This page houses information related to Business Services and building operations.
See for updates to UW–Madison operations and other important Covid-19 response information.
21 North Park Street - Building Operations
The 21 North Park Street building is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Building Manager is on site Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. if you require assistance.
Mail Delivery and Inter-Departmental Mail
We receive US Postal Services (USPS) and Inter-Departmental (Inter-D) mail daily. USPS typically arrives between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Inter-D mail arrives once per day at approximately 9:45 a.m. Mail will continue to be sorted by the Building Manager and stored until picked up by the occupants of the building.
FedEx and UPS Services
FedEx and UPS delivery services have resumed regular operations.
Building Manager Contact Information
Matt Hanson, Building Manager
Phone: (608) 628-2019
All updates
Reminder: In-person SWAP sales suspended
SWAP is not open to in-person sales, but online auction services remain available at
February 3, 2022Update on available face masks and PPE at ShopUW+
The use of face coverings continues to be part of UW-Madison’s strategy to help slow the transmission of COVID-19. KN95 and N95 masks are available at no cost to employees in certain roles. Surgical grade masks are also available.
January 10, 2022Vendor/Supplier Covid-19 requirements update
Vendors: Please review the face covering and vaccination requirements for visitors to campus posted on the website.
November 22, 2021- More Business Services COVID-19 updates
Bursar's Office
See the Bursar’s Office website for the latest details on hours of operation and other information.
Capital Equipment
Capital Equipment – Operational update
We understand the complexity that the University is handling at this time and that prioritization of core functions is necessary. As each department is facing different challenges, Property Control will continue standard communications and look …
March 23, 2020
Cash Management
Refund of Receipts (RoRs) update
This communication is intended for departments that currently submit RoR requests to the Cash Management team for approval. Cash Management will be granting approval on a case-by-case basis for use of the voucher upload process …
April 9, 2020Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Guidelines
The COVID-19 pandemic has created many challenges and constraints to the established business processes of many merchants on campus including restricted access to campus and, in many instances, offsite work arrangements. The PCI Compliance Team …
March 27, 2020Check Deposits – Operational update
For information related to sponsored check payments, please visit RSP’s website at: For information related to UW Foundation check deposits, please visit the following link: This communication is intended specifically for UW-Madison related …
March 27, 2020- More Cash Management COVID-19 updates
Disbursements – COVID 19 update
Outgoing Checks Printed every Tuesday and Friday. Including ETs ACH, PPL, and Wire payments will be made Monday-Friday Breakdown per day Monday: ACH, PPL and Wire Payments Tuesday: ACH, PPL and Wire Payments Outgoing Checks, …
March 20, 2020Operational Update
Business Services Update and Guidelines for Cash Management and Disbursement Services. Under the prevailing circumstances arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, with reduced staffing levels onsite and only ‘essential’ activities being performed on campus, we wanted …
March 20, 2020
Disbursements FAQs
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How often will payments be generated?
Outgoing checks will be created on a biweekly basis (Tuesdays and Fridays) to align with interdepartmental mail services. ACH, PPL, and Wires will continue to be processed daily. Please note this includes Emergency Transaction (ET) checks.
How to submit payment requests
Direct Payments (DP) and Payments to Individuals (PIR) may be submitted as a PDF attachment to The subject line of the email must reference “PIR” or “DP”. The email must be sent from an authorized approver or the authorization emails must be included in the PDF of the DP or PIR. All required documents must be combined into a single PDF and only one payment request is permitted per PDF file. Multiple PDFs for multiple requests may be submitted in a single email. Emergency Transactions (ETs) should be emailed to W-9s including a social security number (SSN) should be sent interoffice mail or faxed to (608) 265-9035.
Submitting Confidential Documents to Accounts Payable
When submitting a payment request that includes confidential information, you have the following options for submission (W9, W8Ben, Non Resident Alien documents, wire and HIPAA Protected Health Information):
- Fax to the Accounts Payable fax line, 608-265-9035, with a cover sheet addressed to Supplier File and marked “Confidential”
- Send hard copies via Campus Mail to “Disbursements 21 N. Park St., Suite 5301”
- Mail via the US Postal Service to UW Madison Division of Business Services, 21 N. Park St., Suite 5301, Madison, WI 53715
- Send PDF via encrypted email to
- The email must be sent from a email account
- The attachments must be non-editable PDFs (not fillable forms)
Sending from Outlook
1.Your email will need to be in a new window. If this the message is not already in a new window you will need to select “Pop out” at the top of the email
2.”Options” tab, select “Permission”
Sending from MyUW
Select “Encrypt”
Financial Reporting
COVID 19 Account Codes- FAQs
General Questions: Question: Why were separate COVID account codes created? The COVID-19 account codes were created to identify COVID activity for various reporting requirements including those from the EOC (Emergency Operations Center), UWSA Finance Response …
April 13, 2020Tracking COVID 19 activities in the accounting system (SFS)
Madison Advisory Council and Financial Managers: This communication is intended to outline how UW-Madison is tracking both expenses and refunds related to COVID-19 activities in SFS (Shared Financial System). COVID Account Codes UW-Madison has been …
April 1, 2020
Financial Reporting FAQS
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COVID 19 Account Codes FAQs
General questions
Why were separate COVID account codes created?
- The COVID-19 account codes were created to identify COVID activity for various reporting requirements including those from the EOC (Emergency Operations Center, UWSA Finance Response Team, FEMA, and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, as well as for internal information.
Should I transfer expenses and/or refunds posted prior to the codes being available on 4.1.20?
- Yes, any non-refunded costs or customer/student refunds related to COVID-19 should be transferred to the new COVID-19 expense account codes for accurate reporting and tracking. The rest of the funding string should remain the same. Please note that Accounting Services is reviewing Refund of Receipts (RORS) for accurate account code usage related to COVID refunds, so please double check coding in WISDM/WISER before processing transfers.
Should I transfer expenses related to conferences or other events that were cancelled due to COVID-19, but then were ultimately refunded?
- No, if you received a vendor refund for cancelled events due to COVID, do not move the original expense. Vendor refunds should be applied to the original expense account to adjust for any F&A previously incurred.
Research questions
How should expenses on COVID-related research projects be handled? Should expenses be posted to the new COVID Account Codes?
- If the project is doing COVID-related research, the regular accounts (salary, equipment, supplies, etc.) codes should be used.
- Since the UW is also interested in knowing how much COVID-research activity is happening, RSP is capturing that information through information in the project titles entered into SFS and WISPER. That lets RSP pull not only award and proposal data, but also budget and expenditure data from SFS.
- The new SFS Covid-19 account codes are to capture expenses that the UW would not have experienced prior to the pandemic. Some of these codes may end up on sponsored projects. For example, suppose a researcher is still able to work in her lab. She would have her normal research-related expenses (salaries, supplies, etc.). Now suppose that this researcher’s grad student tests positive and can no longer work in the lab. It’s quite likely that before anyone else could return to the lab, that it would need deep cleaning. Those unanticipated COVID cleaning expenses could be charged to the sponsored project on account code 3117 (Cleaning/Sanitation Costs-COVID).
How should we code per diem costs incurred for animal care and facilities as researchers are currently unable to use these resources in experiments? Technically, these costs are caused by the COVID-19 delays as it extends the length of days because research is delayed.
- The monthly internal service charges (generally coded to account code 2650) to the sponsored project would not change. Likewise, the code for the revenue collected by the animal care unit would not change. Delays in research progress are common; even outside of the current COVID remote operations of the UW.
- The unit taking care of the animals may use the new account codes for additional COVID-related expenses directly related to animal care and the well-being of the staff.
UW sponsored conference refunds
There are two contra refund accounts related to conference refunds 9213 – Conference & Event Refunds – COVID and 9216 – Other Refunds – COVID that mentions continuing education refunds – how should I use them?
- It’s helpful to break these apart as Conference and Event Space (9213) and Registration Fees (9216). Some examples of situations with the correct codes below:
- Refunds for internal UW participant registrations – use account 9055
- Refunds for events held as continuing education with non-UW participant registration – use account 9216
- Refunds for space rental – use 9213
If an event was run through Extension, are they are responsible for coding the refund to the correct COVID-19 code?
- Yes, Accounting Services has been working with Extension to get the correct codes applied to the refunds.
Student income continuation
Are all student income continuation payments posted to account 5717 -Income Continuation – Scholarship – COVID?
- No, expenses paid via payroll were paid using regular payroll processes, accounts, and funding strings. The payments made by scholarship (thru SIS) will be posted using the 5717 – account code.
How should we code canceled travel related to COVID?
- If the traveler or the travel arranger cancelled the flight, there is an unused ticket for future business use. The value of the cancelled and unused ticket is not a loss if used in the future – no immediate action needs to take place.
- There are situations where we will experience costs related to the cancelled travel and for those costs, they can be coded to the COVID account created for Other Expenses-COVID – 3115. Examples of these costs include:
- The ticket is not used by the traveler due to a COVID reason such as a conference was cancelled and never rescheduled; or, rescheduled for a day/time the traveler cannot attend
- The ticket is used for future travel, but now the cost of travel to the same event previously cancelled due to COVID now costs more than the original ticket.
- The traveler uses the unused ticket toward the purchase of future travel that is less cost than the unused ticket and the airline requires a forfeiture of the balance.
- Deposits for hotels, meetings or events, which is non-refundable, and the event didn’t occur as a result of COVID-19.
- Repatriation costs for students/employees (flights back to US, hotel stay near airport).
No updates.
Update on available face masks and PPE at ShopUW+
The use of face coverings continues to be part of UW-Madison’s strategy to help slow the transmission of COVID-19. KN95 and N95 masks are available at no cost to employees in certain roles. Surgical grade masks are also available.
January 10, 2022Vendor/Supplier Covid-19 requirements update
Vendors: Please review the face covering and vaccination requirements for visitors to campus posted on the website.
November 22, 2021Face Coverings available through ShopUW+
As a reminder with the chancellor’s order requiring all students, employees, and campus visitors to wear masks when inside campus buildings effective August 5, 2021, please note that disposable face masks and cloth face coverings …
August 3, 2021- More Purchasing COVID-19 updates
Risk Management
Risk Management – Operational Update
Updated 2/3/22 – Risk Management no longer serves on the campus emergency operations committee (EOC), which has disbanded. Risk Management is mobilized both remotely and on-site to continue providing essential services to campus. We are …
March 31, 2020
No posts currently available to show
Travel and Reimbursement
Updates to university travel – Nov. 8, 2021
Effective Nov. 8, 2021, the ban on university-sponsored international travel is no longer restricted to essential activities and an exemption form is no longer needed.
November 3, 2021Significant Changes made to Travel Policy
Effective Wednesday, May 26, 2021, the ban on university-sponsored domestic travel is lifted. All such travel should follow current campus health protocols as well as CDC Domestic Travel Guidance. It is recommended that individuals delay travel until …
May 25, 2021
No posts currently available to show
Worker's Compensation
Operational Update – Worker’s Compensation
Worker’s Compensation (WC) is a State of Wisconsin statutory employee benefit program that provides payment of reasonable medical expenses and compensation for lost wages resulting from work-related injury, illness or disability. Consistent with UW-Madison’s established …
March 20, 2020
Verona Operations - MDS & SWAP
Reminder: In-person SWAP sales suspended
SWAP is not open to in-person sales, but online auction services remain available at
February 3, 2022SWAP Operation Closed
SWAP is CLOSED due to UW-Madison’s efforts to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on our community. We will post updates as more information becomes available.
March 19, 2020
Contact Information
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
List of email addresses by Topic/Area
Topic | Where to submit questions |
Account Codes | |
Accounting Services / Making Payments | |
Accounts Payable (DPs/PIRs) | |
Accounts Receivable & Billing | |
Administration, Business Services | |
Bursar’s: Accounting, Cashiering & Student Accounting | tuition@ |
Bursar’s: Student Loans | |
Capital Equipment | |
Cash Management | |
CashNet | |
Custodian Funds | |
Driver Authorization and Auto | |
Expense Reimbursement | |
Financial Internal Control | |
Gift Management | |
Inter Unit Journals | |
Journal Entry | |
PCI Compliance | |
Purchasing Card | |
Purchasing Goods & Services | |
Risk Management | |
Shared Financial System (set up) | |
Shop@UW | |
Surplus with a Purpose (SWAP) | |
SWAP Online Auction | |
Tax Compliance & Reporting | |
Training, Business Services | |
Travel | |
Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Assoc | |
Worker’s Compensation | |
Accounting Services - Capital Equipment, Cash Management, Disbursement Services, Financial Information Management, Purchasing Card, Reimbursement, Tax, and Travel
Bursar's Office
Content Management, Communications, and Training (CMCT)
Purchasing Services
Risk Management and Worker Compensation
Verona Operations - MDS & Surplus with a Purpose (SWAP)
If you can’t find what you need on this website, email