Collections Request Form

Use this form to submit an account to a Collection Agency.

Use this form to submit an account to a Collection Agency.

Download Collections Request (doc)


  1. Complete appropriate sections of the form, including deposit coding and expenditure coding.
  2. Submit form with two copies of the original invoice and two copies of any follow-up correspondence and route to the address at the bottom of form.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Janet Hamm.

Claim Unidentified Deposits Form

This form is used for claiming or excepting funds on the Unidentified Deposit List. Email it as an attached excel form to Cash Management along with supporting documents.

Use this form for claiming or excepting funds on the Unidentified Deposit List.

Instructions on how to claim unidentified deposits

  1. Review the Unidentified Deposit List.
  2. Identify receipt belonging to your department/division.
  3. Claim the receipt by completing the Unidentified Deposits: Jet Upload Form (Excel) along with submitting supporting documentation to claim the receipt. See steps 4 through 6 below.
  4. Complete the Unidentified Deposit Jet Upload Form using the Unidentified Deposit List Check issuer’s name and Wire/ACH Originator’s Name, Bank Deposit Date, PO No., Check No. (if applicable), Invoice No., and Journal ID.
    • For each receipt claimed, include the department ID (required), fund (required), program code (required), project (if applicable), account (required), tax code (if applicable), amount, PO number (if applicable) and invoice number (if applicable).
    • On the bottom of the form, enter your name, department name, 6 digit Department ID, phone number, and email.
    • Check reason for receiving funds by checking the type of receipts/processes which apply these checks, wires and/or ACH deposits.
  5. Provide supporting documents to claim the receipt. See examples below:
    • Receipt for accounts receivable invoice – copy of invoice(s).
    • Receipt for services/products – information on the type of services/products provided and copy of sales receipt (if available).
    • Receipt of fees – information on the type of fee and copy of sales receipt (if available).
    • Receipt for down payment – information on type of down payment and copy of sales receipt (if available).
    • Receipt for tuition – information on type of tuition and a copy of the tuition invoice(s).
    • Receipt of sponsored project/program – correspondence requesting receipt and/or agreement(s) with the sponsors.
    • Vender Refund related – copy of expenditure transaction in WISER and if applicable the accounts payable voucher and check number.
    • Purchase Order related – copy of purchase order funding in WISER.
    • Purchasing Card related – copy of purchasing card transaction in WISER.
    • Travel Reimbursement – copy of travel expense funding in WISER.
  6. Send email to Cash Management and CC your Dean’s Office contact along with attaching the Unidentified Deposit Jet Upload Form as an excel file and the supporting documentation.
  7. Please contact Cash Management if you have any questions.

Note: Your Dean’s Office/Division Office and Cash Management reserves the right to review and approve your requests to claim this money.

Cash Only Deposit Form

This form is used for cash deposits only. These deposits are hand delivered to the Bursars Office in a sealed envelope at 333 East Campus Mall # 10501. Cash deposits cannot be mailed or delivered through campus mail. These cash deposits relate to customer payments for the sale of goods/services, vendor payments for rebates, duplicated payments, reimbursement of travel, over payments, and/or returned merchandise.

This form is used for cash deposits only.

Download Cash Only Deposit Form (Excel)

Per Wisconsin State Statutes, (Chap. 20.906 Wis. Statutes), all payments/receipts collected or received are to be deposited within 5 business days.

The Bursar’s Office is cashless and does not accept cash deposits. Departments are responsible for depositing all cash collected or received with US Bank directly within the time frame established by Wisconsin State Statute 20.906.

All moneys collected or received from customers or vendors of the University of Wisconsin–Madison (the University) belong to the University. These moneys may not be deposited with the University of Wisconsin Foundation or to an individual’s private bank account. Moneys collected or received may not be deposited into the University’s replenishable/contingent bank accounts, including petty cash accounts and custodian fund checking accounts, or be used to purchase supplies or services.

To avoid theft or loss, it is recommended departments deposit cash at a US Bank branch multiple times a week; however, collected or received cash must be deposited weekly at a minimum. Cash deposits must be hand delivered to a US Bank branch; they cannot be mailed to US Bank. Departments are expected to ensure appropriate cash handling procedures, management oversight and internal controls (for example separation of duties) are in place over cash deposits. 

Deposit procedures

Follow the deposit procedures below to ensure funds are deposited appropriately and are timely posted to your department’s funding string:

Recurring cash deposits

Order US Bank deposit tickets and plastic bank bags from UW Cash Management to make these deposits directly at a US Bank branch. These deposits will be coded to your department clearing account. 

One-off cash deposit

  • Deposit cash at a US Bank branch with a generic deposit ticket containing UW–Madison banking details. (Please request banking details from UW Cash Management at, as these are not published.) Email a completed Cash Only Deposit Form to, which will ensure cash is coded to the appropriate accounting string.

Completing the Cash Only Deposit Form


  • If the receipt relates to a refund of an expenditure, use the same funding string used for the original expenditure.
  • For deposits relating to prior year Fund 101 expenditures, use the following funding string: Fund 131, Project 131A006, account code 9209.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Funds 233 must be submitted with a gift routing form and donor intent documentation.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Fund 161 must be submitted to UW System for deposit at 780 Regent St, Suite 305, Attn: Trust Fund Office
  • All deposits using account code 9050 and 9051 require a program code to be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or F.
  • The Tax Code field is used to calculate sales tax and can only be selected for account codes beginning with 9XXX.

Note: After filling in each field, use the tab key to move to the next field.

Contact Information (person completing form)
Prepared By: Enter full name of person preparing form.
Department Name: Enter full name of the department making deposit.
Dept ID: Enter 6-digit department identification code.
Date: Enter date the form is completed.
Phone No.: Enter the preparer’s telephone number (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
Email: Enter the preparer’s e-mail address.
Receipt Box: Check the box if the deposits relate to customer payments for the sale of goods/services
Refund of Expense Box: Check the box if the deposit relates to vendor payments for rebates, duplicated payments, reimbursement of travel, over payments, and/or returned merchandise.
Reason for Deposit: Enter reason for the deposit.
Funding, Amount, and Description Fields: Funding Fields: Codes
Dept: Enter 6-digit Division/Department ID.
Fund: Enter 3-digit Fund ID.
Prog: Enter 1-digit Activity Code either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, F, R.
Project: Enter 7-digit Project ID which will start with “PRJ” followed by a sequence of 4 alphanumeric characters or start with the 3-digit Fund Code.
Act ID: Leave blank
Account: Enter 4-digit SFS account code (numeric numbers).
County Tax Code Name: The Tax Code field is used to calculate sales tax and can only be selected for account codes beginning with 9XXX. If sales tax applies to sale, pick the county name which relates to the sale from drop down list.
Amount: Enter gross amount of deposit relating to the funding line as a negative amount (credit).  Remember to enter the amount as a number, no commas, followed by a decimal point for the cents.
Description: Enter the customer/vendor name followed by brief describe which will help you identify this deposit (max 30 alpha numeric characters).
PO No. or Journal No.: When applicable, enter the PO or Journal ID related to this deposit (max 10 alpha numeric characters). For vendor refunds, enter PO number.
Voucher No.: For vendor refunds, enter the Voucher ID in WISER which relates to this refund (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
Invoice No.: When applicable, enter the Invoice No. related to this deposit (max 12 alpha numeric characters).
Total Deposit: Leave as is; will auto fill based on amounts entered above.
Currency section: Enter the number of coins/dollars per each currency type. Total currency must equal total deposit.
Preparer’s Signature: All forms must be signed by the preparer.
Department Approvals: All forms must have the department’s supervisor signature, date, printed name and phone number.
Received by Cash Management: Leave as is; Cash Management will put initials and date when received.

Email questions about this form to

Bank Account Website Access

Used by Dean's Office/Departments/PI's having Custodian Fund or Contingent bank accounts. This website will give the capability of balance inquiry, stop payments, and monthly bank statements.

Dean’s Office/Departments/PI’s having Custodian Fund or Contingent bank accounts complete this form to have access to their bank account website. The bank account site will give the capability of balance inquiry, stop payments, and monthly bank statements.

Download Bank Account Website Access (Excel Doc)

Send signed, electronic copies to

Send any reactivation and password request to

Accounts Receivable Invoice Form

This form is used when campus departments need to bill an entity outside of the University for services or product.

This form is used when campus departments need to bill an entity outside of the University for services or product.

Download Accounts Receivable Invoice Form (Excel)

Form instructions

Based on the State statutes, all accounts receivable receipts received from customers belong to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. These payments may not be deposited with the University of Wisconsin Foundation or to an individual’s private bank account. It may not be deposited directly into the University’s imprest accounts, including petty cash accounts and Custodian Fund checking accounts; nor may it be used to make direct purchases of supplies. State statutes require receipts to be deposited at least once a week into a UW-Madison deposit bank account only.

If your Department has adequate separation of duties between the staff person entering accounts receivable payments and the staff person making the deposits, then please check with your Dean’s/Divisional Office for approval to collect receipts direct from your customers and to make your own deposits. Remember to make all deposits daily or at least once a week. Once approved by your Dean’s Office, follow the procedures at UW-3029 Revenue Accounting under “How can I set up a deposit procedure for our department?” (Section III).

If your Department is considering using Accounting Services as the collection point for your customer invoice deposits, please follow the procedure below:

  • Review options with your Dean’s/Divisional Office and Cash Management before using Cash Management as a collection point for your customer Accounts Receivable invoices.
  • Make sure your Dean’s/Divisional Office and Cash Management have approved your department for using Cash Management as a collection point for your customer Accounts Receivable invoices.
  • Make sure your customers send their payments directly to Cash Management, Suite 5301, 21 N. Park Street for deposit.
  • Use the Cash Management Accounts Receivable Invoice template and make sure Cash Management approves your final design and coding structure.

Things to remember

  • Check with your Dean’s/Divisional Office and Department to receive information on internal policies and procedures related to revenue collections.
  • Your Department is responsible for follow-up and collection on all unpaid invoices from your customers.
  • Request payments to be submitted in US dollars (foreign currency payments are not accepted).
  • If using Cash Management as the collection point for your customer payments, please make sure the customer sends the payment directly to Cash Management at 21 N. Park Street, Suite 5301. If customer sends payments back to your address, then either request a Bank Deposit Slip Order Form from Cash Management to make your own bank deposits or submit checks on a Receipt/Sales Credit Transfer Form.
  • If your customers would like to pay online, please see UW-Madison CASHNet to set up a web application.
  • If your customer is asking to make payments by Wire/ACH, instruct them to include your Department ID and Invoice number in the Wire/ACH reference/memo field (field is 25 characters long). See “Incoming Wire Form” for instructions on notifying Cash Management and requesting bank information. Use the memo field on the bottom of the incoming wire form to request bank information for routing and bank account number to inform your customer where to send payments electronically. Please do not put this information on the invoice.
  • Any revenue deposits involving Funds 133, 144, or 182, which do not use account code 9050, 9051, 9060, 9061, and 9062, please submitted to Research and Sponsored Programs at 21 N. Park Street, Suite 6401, Madison, WI  53715.
  • Any revenue deposits involving Funds 233 which do not use account code 9050, 9051, 9060, 9061, and 9062, please submit to Accounting Services at 21 N. Park Street, Suite 5301, Madison, WI 53715.
  • All deposits using account code 9050 through 9062 require a program code being either 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,9,F and cannot be a program code R.
  • All deposits involving Fund 161 require detail backup and must be submitted directly to University of Wisconsin System Trust Funds, 780 Regent Street, Madison, WI 53715; ATTN Trust Funds.

Note: After completing each field of information, use the tab key to move to the next field of information.

Setting up the Accounts Receivable Invoice Form

Contact Information (person completing form)
Letter Head Use the UW-Madison approved logo.  Header of all accounts receivable invoices would say “University of Wisconsin – Madison”
Department Information: Enter your Department Name and address.
Dept ID: Enter 6-digit Department ID.
Invoice No: Enter invoice number up to 12 digits long.
Date: Enter date the invoice is prepared.
Bill to: Enter the complete Customer Address. This area can be moved on the form to either the right or left side so it can easily be fitted into a window envelop.
Ship to: Include this section on invoice only if the ship to address will be different than the bill to address.
Work Order No: Keep on form only if you use this field.
Ship Date: Keep on form only if you ship product to your customer.
Description: Describe products and/or services being billed.
Quantity: Keep on form only if products and/or services are sold in quantity.
Rate: Keep on form only if products and/or services are charged by standard rate times the quantity.
Amount: Will auto fill if both quantity and rate column are used. Otherwise, enter amount of each product and/or service being billed.
Invoice Amount before Tax: Leave as is. Amount will auto fill based on amounts entered above.
Tax Due: Leave as is. Amount will auto fill based on financial details submitted in the section called University Use Only.
Total Invoiced: Leave as is. Amount will auto fill based on Invoice amount before tax plus tax due.
Department Contact: Enter department contact name.
Department Phone No: Enter the department’s contact 10-digit phone number.
Department e-mail: Enter the department’s contact e-mail address.
Tax Due: Leave as is. Amount will auto fill based on financial details submitted in the section called University Use Only.
Total Invoiced: Leave as is. Amount will auto fill based on invoice amount plus tax due.

University use only

Dept: Enter 6-digit Department ID.
Fund: Enter 3-digit Fund ID.
Prog: Enter 1-digit program code such as 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,9,F,R.
Project: If applicable, enter 7-digit Project ID.
Act ID: Leave blank
Account: Enter 4-digit SFS account code.
Tax Code: Leave as is. Amount will auto fill based on selection made in the “County Tax Code Name” column.
County Tax Code Name: If sales tax applies to sale, pick the county tax name which relates to the sale from drop down list.
Total Invoiced: Leave as is. Amount will auto fill.
Invoice Number Leave as is. Amount will auto fill based on “Invoice No” field above.

Please keep a copy of this form in your office and send the original form to the Cash Management, 21 N. Park Street, Suite 5301. Please review WISDM daily to determine if customers have submitted payment.  Payments will be posted to WISDM using financial coding provided on invoice, invoice number will be in the description field and the check number will be in the reference field. Accounting Services will return paid invoices by campus mail to those who have submitted invoice forms to Accounting Services before receipt of customer payments.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Cash Management.

Note: There are many versions of Excel on campus. The forms have been developed to print on one page. If you are having problems printing, on the Excel toolbar, select File, then Page Set Up. This will open a dialog box for you to select “Fit to 1 page.” If this solution does not work, please contact your IT support person for further assistance.

Calculating Gross Sales based on Net Sale Information
(Use for Dane County and all other counties, except for Sales Tax Exception A, B, & C below)
Net Sale Results
Known: Amount of Net Sale
Unknown: Amount of Gross Sale
Calc for Gross Sale
(Net Sale X 1.055)
Gross Sale
Sales Tax “Exception A” Calculation
(Use for Milwaukee, Ozaukee, and Washington Counties)
Net Sale Results
Known: Amount of Net Sale
Unknown: Amount of the Gross Sale
Calc for Gross Sale
(Net Sales X 1.060)
Gross Sale
Sales Tax “Exception B” Calculation
(Use for Racine and Waukesha Counties)
Net Sale Results
Known: Amount of Net Sale
Unknown: Amount of Gross Sale
Calc for Gross Sale
(Net Sales X 1.051)
Gross Sale

Sales Tax “Exception C” Calculation
(Use for Calumet, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Menominee, Outagamie, Sheboygan, and Winnebago Counties)Net SaleResults

Known: Amount of Net Sale
Unknown: Amount of Gross Sale
Calc for Gross Sale
(Net Sales X 1.050)
Gross Sale

Related documents

Check Deposit Form

This form is used for check deposits only.

This form is used for check deposits only, and checks are to be deposited within 5 business days.

Download Check Deposit Form (Excel – xlsx)

Per Wisconsin State Statutes, (Chap. 20.906 Wis. Statutes), all payments/receipts collected or received are to be deposited within 5 business days.

For cash deposits, use the Cash Only Deposit Form.

Check deposits relate to customer payments for sale of goods/services, vendor payments for rebates, duplicate payments, reimbursement of travel, over payments, and/or returned merchandise.

Note: If the check has a UW–Madison logo with the address of 21 N. Park St, Suite 5301, void the check by writing “void” on the check. Send the voided check to: Accounting Services, File Room, 21 N. Park St, Suite 5301, Madison, WI 53715 for cancellation.

Attach the checks to the Check Deposit form and deliver or send to Cash Management.

Cash Management
21 N. Park St., Suite 5301
Madison, WI 53715-1218

All receipts/payments from customers/vendors belong to the University of Wisconsin–Madison. These receipts/payments may not be deposited with the University of Wisconsin Foundation or to an individual’s private bank account. Receipts/payments may not be deposited into the University’s replenishable/contingent bank accounts, including petty cash accounts and custodian fund checking accounts; or be used to purchases supplies or services.

Departments that collect a large number of checks can help avoid theft or loss by making deposits daily or multiple times during the week using sealable, plastic bank bags and deposit slips. These bank bags with deposit slips can be either dropped off at an armored cars stop or dropped off directly at a US Bank site. All plastic bank bags must be sealed and provide the following information: your name, phone number, email, and Dept. ID (6-digit code), and your department’s full name. Plastic bank bags and deposit slips are provided by Cash Management; you can order them using the Order Bank Deposit Slip Order Form and Plastic Bank Bag Order Form.

Completing the Check Deposit Form


  • If the receipt relates to a refund of expenditure, please use the same funding string used for the original expenditure.
  • If the original expenditure this refund is related to was to an individual or entity that is different than the individual or entity who wrote this check, then the original charge needs to be credited off the award to a discretionary account and this check needs to be deposited into that same discretionary account.
  • For deposits relating to prior year Fund 101 expenditures, use the following funding string: Fund 131, Project 131A006, account code 9209.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Funds 133 and 144 must be submitted with a WISPER form to be reviewed and approved by Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) located at 21 N. Park St., Suite 6301, Madison, WI 53715.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Funds 233 must be submitted with a gift routing form and donor intent documentation.
  • Any revenue deposits related to Fund 161 must be submitted to UW Systems for deposit at 780 Regent St, Suite 305, Attn: Trust Fund Office.
  • All deposits using account code 9050 and 9051 require a program code to be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or F.
  • The Tax Code field is used to calculate sales tax and can only be selected for account codes beginning with 9XXX.

Note: After filling in each field, use the tab key to move to the next field.

Contact Information (person completing form)
Prepared By: Enter full name of person preparing form.
Department Name: Enter full name of the department making deposit.
Dept ID: Enter 6-digit department identification code.
Date: Enter date the form is completed.
Phone No.: Enter the preparer’s telephone number (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
E-mail: Enter the preparer’s e-mail address.
No. of Checks Enter the number of all checks being deposited with this form
Receipt Box: Check box if check deposits relate to customer payments for sale of goods/services
Refund of Expense box: Check box if the check deposits relate to customer payments for vendor payments for rebates, duplicated payments, reimbursement of travel, over payments, and/or returned merchandise.
Reason for Deposit: Enter reason for the deposit.
Funding, Amount, and Description Fields: Funding Fields: Using funding codes and strings
Dept: Enter 6-digit Division/Department ID.
Fund: Enter 3-digit Fund ID.
Prog: Enter 1-digit Activity Code such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, F, R.
Project: Enter 7-digit Project ID
Act ID: Leave blank
Account: Enter 4-digit SFS account code (numeric numbers).
County Tax Code Name: The Tax Code field is used to calculate sales tax and can only be selected for account codes beginning with 9XXX. If sales tax applies to sale, pick the county tax name which relates to the sale from drop down list.
Amount: Enter gross amount of deposit relating to the funding line as a negative amount (credit).  Remember to enter the amount as a number, no commas, followed by a decimal point for the cents.
Description: Enter the customer name followed by brief describe which will help you identify this deposit (max 30 alpha numeric characters).
PO No. or Journal ID: When applicable, enter the PO or Journal ID related to this deposit (max 10 alpha numeric characters). For vendor refunds, enter PO number.
Check No. : Enter the check number of the deposited check (max 10 alpha numeric characters).
Invoice No. or Voucher ID When applicable, enter the Invoice No. related to this deposit (max 12 alpha numeric characters) or Voucher ID for vendor refund.
Total Deposit Leave as is; will auto fill based on amounts entered above.
Preparer’s Signature: All forms must be signed by the preparer.
Department Approval: All forms must have department’s supervisor signature, date, printed name, and phone number.
Received by Cash Management: Leave as is; Cash Management will date stamp report when received.

Email questions about this form to

Incoming Payment via Wire/ACH Form

This form is used when a department is expecting an Incoming International or Domestic Wire or ACH. All incoming Wire/ACH deposits must be supported by invoices and/or supporting documents describing what the money is for.

Note: If you need our bank deposit information, please contact Cash Management.

Use this form when a department is expecting an Incoming International or Domestic Wire or ACH. All incoming Wire/ACH deposits must be supported by invoices and/or supporting documents describing what the money is for.

Download Incoming Payment via Wire/ACH Form (PDF)

Contact Cash Management with questions.