A form to include when an Entertainer or Speaker presents their own contract for the University’s signature.
Standard Rider
A form to include when an Entertainer or Speaker presents their own contract for the University's signature.
A form to include when an Entertainer or Speaker presents their own contract for the University's signature.
A form to include when an Entertainer or Speaker presents their own contract for the University’s signature.
Use the Public Speaking Services Contract for the personal services of an individual to speak at the event.
Use the Public Speaking Services Contract for the personal services of an individual to speak at the event.
The contract is made between the University of Wisconsin-Madison (hereinafter called the “University”) and the undersigned PUBLIC SPEAKER, hereinafter called the “Speaker”, for the personal services of the Speaker.
Download Public Speaking Services Contract (doc)
Use the Entertainment Contract for the personal services of a performer(s) stating the arrangements and compensation for entertainment services provided at an event open to the public.
Use the Entertainment Contract for the personal services of a performer(s) stating the arrangements and compensation for entertainment services provided at an event open to the public.
The contract is entered into between the University of Wisconsin-Madison, hereinafter called the “University”, and the undersigned performer(s), hereinafter called the “Artist”, even if there may be more than one person, for the personal services of the Artist.
Download Entertainment Contract (doc)
A form to summarize the bidder information when staff obtain quotes for accommodations or conferences.
A form to summarize the bidder information when staff obtain quotes for accommodations or conferences.
Download Bid Information for Accommodations/Conference Facilities Form (d0c)
A document used to state the arrangements, scope, statement of work, deliverables, payment agreement, length of agreement for a service provided for the University.
The form used to state the arrangements, scope, statement of work, deliverables, payment agreement, length of agreement for a service provided for the University.
Download Contract Details Form (PDF)
A form used to classify services being requested by a department.
A form used to classify services being requested by a department.
Download Purchase (or Purchases) of Services Justification Form
If there are any Intellectual Property Ownership issues associated with an agreement or contract, complete the Intellectual Property Rights Sole Source Form (Schedule A) and return to purchasing services.
Gift Card Approval Form
This is the form you must complete to justify the purchase of gift cards with a UW purchasing card.
This form is used to obtain authorization for data contained on the IBM 3270 mainframe.
This form is used to obtain authorization for data contained on the IBM 3270 mainframe.
Download Teleprocessing Network Authorization Form
This web form is used to request voucher or requisition information from the File Room.
Replaces the Internal Requisition Form.
This replaces the Internal Requisition Form. Log on to My UW, select the Services tab and choose Single External Requisition and Internal Work Order Generator from the Requisition and Number Generator Module.