Procedure #3024.3; Rev.: 1 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3024 Expense Reimbursement Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Expense Reimbursement Program Manager – Allie Watters,, (608) 263-3525
- Procedure statement
- Who is affected by this procedure
- Procedure
- Contact roles and responsibilities
- Definitions
- Related references
- Revisions
I. Procedure statement
Payments are processed within 3-5 business days of an expense report’s final approval. Employees who receive their paychecks via direct deposit will receive their reimbursement payments via direct deposit as well. The payment will be a separate deposit from the employee’s regular paycheck. Non-employees and employees who do not have direct deposit will receive a check in the mail.
II. Who is affected by this procedure
- Employees who seek reimbursement for out-of-pocket or Corporate Card expenses
- Alternates who prepare expense reports
- Employees who may be contacted by a non-employee regarding their reimbursement
III. Procedure
- How to use e-Reimbursement to Find Information on Reimbursement Payments
- Ensure the expense reports has been fully approved:
- Sign into the Shared Financial Systems (SFS)
- Click the Expenses WorkCenter tile.
- Expand the View TER’s, TA’s and CA’s menu, then select View Expense Report in the links panel along the left side.
- Find the correct expense report by entering the report ID, description, employee ID, or employee name (name searches in e-Reimbursement follow the LastName,FirstName convention, no spaces). This search will provide a read-only view of an expense report.
- Check that the status (next to the report ID number in the top middle of the screen) is Paid. If not paid, view the Approval History at the bottom of the page to see where the expense report is in the approval process.
- Search for Payment Details:
- Using the same navigation links on the left side of the page, expand the Void/Reissue Payment menu, then select the View Payment History link.
- Search by employee ID or name. Select the proper expense report from the search results. If there is single search result will automatically take you to the Employee Payment History page.
- Payment Reference – for check payments, this will be the check number. This is needed when filling out a Check Action Form.
- Payment Amount – the amount the traveler was reimbursed. This may differ from the amount seen elsewhere in e-Reimbursement, which may include items paid on the Purchasing Card or Corporate Card. This amount may include multiple expense reports if they were approved on the same day.
- Payment Method – will be either “ACH” for direct deposit payments or “System Check” for paper check payments.
- Payment Date – payment will be direct deposited or mailed within 3-5 business days of this date.
- Payee Address – this link will display the address the check was sent to.
- If payment was made by ACH, the traveler should review their bank history for a deposit that matches the information shown in the Employee Payment History search. Reimbursement payments will post from UWMSN_TRVL_ACH.
- Note: If multiple expense reports are paid on the same date, a cumulative ACH will be sent. The traveler should look for the cumulative total of the expense reports paid in their bank history. Individual payments for each report will not be visible.
- Ensure the expense reports has been fully approved:
- Reissuing Payment
- Payments made via check can be cancelled and reissued by filling out a Check Action Form. To allow time for the check to arrive, Check Action Forms can only be submitted at least 30 days after the payment date.
IV. Contact roles and responsibilities
- Traveler (employee)/Claimant/Recipient – the person receiving reimbursement. Employees are responsible for submitting their own expense reports and following all applicable UW travel policies. An employee may assign an alternate to create and modify an expense report on their behalf, but the employee is ultimately responsible for submitting their own expense reports.
- Approver: Upon submission, expense report are first reviewed by an approver. Approvers are responsible for reviewing supporting documentation, reviewing expense report for policy compliance, and reviewing funding being charged.
- Auditor: Expense reports are reviewed by an auditor after the approver. Auditors are responsible for reviewing expense reports for policy compliance.
V. Definitions
- e-Reimbursement: The Expenses module of the Shared Financial System (SFS), used to create, submit, and approve expense reimbursement claims.
- Expense report: Blanket term for expense reimbursements, travel authorizations, and cash advances.
- Purchasing Card: University-liability credit card that can be used for travel and non-travel expenses.
- Corporate Card: Individual-liability credit card that can be used for travel and non-travel expenses.
VI. Related References
VII. Revisions
Procedure Number | 3024.3 |
Date Approved | May 8, 2017 |
Revision Dates | Jan. 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3024.3 from 320.3 |