This guide details how to apply for a purchasing card, proper card usage, and card account management.
A UW–Madison purchasing card is a University-liability VISA card issued and supported by U.S. Bank and authorized for UW–Madison business-use only.
Types of cards
Purchasing Card
The purchasing card is intended for low-dollar, best-judgment purchases to be paid directly by the University. The card is assigned to a specific UW–Madison employee and may only be used by that individual.

Department Purchasing Card
The department purchasing card is similar to a purchasing card; however, with additional approvals and documentation requirements, the Department Purchasing Card can be used by both the cardholder and other authorized purchasers.

My Corporate Card
The University also offers a personal-liability My Corporate Card to employees for business-related use. The corporate card is not considered a purchasing card.

How to get a Purchasing Card
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Purchasing Card
Employees applying for a purchasing card must complete and submit the PCard Request Form, an electronic purchasing card application available in the Shared Financial System (SFS). The PCard Request Form tile can be found on the SFS homepage:
Access SFS to apply for a Purchasing Card
Checking status of Purchasing Card application in SFS
- Sign into Shared Financial System (SFS) and click on the Pcard Request Form tile (image shown above).
- Click View a PcardReqst eForm, enter the applicant’s name, then click Search.
- If a list appears, click on the Form ID for the relevant application.
- Scroll to the bottom of the displayed form, then click Next to view the Transaction/Signature Log.
- Click the View Approval Route button to see full approval workflow. If the application is pending approval, the path will show the role as “Pending.” Click on the Multiple Approvers link to see who is in the approval role.
Department Purchasing Card
Employees applying for a department purchasing card must complete and submit the Department Purchasing Card Application. Complete details of the process are included in Procedure 3013.9.
Complete mandatory training
Before a purchasing card application can be processed, the card applicant must complete the Purchasing Card Policies & Procedures training and Travel Policy training sessions. Additionally, Department Purchasing Card applicants will be invited to complete an online Department Purchasing Card Training.
Receive and activate the card
U.S. Bank will mail the card directly to the card applicant at the address indicated on the card application. Cards are typically received 7-10 days after applications are processed.
- Activate the Card: To activate a purchasing card, visit U.S. Bank’s Access Online, click Activate Your Card, and follow the prompts on the subsequent screens.
- Sign the Card: Be sure to sign the back of your new purchasing card.
- Register for Access Online: To gain online access to your purchasing card account, visit U.S. Bank’s Access Online and click Register Online. Then follow the registration instructions outlined in Procedure 3013.8 – How to Enroll in Real-Time Alerts.
Complete details of the process are included in Procedure 3013.1 (Purchasing Card) or Procedure 3013.9 (Department Purchasing Card).
Making purchases
Purchasing Cards can be used to pay for products, goods, services, and travel expenses. Each type of purchase has policy requirements and spending thresholds.

Purchasing Card use and account management
Purchasing cardholders are expected to have a thorough understanding of all purchasing card policies and procedures to ensure program compliance and best business practices are achieved. Procedure 3013.2 outlines proper purchasing card use and account management. The following are key highlights.
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Card sharing
Only the individual whose name is embossed on a purchasing card is allowed to use that card to make purchases. Cardholders may not share their cards or account numbers with others; however, a cardholder may use the purchasing card to make purchases on behalf of other employees or non-employees (e.g. airfare for another traveler). Full details are outlined in UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy.
Making purchases over $5,000
The purchasing card is only intended for purchases within the University’s $5,000 best-judgment purchase limit. If you need to make a purchase exceeding $5,000, please contact Purchasing Services.
Vendor eligibility
A vendor’s eligibility to do business with the University is contingent upon their compliance with various state statutes. Prior to making purchases, cardholders must ensure the intended vendor is not on either of State of Wisconsin’s two Ineligible Vendor Lists.
Tax exemption
The University is exempt from the payment of sales and use tax on purchases made in the state of Wisconsin and also has tax treaties with several other US states. For tax-exempt documents, see UWTravelWIse.
Frequently questioned purchases
If you are unsure whether something is allowed to be purchased with your purchasing card, please see the list of Frequently Questioned Purchases. Some of these items are allowable on the card and some are not.
Purchasing from other UW Departments
The purchasing card should not be used to make payments to other UW–Madison departments or UW System institutions. Instead, cardholders should utilize an internal billing payment method.
Biweekly billing cycle calendar
Cycle credit limits are automatically renewed at the beginning of each billing period. Billing cycle dates are available on the Biweekly Billing Cycle Calendar.
Add/Remove a Proxy Reconciler
To add/remove a Proxy Reconciler to assist in transaction reconciliation, submit the Account Update Request Form.
Account changes and cancellations
Submit the Account Update Request Form to request a change in your current account setup or an account cancellation.
Visa benefits
Your purchasing card comes with travel benefits from VISA, including emergency/roadside assistance and some insurance.
Purchasing Card reconciliation and instructions
Purchasing card transactions are reconciled in the Purchasing Card Module of the Shared Financial System (SFS). Cardholders, known as reconcilers in the module, may reference the Purchasing Card Reconciler Business Process Guide for instructions on reconciling transactions.
Log in to SFS Purchasing Card Reconciler Business Process Guide (PDF)
Declines, disputes, and fraud
The following are additional resources cardholders may need in the event of a card decline, a lost/stolen card, or suspected fraudulent activity.
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Purchasing Card declines
U.S. Bank may decline a purchasing card transaction for a variety of reasons. If you card is declined, contact U.S. Bank Customer Service at (800) 344-5696 or the Purchasing Card Program Manager to determine the reason for the decline.
Filing a dispute
Purchasing card transactions must be disputed within 90 days of the transaction date. Contact U.S. Bank Customer Service at (800) 344-5696 to file a dispute.
Note: Fraudulent transactions should be reported as such and not disputed.
Reporting a lost or stolen card
Please report lost or stolen cards to U.S. Bank Customer Service at (800) 344-5696 as soon as possible. If you believe your card may have been stolen on campus, please contact the UW–Madison Police Department at (608) 264-2677.
Reporting fraud
If you suspect fraudulent activity on your purchasing card, please contact the U.S. Bank Fraud Prevention Unit at (800) 523-9078.
Purchasing Card audits
The UW–Madison Purchasing Card Program is audited routinely by various entities, including the UW System Administration Office of Internal Audit, the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration, the Legislative Audit Bureau, and the UW–Madison Purchasing Card Program Office.
Non-compliance with UW–Madison Purchasing Card policy or procedures will result in consequences as outlined in Section III.K. of Procedure 3013.2: Purchasing Card Use and Account Management.
Site manager resources
A purchasing card site manager is the individual who oversees the card program at the department or divisional level. The site manager is responsible for reviewing card activity and monitoring for policy compliance. Like a purchasing cardholder, a site manager is expected to be familiar with all purchasing card policies and procedures.
Site manager review and reconciliationFull details regarding site manager review and reconciliation are outlined in Procedure 3013.5 – Site Manager Review and Reconciliation. |
Purchasing Card transaction approval and instructionsPurchasing card transactions are reconciled and approved in the Purchasing Card Module of the Shared Financial System (SFS). Site managers, known as approvers in the module, may reference the “Purchasing Card Approver Business Process Guide” for instructions on approving transactions. |
Non-compliance proceduresIf a site manager discovers cardholder non-compliance with purchasing card policy or procedure, Procedure 3013.10 Address Non-Compliance should be referenced. |
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Purchasing Card policies and procedures training
This session is required for all purchasing cardholders and site managers and is a prerequisite to Purchasing Card Site Manager Training. The course provides an overview of how the purchasing card works, guidelines for card usage, cardholder responsibilities and documentation requirements.
This session takes approximately 75 minutes.
Approved card applications will be processed after applicants complete the required training.
Travel Policy training
This course provides an overview of travel policy for UW–Madison employees who travel, incur expenses, or approve expenses. This course is required for all purchasing cardholders and site managers.
This session takes approximately 60 minutes.
Site manager training
This session, in conjunction with Purchasing Card Policies & Procedures and UW-Madison Travel Policy Training, provides a site manager with the knowledge necessary to maintain and oversee the Purchasing Card Program at the department level. The session includes an overview of site manager responsibilities and a demonstration of the site manager reconciliation process in the Purchasing Card Module of the Shared Financial System (SFS). Purchasing Card Policies & Procedures should be completed prior to completing Site Manager Training.
This session takes approximately 75 minutes.
Purchasing Card module Q&A sessions
These sessions are intended for all users of the Purchasing Card Module of the Shared Financial System (SFS) including cardholders, site managers and proxy reconcilers. The sessions will review frequently asked questions and also provide an open forum for users to ask questions they might have.
Register for Purchasing Card module Q&A session
Watch previously recorded sessions:
March 23, 2022 Q&A Session recording April 21, 2022 Q&A Session recording
Policies and procedures
- UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
- 3013.1: Purchasing Card Application, Activation and Registration Procedure
- 3013.2: Purchasing Cardholder Use and Account Management Procedure
- 3013.3: Purchasing Card Deactivation Procedure
- 3013.4: Purchasing Card - How to Become a Site Manager Procedure
- 3013.5: Purchasing Card Site Manager Review and Reconciliation Procedure
- 3013.7: Department Purchasing Card Use and Account Management Procedure
- 3013.8: Purchasing Card - How to Enroll in Real-Time Alerts Procedure
- 3013.9: Department Purchasing Card Application Activation and Registration
- 3013.10 Purchasing Card Site Manager - Address Non-Compliance
Purchasing Card Program Manager: Meghann Grove
21 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53715
(608) 262-3300
Purchasing Card Program Administrator:
Rebecca Lin
21 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53715
(608) 265-1023
For general card-related questions, please contact
U.S. Bank Customer Service:
(800) 344-5696
U.S. Bank Access Online Help Desk:
(877) 887-9260
U.S. Bank Fraud Investigations:
(800) 523-9078
If you believe your card was stolen, contact U.S. Bank Customer Service (above) and UW Police and Security at (608) 264-2677.