
How to find and use existing UW–Madison, UW System, and Wisconsin Department of Administration contracts.

Established contracts are available to campus to assist in procuring goods and services.

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When using a contract, please be sure to read the information provided and verify that the items you are ordering are covered on the contract. Some contracts are restricted and/or have special requirements or instructions. UW–Madison, UW System, and State of Wisconsin Department of Administration contracts are issued for products or services as specifically referenced in the contract from the named vendors on the contract.

UW–Madison contracts are not mandatory and are established for commodities that are frequently purchased. If a vendor has an established contract, they have already gone through the competitive process. This streamlines the procurement process and reduces the time it will take for items/services to be received.

Because a vendor is on a contract it does not mean that all products or services from that vendor are included on the contract and available for purchase. If goods or services are not listed, and your order is over $5000, a competitive process may be necessary. Please contact the associated procurement specialist.


Find Purchasing Services

Purchasing Services
21 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53715

Call Purchasing services

(608) 262-1526