Tax Compliance and Reporting

Tax Compliance and Reporting contributes to the University’s overall success by advancing compliance with the Federal and State tax laws throughout the University community.

The University of Wisconsin reports all tax reportable payments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Wisconsin Department of Revenue, and the individual receiving the payment as required by federal, states, and local laws. The University of Wisconsin withholds all applicable federal, state, and local income taxes from payments as required by federal, states, and local laws. UW requires a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) which can be a Social Security Number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Employer Identification Number (EIN) for all payments (tax reportable and non-tax reportable).

In general, payments to an individual may be considered taxable income, subject to federal and/or state tax. This page has resources to explain which types of non-salary income are taxable and which tax forms are used to report that income to the federal and state government and the individual.

Learn more about Tax Compliance and Reporting


Common tax groups

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To comply with IRS tax reporting requirements, the UW gathers the taxpayer’s name, home mailing address, and taxpayer identification numbers for all taxable payments made. At the end of each calendar year, the UW sends an IRS Form 1099-MISC to U.S. Residents or a Form 1042-S to Nonresident Aliens (NRA) as specified by IRS tax reporting requirements/regulations.

Learn more about tax reportable payments

Nonresident Aliens (NRA)

Homeland Security and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) defines an Alien as any individual who is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national.

Learn more about Nonresident Aliens (NRA) and tax


A “nonresident entertainer” or “public speaker” may be required to file a surety bond or cash deposit for a performance in Wisconsin to guarantee payment of income, franchise, and sales and use taxes and any interest and penalties.

Learn more about tax information related to entertainers

Research participants


All Research Participant payments must follow and comply with UW-3005 Payments to Research Participants Policy.

Account Code

The account code for research participant payments is Account Code 2637 (Research Participants).

Employee research participants

Payments to employees for participating in Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved Research Subject Studies, can be paid either through (1) Payroll, (2) Payment to Individual Report (PIR), or (3) any payment method available for making payments to non-employees who participate in IRB approve Research Subject Studies. All policies and rules for participants of IRB approved research subject studies apply to both UW and non-UW employees.


Tuition Reporting (1098-T and 1098-E)

Student organizations

Payment details can be found on the Student Organizations web page.

Student payment guide tool

All payments to students must follow the guidelines/tool provided on the Payments to Students web page. These guidelines/tool provide assistance to users in determining the intent of a payment made to a student and the proper payment mechanism to use to make the payment to a student. It also provides guidelines for correct payment procedures to ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, and UW rules and regulations.


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21 N.  Park Street
Madison, WI 53715

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David Honma