Facility Use and Insurance

This page discusses the insurance requirements associated with the use of UW–Madison facilities.

Facility use is regulated at UW–Madison by UW–Madison Facilities Use Policies and Guidelines administered through the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, in accordance with UW-6000: Use of Facilities and Land Policy.

For any events or facility use involving minors or youth programing, review additional requirements with Office of Youth Protection.

Additionally, all events or facility use must comply with applicable requirements of UW-5014: Criminal Background Check Policy.

The UW–Madison Facility Use Committee provides review and recommendations on facility use.

Facility use requests may be administered through various campus units, including:

UW–Madison Risk Management requirements

All non-university individuals or groups requesting space for any reason at the University will be required to obtain and provide proof of liability insurance. Specifically the use of UW–Madison facilities by external parties in non-sponsored UW–Madison events will require the following by Risk Management:

  • Completed Facility Use Agreement with applicable campus unit to be submitted to Risk Management.
  • Certificate of Insurance naming evidencing appropriate insurance coverage. Insurance coverage requirements will vary depending on facility use type. However, minimum coverages typically include:
    Coverage Types Minimum Limit
    Worker’s Compensation (when applicable) Statutory Requirements
    Commercial General Liability Each Occurrence $1,000,000
    Commercial General Liability Gen. Aggr. Incl. Prdts/CO $2,000,000
    Sexual Abuse/Misconduct (When applicable) $1,000,000
    Professional Liability (When applicable) $1,000,000
    Fire Legal (When applicable) $100,000
    Liquor Liability (When applicable) $1,000,000
    Automobile Liability Combined Single Limit (When Applicable) $1,000,000
    Additional Insured Provision: The contractor shall add the, “Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, its officers, employees, and agents” as an additional insured under the commercial general liability, automobile or other policy as specified by the University.

Special events insurance

Groups unable to provide insurance for their event may be able to purchase coverage through the University’s Tenant User Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP) special events insurance program. This is a liability protection designed for Student Organizations or Other Groups that host activities on the UW-Madison campus that are not included in the University’s insurance program.

Purchase special event insurance online via the URMIA TULIP program by following these directions:

  1. Go to the URMIA TULIP website.
  2. Click on Quick Quote and complete the application following instructions on the form.
    1. Select WI
    2. Code #5234 may be utilized or search for UW–Madison.
    3. Enter date(s) of event.
    4. Enter average daily attendance based on your organization’s projections.
    5. Select the Event Type by choosing most appropriate from drop down menu or use search feature.
      • Note – for Runs/Walks choose “Marathons”
    6. Excess coverage choice is optional based on your organization’s decisions (unless otherwise required by UW–Madison Risk Management for higher risk events).
    7. Alcohol — answer no unless granted written permission by UW–Madison to have alcohol at the event.
    8. Vendors, Exhibitors, or Performers coverage – answer yes if you have these parties as part of your event.
    9. Review the Coverage and Premium Summary.
    10. Complete the Purchase Coverage section. Make certain the full legal name of your organization is included in the Event Title field – For example, UW Student Running Organization’s 5-K Fun Run Fundraiser. The one paying with credit card shall complete the contact name section, along with corresponding fields in this section.
    11. A quote will be provided after completion of the application.
  3. To bind coverage hit next and complete Purchase Coverage section and pay with credit card or E-Check.
  4. Insurance certificate will be sent to you and UW–Madison Risk Management via email.

Please contact Risk Management (eventalerts@bussvc.wisc.edu) with any questions.

Types of special events that may need this coverage

  • Concerts
  • Exhibitions
  • Dances
  • Festivals
  • Political rallies
  • Cattle shows
  • Recreational events
  • Sporting events
  • Parades
  • Conventions
  • Any other event that may pose a liability threat (our office can provide guidance)

Campus sponsored events

University departments are covered by the UW’s statutory liability coverage for events that are within the scope of their mission. University departments may also sponsor events held on campus, but unless there is significant oversight of the event by faculty/staff in the department, the statutory liability coverage may not extend to the specific activity being sponsored. In that case, the organization that is hosting the event, may need to purchase Special Events coverage, if they do not already have a liability policy. Contact Risk Management for case review.

UW–Madison units requiring proof of insurance for campus sponsored events or assistance with their off-campus sponsored event may contact Risk Management.


Contact eventalerts@bussvc.wisc.edu with general inqueries.