Check Deposit Form

This form is used for check deposits only.

This form is used for check deposits only, and checks are to be deposited within 5 business days.

Download Check Deposit Form (Excel – xlsx)

Per Wisconsin State Statutes, (Chap. 20.906 Wis. Statutes), all payments/receipts collected or received are to be deposited within 5 business days.

For cash deposits, use the Cash Only Deposit Form.

Check deposits relate to customer payments for sale of goods/services, vendor payments for rebates, duplicate payments, reimbursement of travel, over payments, and/or returned merchandise.

Note: If the check has a UW–Madison logo with the address of 21 N. Park St, Suite 5301, void the check by writing “void” on the check. Send the voided check to: Accounting Services, File Room, 21 N. Park St, Suite 5301, Madison, WI 53715 for cancellation.

Attach the checks to the Check Deposit form and deliver or send to Cash Management.

Cash Management
21 N. Park St., Suite 5301
Madison, WI 53715-1218

All receipts/payments from customers/vendors belong to the University of Wisconsin–Madison. These receipts/payments may not be deposited with the University of Wisconsin Foundation or to an individual’s private bank account. Receipts/payments may not be deposited into the University’s replenishable/contingent bank accounts, including petty cash accounts and custodian fund checking accounts; or be used to purchases supplies or services.

Departments that collect a large number of checks can help avoid theft or loss by making deposits daily or multiple times during the week using sealable, plastic bank bags and deposit slips. These bank bags with deposit slips can be either dropped off at an armored cars stop or dropped off directly at a US Bank site. All plastic bank bags must be sealed and provide the following information: your name, phone number, email, and Dept. ID (6-digit code), and your department’s full name. Plastic bank bags and deposit slips are provided by Cash Management; you can order them using the Order Bank Deposit Slip Order Form and Plastic Bank Bag Order Form.

Completing the Check Deposit Form


  • If the receipt relates to a refund of expenditure, please use the same funding string used for the original expenditure.
  • If the original expenditure this refund is related to was to an individual or entity that is different than the individual or entity who wrote this check, then the original charge needs to be credited off the award to a discretionary account and this check needs to be deposited into that same discretionary account.
  • For deposits relating to prior year Fund 101 expenditures, use the following funding string: Fund 131, Project 131A006, account code 9209.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Funds 133 and 144 must be submitted with a WISPER form to be reviewed and approved by Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) located at 21 N. Park St., Suite 6301, Madison, WI 53715.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Funds 233 must be submitted with a gift routing form and donor intent documentation.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Fund 161 must be submitted to UW Systems for deposit at 780 Regent St, Suite 305, Attn: Trust Fund Office.
  • All deposits using account code 9050 and 9051 require a program code to be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or F.
  • The Tax Code field is used to calculate sales tax and can only be selected for account codes beginning with 9XXX.

Note: After filling in each field, use the tab key to move to the next field.

Contact Information (person completing form)
Prepared By: Enter full name of person preparing form.
Department Name: Enter full name of the department making deposit.
Dept ID: Enter 6-digit department identification code.
Date: Enter date the form is completed.
Phone No.: Enter the preparer’s telephone number (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
E-mail: Enter the preparer’s e-mail address.
No. of Checks Enter the number of all checks being deposited with this form
Receipt Box: Check box if check deposits relate to customer payments for sale of goods/services
Refund of Expense box: Check box if the check deposits relate to customer payments for vendor payments for rebates, duplicated payments, reimbursement of travel, over payments, and/or returned merchandise.
Reason for Deposit: Enter reason for the deposit.
Funding, Amount, and Description Fields: Funding Fields: Using funding codes and strings
Dept: Enter 6-digit Division/Department ID.
Fund: Enter 3-digit Fund ID.
Prog: Enter 1-digit Activity Code such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, F, R.
Project: Enter 7-digit Project ID
Act ID: Leave blank
Account: Enter 4-digit SFS account code (numeric numbers).
County Tax Code Name: The Tax Code field is used to calculate sales tax and can only be selected for account codes beginning with 9XXX. If sales tax applies to sale, pick the county tax name which relates to the sale from drop down list.
Amount: Enter gross amount of deposit relating to the funding line as a negative amount (credit).  Remember to enter the amount as a number, no commas, followed by a decimal point for the cents.
Description: Enter the customer name followed by brief describe which will help you identify this deposit (max 30 alpha numeric characters).
PO No. or Journal ID: When applicable, enter the PO or Journal ID related to this deposit (max 10 alpha numeric characters). For vendor refunds, enter PO number.
Check No. : Enter the check number of the deposited check (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
Invoice No. or Voucher ID When applicable, enter the Invoice No. related to this deposit (max 12 alpha numeric characters) or Voucher ID for vendor refund.
Total Deposit Leave as is; will auto fill based on amounts entered above.
Preparer’s Signature: All forms must be signed by the preparer.
Department Approval: All forms must have department’s supervisor signature, date, printed name, and phone number.
Received by Cash Management: Leave as is; Cash Management will date stamp report when received.

Email questions about this form to

Incoming Payment via Wire/ACH Form

This form is used when a department is expecting an Incoming International or Domestic Wire or ACH. All incoming Wire/ACH deposits must be supported by invoices and/or supporting documents describing what the money is for.

Note: If you need our bank deposit information, please contact Cash Management.

Use this form when a department is expecting an Incoming International or Domestic Wire or ACH. All incoming Wire/ACH deposits must be supported by invoices and/or supporting documents describing what the money is for.

Download Incoming Payment via Wire/ACH Form (PDF)

Contact Cash Management with questions.

Check Action Form

This form is to request a Proof of Payment, Cancelled Draft, or Stop Payment for non-payroll checks.

The purpose of this form is to request a stop payment with reissue, a stop payment without reissue, or proof of payment or copy of cashed check for any Disbursements payment.

Access Check Action Form in ShopUW+

Finding the Check Action Form Form in ShopUW+

  1. After you Login, Click on “Shop” on the left-hand side.
  2. Next, click on “Shopping” in the fly-out menu
  3. Click “View Favorites”. You will see all the forms you have access to in ShopUW+. If you need access to a form that is not listed please contact,

Screenshot of ShopUW+ Forms

Bank Deposit Slip Order Form

Used for departments and divisions collecting large sums of money and/or frequently collecting money who currently have their own bank deposit slips.

Used for departments and divisions collecting large sums of money and/or frequently collecting money who currently have their own bank deposit slips.

Download Bank Deposit Slip Order Form (PDF)

Form Instructions

The Bank Deposit Slip Order Form is used to order bank deposit slips for those departments/divisions who have already set up their own bank deposit slips or would like their own deposit slips because they receive large sums of money and/or frequently collect money throughout the year. If you currently do not have your own deposit ticket, contact your Dean’s/Divisional office for approval and forward this approval to Cash Management at If you are already considered a Dean’s/Divisional office, then contact Cash Management directly at

Remember: Reorder before current stock is out. Allow four weeks for delivery.

According to State statutes, all revenue generated as a result of the sale of University goods or services belongs to the University. This revenue must be deposited into the University Deposit Account and recorded on the University’s accounting system. The statutes require that deposits be made at least once a week.

This revenue may not be deposited with the University of Wisconsin Foundation or to an individual’s private bank account. It may not be deposited directly into the University’s replenishable bank accounts, including petty cash accounts and Custodian Fund. Revenue collected is not to be used to making purchases of supplies, equipment, or services.

Bank Deposit Slip How-To and Process

If your department collects large sums of money and/or frequently collects money, deposit tickets, contact your Dean’s/Divisional office for approval and forward this approval to Cash Management at If you are already considered a Dean’s/Divisional office, then contact Cash Management at Once your department is approved for preparing your own deposits, complete the Bank Deposit Slip form and submit to Cash Management.

  1. Order deposit tickets
    • Cash Management will work with the bank to order your deposit tickets.
    • These deposit tickets are sent directly to you from the bank.
    • Please allow four weeks for delivery and make sure your address is a US Post Office address.
  2. Order plastic bank bags
    • In addition to deposit slips, plastic bank bags will also need to be ordered through the Plastic Bank Bag Form.
    • Please allow three weeks for delivery of the bank bags from Cash Management.
  3. Set an armored car pick up

Completing the Bank Deposit Slip Order Form

New Request: Select “Yes” if this is a new request, otherwise select “No”.
Reordering Deposit Tickets: Select “Yes” if this is a reorder, otherwise select “No”. If reordering deposit tickets, email a copy of the deposit ticket to Cash Management.
Division/Dept ID: Enter 6-digit department identification code.
Department Name: Enter full name of the Department making the deposit.
Campus Address (Line 1): Enter campus street addresss followed by suite or unit number. Address must be recognized by the US Postal Service.
Address (Line 2): Enter PO Box if applicable.
Address (Line 3): Enter additional address information if applicable.
City: Enter city name.
State: Enter two-letter state abbreviation.
Zip: Enter zip or postal code.
Last Four Digits of Deposit Bank Account: If known, enter the last four digits of the bank account this deposit ticket will be made to.
Reference Number on Deposit Ticket: Enter 6-digit Department ID that will uniquely identify from other deposit slips.
Quantity to Order: Select either 150, 300, 600, 900 or 1200 to indicate the number of deposit slips to order.
Accounting Details (financial clearing account where deposits are posted to)
Dept: Enter 6-digit Department ID.
Fund: Enter 3-digit Fund.
Prog: Enter 1-digit Activity Code, such as, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,F,R.
Proj: Enter 7-digit Project that will either start with the 3-digit Fund or 3 alpha characters followed by a sequence of four numeric characters or 4 alphanumeric characters.
Account: Enter 4-digit SFS Account Code (should be numeric numbers that start with the number 9 indicating revenue).
Contact Information
Contact Name: Enter full name of contact person.
Contact Phone: Enter the contact telephone number (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
Contact FAX: Enter the contact FAX number (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
Contact E-mail: Enter the contact e-mail address.
Information on drop off site for armored car pickup.
Department: Enter department where the armored car pick up site is located.
Address: Enter the address of the armored car pick up site.
Hit <Submit> Button Information on this form will be e-mailed to Cash Management. A confirmation for this request will be sent within two business days.


Armored Car Service Change/Request

Use this form when armored car sites are requesting changes of services for removing stops, increasing stops, changing time, changing location, changing contact information, and requesting new services. A minimum of a two-day notice to Cash Management of both temporary or permanent changes. Each site requires a safe approved by Risk Management.

Use this form when armored car sites are requesting changes of services for removing stops, increasing stops, changing time, changing location, changing contact information, and requesting new services. A minimum of a two-day notice to Cash Management of both temporary or permanent changes. Each site requires a safe approved by Risk Management.

Download Armored Car Service Change/Request Form (PDF)

How to notify Cash Management of Armored Car Service Changes

Requesting changes of services for extended period of time

  • Complete the Armored Car Service Change Request Form (linked above) and submit as indicated on the form.

Canceling armored car service

  • Send an email to Cash Management ( at least two (2) business days in advance of dates being canceled. If no notice is sent to Cash Management, your department may be charged for the armored car services fee.

Reviews and revisions

  • Cash Management reviews and approves these requests before changes occur with the armored car services.
  • If a request needs to be revised, Cash Management will contact the preparer of these forms to come up with an armored car service plan which will work for both the location and campus as a whole.

Contact Cash Management with questions.

Outgoing Wire Order Forms

Use this form to complete an Outgoing Wire or Draft payment.

Use these forms to pay a vendor or other service provider via wire transfer check.

Download the Outgoing Wire Form (PDF)

Outgoing wire form instructions

The completed Outgoing Wire Form should be attached to your Expense Request and sent to Accounts Payable for review and approval. Wire transfers should primarily be used to pay an international vendor or other service provider. A wire transfer should only be used to pay a domestic (within the USA) vendor or service provider because an ACH is not timely; this should be a one-time solution.

If the banking information of the beneficiary is not listed on the invoice, please include the original source of the banking information entered on this form as supporting documentation (i.e. copy of email from the beneficiary).

Contact with any questions regarding the form or the status of your wire transfer.

Wire transfer information

Payment amount: List the amount due and the currency as agreed upon per the vendor’s invoice or other agreement. Any conversion of funds to a different currency will be completed by Cash Management at the time the wire transfer is completed.
Routing number/ABA: A 9-digit number used to identify a domestic (within the USA) financial institution. Not required for foreign banks.
Bank name: Name of the financial institution where the funds will be deposited.
Bank address, city, state, zip Code, country: Physical location of the bank of the beneficiary’s bank.
Beneficiary/Name on bank account: Exact name on the beneficiary’s bank account as identified by the bank.
Beneficiary account number: The bank account number of the beneficiary or account holder.
Beneficiary address, city, state, zip Code, country: Physical location of the vendor or the beneficiary’s residence.
Reference for beneficiary: Invoice information for the vendor to be able to identify the payment (25-character limit).

Additional information required for international wires

Payment currency: Select the currency the wire transfer should be completed in.
**List of currency types available to process wire transfer payments

SWIFT code: An international bank code that is 8 or 11 characters and identifies a particular bank worldwide. It is also known as a Bank Identification Code (BIC).

Payments to the European Union

  • IBAN: An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is a standard international numbering system used for bank accounts held at banks in countries in the European Union.

Payments to Mexico

  • CLABE Number: An 18-digit number that is a banking standard used by bank accounts held at banks in Mexico.

Payments to Canada

  • Account Number: A 7-digit number. May be 12-digits if combined with transit number.
  • Transit Number: A 5-digit number.
  • Bank/Institution Number: A 3-digit number.

Payments to India

  • IFSC: An Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an 11-digit alphanumeric code which is used to identify the bank branch of a bank account held in India. The structure of an IFSC is 4 letters followed by 7 numbers.

Intermediary bank information

This information is not required for all wire transfers. The beneficiary will provide this information if it is needed to complete the wire transfer and will only apply if we are sending US Dollars internationally.

Intermediary US Bank Name: Third-party bank within the US used to facilitate the international transfer of US Dollars to a foreign bank. Not required.
Intermediary US SWIFT Code: An international bank code that is 8 or 11 characters and identifies a particular bank worldwide. It is also known as a Bank Identification Code (BIC). Not required.

Funding string for bank fee

Provide the full funding string for your department to which the wire processing fee should be charged.

Include each of the following elements: Account (default 2623), Fund, Department, Program, and Project (if applicable).

Type of wire transfer Amount of fee
International Transfer in Foreign Currency $0.00 (No Fee)
International Transfer in US Dollars $16.00
Domestic Transfer in US Dollars $2.25

Approval and acknowledgement

Preparer name: Name of UW–Madison employee who prepared the form

Inter-departmental billing

Form and instructions for a UW-Madison department to pay or bill other UW-Madison departments for goods and services.

Form and instructions for a UW-Madison department to pay or bill other UW-Madison departments for goods and services.

Download Interdepartmental Billing Form (XLS)

  1. Complete the four required fields in the top section of the form.
    • Prepared By
    • Department Name and #
    • Phone #
    • Billing Details
    • Email Address, Date of Request, and Fiscal Year are optional.
  2. Enter the appropriate coding string in the Debit and Credit sections of the form. Note: Only one line for each coding string is necessary unless you wish to see details in WISDM.
    • 6-digit Dept ID
    • 3-digit Fund
    • 1-digit Program
    • Payments involving projects include a 7-digit Project code
    • 4-digit Account code
    • 5-digit Class (Bldg#) — optional
  3. Fill out the rest of the fields in the main body of the form. These will display in WISDM/WISER.
    • Amount — Enter number as positive (+) for Debit and negative (-) for Credit. Debit the department paying for the good or service and Credit the department receiving funds for the good or service.
    • Description — displays in WISDM (e.g., Copy Charges for October)
      • Do not enter any sensitive information. For example “health insurance payment for Last Name, First Name”.
    • Journal Ref (10 character max) — optional
    • Reference # (10 character max) — optional; some departments use for internal reference number
    • Voucher ID (10 character max) — optional
    • Invoice # (12 character max) — optional; some departments choose to attach an invoice and reference the number
  4. The form is formatted to automatically calculate the Total Debits and Total Credits fields.
    • The amount fields are already formatted to display dollar signs, commas, and plus/minus signs.
      Check to ensure the Total Credits field is a negative (-) number.
  5. If you run out of room, insert more rows.
    • The “Add Debit Row” and “Add Credit Row” buttons are macros and may not function in all versions of Excel for the PC or Mac.
      • Use Insert > Row options from the menu if the buttons do not work.
    • For transactions with many rows, enter line information on the JET JRB Upload Template and include the upload file when submitting the form
  6. Email the form and supporting documentation to Accounting Services at
    • Department submitting form is responsible for records retention of source documentation.
      • Supporting documentation will be attached to the journal and viewable in WISDM. For example an invoice, internal work order, etc.
      • Records retention is the fiscal year of creation + six years.  After that, it can be destroyed.
    • Questions regarding this form can be directed to
  7. Payment is made with a journal entry starting with JRB.