Pay a different department

How to pay an invoice for goods or services provided by another UW-Madison department, or a different University of Wisconsin campus.

An Inter-Departmental Billing journal entry is used for transactions involving the exchange of goods and services from one department to a different department on campus.  The department responsible for providing the good or service is considered the biller and the department receiving and paying for the goods or service is the payer. A journal entry, with a JRB journal mask, is created to record this type of transaction.

For billing or sending payment to another UW Campus please see instructions below on preparing an Inter-Unit Journal (IUJ).  The journal mask of this type of transaction is IUJ.

Pay (or bill) another UW-Madison Department

Coding Criteria

  • Allowable Credit account code – 9050 (cannot use program code “R”)
  • If credit is for fund 128 program code 8, then use 9300.
  • Credit may not be to fund 133, 135, 142, 144, 161, 233, and 150

Pay (or bill) a different UW System Campus

In an effort to reduce the labor and cost of writing and depositing checks between UW-Madison and other UW-System business units, the UW System encourages the use of an inter-unit journal (IUJ) using the Journal Entry Tool (JET) to record expenses and/or revenues, as well as transfer cash, between the business units in a mutually agreeable manner.

Allowable Uses

An inter-unit journal can be used to record expenses and/or revenues between business units for transactions such as:

  • Billing of services
  • Payment of registration for conferences
  • Charging back expenses
  • Transferring grant payments (specific coding required)
  • Payment of an Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA)

Did UW-Madison buy or sell the services?

How to use inter-unit journals as the buyer


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Obtain the full funding string from the campus being paid

Fill out the inter-unit journal form

Complete the inter-unit journal form, using both the UWMSN funding and the funding obtained from the other UW campus.

In column A (Business Unit), use the following prefixes for the campus:

  • UWMSN – UW-Madison
  • UWMIL – UW-Milwaukee
  • UWEAU – UW-Eau Claire
  • UWGBY – UW-Green Bay
  • UWLAC – UW-La Crosse
  • UWOSH – UW-Oshkosh
  • UWPKS – UW-Parkside
  • UWPLT – UW-Platteville
  • UWRVF – UW-River Falls
  • UWSTP – UW-Stevens Point
  • UWSTO – UW-Stout
  • UWSUP – UW-Superior
  • UWWTW – UW-Whitewater
  • UWCOL – UW-Colleges
  • UWEXT – UW-Extension
  • UWADM – UW-System Administration
  • UWSYS – System Wide

Email the completed form

Email the completed form, along with supporting documentation to

Accounting Services will then process the JET IUJ transfer and reply to you with the IUJ journal number.

  1. Supporting documentation may include an invoice, an IIA agreement, or an email with both institutions agreeing on the charges.
  2. Supporting documentation will be attached to the journal and will be viewable in WISDM for both institutions.

How to use inter-unit journals as the seller


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Provide the full funding string information to the UW campus that is paying UW-Madison

Similar to JRBs, credit account code should be 9050; unless Fund 128 Program 8, then it should be 9300.

Coordinate with the other UW System campus

Have your contact at the other campus work with their campus contact to process the inter-unit journal.

For reference:  Campus IUJ Contact List

Questions regarding the IUJ process can be directed to


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Accounting Services
21 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53715-1218

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