Certificates of Insurance Program

Request a Certificate of Coverage

If you have been asked to provide a non-University organization with proof the University of Wisconsin–Madison has insurance coverage, you may request a Certificate of Coverage:

Request a University Certificates of Coverage/Insurance

Vendor or Supplier Certificates of Insurance

The Office of Risk Management no longer accepts or maintains vendor/supplier (Supplier) certificates of insurance.

Supplier certificates of insurance are managed through ShopUW+ via the Jaggaer Supplier Portal, which allows Suppliers to upload their own certificates of insurance and other information in a secured environment to expedite transaction and payment processing. (Change effective with May 9, 2022 launch of the ShopUW+ Supplier Manager Function.)

Shoppers are no longer required to inquire with Risk Management on the status of a Supplier’s insurance certificate information. When shopping in ShopUW+ for a Supplier product or to make a purchase, if a Supplier is “Active” for purchasing in ShopUW+, they are considered an approved Supplier.

You may direct Suppliers to upload their own Certificates of Insurance through the Jaggaer Supplier Portal. If you have insurance certificates to be attached to the supplier record, or if you want to purchase from a Supplier that is “Inactive” in ShopUW+, you will need to submit a Supplier Change Request (PDF) through ShopUW+. Email uwsaproblemsolvers@uwsa.edu for help.

For ShopUW+ Users, a ShopUW+ Essentials Supplier Manager web page is available to help users understand the Supplier Manager function and direct users to training resources on the ShopUW+ Resources page.

For Suppliers, a ShopUW+ Essentials  Supplier Resources web page is available for suppliers to get information on how to become a registered supplier.


Risk Management's location

Risk Management
21 N. Park Street, Suite 5301
Madison, WI 53715

Note – Please contact the appropriate topic area’s email address with questions and/or to schedule an in-person meeting. Advanced meeting scheduling is necessary in order to meet with Risk Management staff; drop-in appointments are not available.

Email Risk Management

General Risk Management

Driver Authorization and Automobile


Worker’s Compensation