Snow-covered tree branches in a cluster of trees are behind a red banner with the UW crest. Sunlight shines through the tree branches next to the banner.

Business Services News

  • UW–Madison Driver Authorization Process Updates

    Effective February 17, 2025, UW–Madison will transition standard processing of Vehicle Use Agreements (VUA) to Universities of Wisconsin (UW) Shared Services. This transition includes process enhancements for obtaining out-of-state motor vehicle records for applicants. Of note: Most individuals will no longer be required to obtain out of state driver records.

  • Travel and Card Policy Updates – October 2024

    As of October 1, 2024, several changes were made affecting travel policy and expense reimbursement/payment approval guidance. These changes stem from the August 2024 update to the UW–Madison Remote Work Policy.

  • More News

Plan business travel & get reimbursed

Plan your UW–Madison business trip. Determine the best options for transportation and lodging. Get reimbursed for your travel and non-travel related expenses.

Camera on top of a world map

Paying tuition

Common tasks and answers to questions related to UW–Madison tuition are available on the Bursar’s website.

Let parents pay my bill

Allow other individuals, such as parents, to access a student’s tuition account.

Add an authorized payer

Ways to pay tuition

There are several options, including the preferred method of online payments.

Paying tuition

Important tuition dates

Current deadlines for tuition bills, eRefunds, and BadgerPay installments.

Tuition due dates

Making purchases

Understand the recommended way to purchase products and services at UW–Madison, including where to buy, how to pay, and who needs to be involved.

Bucky Badger wearing a cap and gown.

Common business tasks

Worker’s Compensation

How and when to file a claim, eligibility and benefits. Notify your supervisor immediately if you’ve sustained an injury or contracted an illness at work.

Manage a claim

Pay others

How to pay departments, students, and vendors at UW–Madison. Also: managing wire transactions, foreign payments, and voiding payments.

Make a payment

Deposits / Revenues / Receivables

How to deposit revenue or accept credit card payments, sometimes referred to as “payments-in.”

Manage Payments-In

Policies and procedures

Following business policies and procedures are essential to making sure UW-Madison and all its resources are in compliance. This helps minimize risk to the university, establishes fairness in practice, and helps create understandable guidelines to follow.

Review business policies and procedures