Receipt/Sales Credit Transfer Form

This form is used to distribute current year deposited receipts and sales credits to multiple lines of coding and/or for recording taxable sales. (Use this form with Department Deposit and TBA Deposit Account procedures.) Note: All revenue transfers using account code 9050 and 9051 require a program code being either 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,9,F and cannot be a program code R.

This form is used to distribute current and previous year deposited receipts and sales credits to multiple lines of coding and/or funding strings.

Download Receipt/Sales Credit Transfer Form (Excel)

Receipt/Sales Credit Transfer Form Instructions

This form is used to distribute current and previous year deposited receipts and sales credits to multiple lines of coding and/or funding strings. This form requires Departments and Dean’s Office signatures. Cash Management will collect the other signatures when they are needed.

The purpose of this form is:

  1. To distribute previously deposited receipts from a revenue clearing account to multiple lines of coding and/or department funding strings
  2. To record sales tax by county related to each sale
  3. To correct revenue entries previously recorded in error


  • All transfers require department and Dean’s Office signatures.
  • All transfers need to attach documentation to support the transfer journal.
  • For distributing from pooled revenue account, the original receipt journal ID needs to be provided.
  • For recording sales tax, time period of the sales receipts need to be provided.
  • For correcting error previously made, the original wrong journal ID needs to be provided.
  • All transfers involving Funds 133 & 144, Cash Management will work with RSP for reviewing and approval.
  • All transfers involving fund 233, Cash Management will work with Gift Management for reviewing and approval.
  • All transfers involving fund 150, Cash Management will forwarded it to Madison Budget Office at for processing.
  • All transfers involving account code 46xx, Cash Management will work with Property Control accounting team for reviewing and approval.
  • All transfers involving account code 1xxx are not allowable.
  • All transfers involving partial amounts to be subject to sales tax will require separate lines for the amount tax exempt and the taxable amount per county tax code.
  • Enter each revenue line based on what county tax code is to be used. Leave the county code field blank if the revenue line is not subject to sales tax.

Note: After completing each field of information, use the Tab key to move to the next field of information.

Completing the Receipt/Sales Credit Transfer Form
Contact Information (person completing form)
Prepared By: Enter full name of person preparing form.
Department Name: Enter full name of the Department making deposit.
Dept. ID: Enter 6-digit department identification code.
Date Prepared: Enter date form is completed on (mm/dd/yyyy).
Phone No.: Enter the preparer’s telephone number (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
E-mail: Enter the preparer’s e-mail address.
Fiscal Year: Enter the current fiscal year.
Reason for the transfer: Enter reason for transfer.
Transfer From: Funding, Amount, and Description Fields: Coding
Dept.: Enter 6-digit Division/Department ID.
Fund: Enter 3-digit Fund Code.
Prog.: Enter 1-digit Activity Code such as 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,9,F,R.
Project: Enter 7-digit Project Code.
Act ID: Leave blank.
Account: Enter 4-digit SFS Account Code (numeric numbers), 9xxx.
Tax Code Leave blank.
County Tax Code Name: Leave blank. Select county’s name from scroll down menu only if the deposit was subject to sales tax in error previously.
Amount: Enter a positive amount (debit) for revenue clearing amount, or revenue amount being moved and include the county tax code only if the original revenue was subject to sales tax, or revenue amount being recorded in error previously.
Description (30): Enter description of the original entry being moved or provide a brief description which will help you identify this transfer (max 30 alpha characters).
Bank Deposit Date mm/dd/yyyy(10): When applicable, enter the bank deposit date from WISER under “Jrnl Line Ref.”  field. This is the date that US Bank received the receipts. (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
PO# or Journal ID or Bank Dpst Acct (10): When applicable, enter PO # if the deposit is PO related vendor refund, or a journal ID related to the transaction, or the last 4 digits of the bank account number per original deposit received by US Bank (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
Check No. or Reference No. (10): When applicable, enter the check number which starts with CKxxxx or reference number in WISER which related to the original transaction.   (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
Invoice No. or Voucher ID  (12): When applicable, enter the invoice No. or voucher ID related to this original transaction.  (max 12 alpha numeric characters).
Total Deposit: Leave as is; the cell will be automatically filled based on amounts entered above.
Transfer To: Funding, Amount, and Description Fields: Coding
Dept.: Enter 6-digit Division/Department ID.
Fund: Enter 3-digit Fund Code.
Prog.: Enter 1-digit Program Code such as 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,9,F,R.
Project: Enter 7-digit Project Code.
Act ID: Leave blank.
Account: Enter 4-digit SFS account code (numeric numbers), 9xxx.
Tax Code Leave blank.
County Tax Code Name: Leave blank if a deposit is not subject to sales tax. If it is tax reportable, select county’s name from scroll down menu where the transaction was occurred.
Amount: Enter a negative amount (or credit) for revenue amount recording sales tax by county or for each transaction being redistributed to correct lines of coding/department funding strings.
Description (30): Enter the description of the original entry being moved or provide a brief description which will help you identify this transfer (max 30 alpha numeric characters).
Bank Deposit Date mm/dd/yyyy(10): When applicable, enter bank deposit date from WISER under “Jrnl Line Ref” field. This is the date that US Bank received the receipts. (Max 10 alpha numeric characters).
PO#  or Journal ID or Bank Dpst Acct (10): When applicable, enter PO # if the transaction is a refund related to the PO, or the bank account number per original deposit received by US Bank or a journal ID related to the transaction (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
Check No. or Reference No. (10): When applicable, enter the check number starts with CKxxxx or reference number in WISER which related to the transfer (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
Invoice No. or Voucher ID  (12): When applicable, enter the invoice No. or voucher ID related to the transfer (max 12 alpha numeric characters).
Total Transferred Amount Leave as is; the cell will be automatically filled based on amounts entered above.
Total per Column Leave as is; the cell will be automatically filled based on total deposits plus total transferred amount. Total per column must equal to zero.

Please keep a copy of this form in your office and send us a copy to Cash Management by one of the following methods:

  • Email with signature to Cash Management at
  • Mail with signature to 21 N. Park St. Suite 5301, Madison, WI 53715-1218

Please do not send forms directly to staff for processing.

Send questions regarding this form to Cash Management at

Note: There are many versions of Excel on campus. The forms have been developed to print on one page. If you are having problems printing, on the Excel toolbar, select File, then Page Set Up. This will open a dialog box for you to select “Fit to 1 page.” If this solution does not work, please contact your IT support person for further assistance.

Payment Notice Form

This form is used when the department knows the vendor will not invoice Accounts Payable for payment.

This form is used when the department knows the vendor will not invoice Accounts Payable for payment.

Download Payment Notice Form (Word doc)

Payment Notice Form instructions

This form should be completed and sent to Accounts Payable when you know the vendor will not invoice Accounts Payable. This form is typically used when an advance deposit or installment payment is required.

The form should be completed and sent to Accounts Payable at the address indicated on the form.

Attach one copy of any supporting documentation to the form before sending to Accounts Payable.

Make sure to note if there is any special handling required. If no special handling is indicated the check will be sent to the address listed on the original Purchase Order.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Jennifer Roltgen.

Inter-Institutional Financial Agreement (IIA)

This form is used to account for inter-institutional financial transactions and/or when making payments for personal services involving an individual who holds a concurrent appointment at another UW institution.

This form is used to account for inter-institutional financial transactions and/or when making payments for personal services involving an individual who holds a concurrent appointment at another UW institution.

View Inter-Institutional Financial Agreement (IIA) Form on the UWSA website

The Accounting Services department needs to sign as the Authorized Institution Rep. Once all signatures are obtained, Accounting Services requires a copy of the agreement.

Related resources

Interdepartmental Billing Form (New FY2011)

Replaces the Interdepartmental Billing and Invoice Transfer Forms. This form is used for a department billing for goods or services it has provided. This form is used for miscellaneous billings.

This form is used for a department billing for goods or services it has provided.

Download the Interdepartmental Billing Form (Excel)

Inter Departmental Billing Form Instructions

(Last updated: February 8, 2010)

Please take a minute to review the instructions to reduce errors, prevent send backs, and expedite the processing of these forms.

  • Departments may complete an Interdepartmental Billing Form to transfer money for goods and services being billed to another UW-Madison department.
  • Do NOT use this form to:
    • Process honorariums or other overload payments for faculty and staff—payments that should be processed through payroll or involve a 1099 to document income
    • Pay third party student tuition payments.

Steps to complete the form

  1. Complete the three required fields in the top section of the form.
    • Prepared By
    • Department Name and #
    • Phone #
    • Other billing details, Email Address, Date of Request, Fiscal Year, and Billing Details are optional
  2. Enter the appropriate coding string in the Debit and Credit sections of the form. Note: Only one line for each coding string is necessary unless you wish to see details in WISDM.
    • 6-digit Dept ID
    • 3-digit Fund
    • 1-digit Program
    • Payments involving projects include a 7-digit Project code
    • 4-digit Account code
    • 5-digit Class (Bldg#) — optional
  3. Fill out the rest of the fields in the main body of the form.
    • Amount—form will format number as positive (+) for Debit and negative (-) for Credit
    • Description — displays in WISDM (e.g., Copy Charges for October)
    • Journal Ref — optional
    • Reference # — optional; some departments use for internal reference number
    • Voucher ID — optional
    • Invoice # — optional; some departments choose to attach an invoice and reference the number
  4. The form is formatted to automatically calculate the Total Debits and Total Credits fields.
    • The amount fields are already formatted to display dollar signs, commas, and plus/minus signs so there is no need to enter them.
    • Check to ensure the Total Credits field is a negative (-) number.
  5. If you run out of room, insert more rows.
    • The “Add Debit Row” and “Add Credit Row” buttons are macros and may not function in newer versions of Excel for the PC or Mac.
    • Use Insert>Row options from the menu if the buttons do not work.
  6. Print the form and send a hardcopy to Accounting Services, 21 N. Park, Suite 5301.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Disbursement Services.

Events – Participant List

Formatted participant list for use with event forms or payment/reimbursment mechanism for meals, refreshments, reception costs where a list of participants is required for payment.

Formatted participant list for use with event forms or payment/reimbursment mechanism for meals, refreshments, reception costs where a list of participants is required for payment.

Download Events – Participant List Form

Department Change Request Form

This form is used to create, delete and/or replace, and change a department's accounting structure by unit, department, and subdepartment. Additions and changes require the name, activities, budget classes, and funding by budget year (formerly UDDS Action Request Form).

This form is used to create, delete and/or replace, and change a department’s accounting structure by unit, department, and sub-department.

Download Department Change Request Form (PDF)

Department Change Request Form Instructions

Complete the appropriate sections and submit per the instructions on the form.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to