
  • Funds used – 136 (General Operations Receipts), 161 (Trust Funds), 233 (Gifts), various other funds (other than sponsored project funds)
  • Examples:
    • internal project
    • state project
    • trust fund
    • gift project

2. If your project is a sponsored project

Contact Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP)

3. If your project is a non-sponsored project

A non-sponsored project is a project funded by an internal entity such as a state agency, UW institution, or another UW–Madison department which doesn’t have billing or reporting requirements. In most cases, non-sponsored projects are maintained by Accounting Services.

To create a new non-sponsored project (gift or non-gift): Complete the Non-Sponsored Projects Divisional Request Form and send the form to

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Non-Sponsored Project Types (in active status)

NS_01: Start Up
NS_02: Clinical Trial
NS_03: Buildings and Grounds
NS_04: Education/Training
NS_05: Patient Care
NS_06: General/Miscellaneous
NS_07: Department
NS_08: Library
NS_09: Clinical Fellows
NS_10 : Scholarships
NS_11: Conference/Workshops
NS_12: Public Service/Outreach
NS_13: Travel
NS_14: Consortium
NS_15: Suspense/Clearing
NS_16: Research
NS_17: HRS Placeholder
NS_18: Sponsored Program Suspense

Maintaining or closing projects

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Updating your project

Divisions may request and ultimately receive delegation responsibility from Accounting Services for the set-up, maintenance, monitoring, and close-out of non-sponsored projects for their division. Requests should be sent to 

Download Non-Sponsored Projects Divisional Request Form

Finding projects in WISER

You will need to wait until the next day after creating a project in Project Lite before it will appear in WISER

  • After that, there are two options for finding projects in WISER.
    1. Search by using Main Menu – Find Awards/Projects – Project ID.  Enter as many criteria as possible (for example, fund, department, PI, etc.). This search will find the project regardless of whether a financial transaction has occurred.
    2. Add the project to “My Projects” or to “My Favorites”

Once you know what your project ID is, the second option is to search for the project and then add the project to “My Projects” or to “My Favorites

  • Reviewing the Project Financial Status in WISER – There are several ways to view project data in WISER. The project search summary (from the main project search) will display any of four views: budget, budget cash, unencumbered cash and cash. Drilling into the project link will display a more detailed view. The old project search will display the detail view immediately if there is a single fund.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. WISER cannot provide accurate inception-to-date budget balances except for funds 133, 144, and 233. These are the only funds that have project budget balances moved to the new fiscal year (known as project roll forward).

Project status codes

Project status: A
Status description: Closed-Archived
SFS Processing Status: Inactive

Project status:  C
Status description: Closed
SFS Processing Status: Active

Project status: E
Status description: Ended – Past Official End Date
SFS Processing Status: Active

Project status: H
Status description: Hold – Reject all transfers
SFS Processing Status: Active

Project status: J
Status description: Closed – Adjustments only
SFS Processing Status: Active

Project status: O
Status description: Open
SFS Processing Status: Active

Closing a project

To close a project, the cash balance must be zero.

Project edit error messages