Payment Notice Form

This form is used when the department knows the vendor will not invoice Accounts Payable for payment.

This form is used when the department knows the vendor will not invoice Accounts Payable for payment.

Download Payment Notice Form (Word doc)

Payment Notice Form instructions

This form should be completed and sent to Accounts Payable when you know the vendor will not invoice Accounts Payable. This form is typically used when an advance deposit or installment payment is required.

The form should be completed and sent to Accounts Payable at the address indicated on the form.

Attach one copy of any supporting documentation to the form before sending to Accounts Payable.

Make sure to note if there is any special handling required. If no special handling is indicated the check will be sent to the address listed on the original Purchase Order.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Jennifer Roltgen.

Interdepartmental Billing Form (New FY2011)

Replaces the Interdepartmental Billing and Invoice Transfer Forms. This form is used for a department billing for goods or services it has provided. This form is used for miscellaneous billings.

This form is used for a department billing for goods or services it has provided.

Download the Interdepartmental Billing Form (Excel)

Inter Departmental Billing Form Instructions

(Last updated: February 8, 2010)

Please take a minute to review the instructions to reduce errors, prevent send backs, and expedite the processing of these forms.

  • Departments may complete an Interdepartmental Billing Form to transfer money for goods and services being billed to another UW-Madison department.
  • Do NOT use this form to:
    • Process honorariums or other overload payments for faculty and staff—payments that should be processed through payroll or involve a 1099 to document income
    • Pay third party student tuition payments.

Steps to complete the form

  1. Complete the three required fields in the top section of the form.
    • Prepared By
    • Department Name and #
    • Phone #
    • Other billing details, Email Address, Date of Request, Fiscal Year, and Billing Details are optional
  2. Enter the appropriate coding string in the Debit and Credit sections of the form. Note: Only one line for each coding string is necessary unless you wish to see details in WISDM.
    • 6-digit Dept ID
    • 3-digit Fund
    • 1-digit Program
    • Payments involving projects include a 7-digit Project code
    • 4-digit Account code
    • 5-digit Class (Bldg#) — optional
  3. Fill out the rest of the fields in the main body of the form.
    • Amount—form will format number as positive (+) for Debit and negative (-) for Credit
    • Description — displays in WISDM (e.g., Copy Charges for October)
    • Journal Ref — optional
    • Reference # — optional; some departments use for internal reference number
    • Voucher ID — optional
    • Invoice # — optional; some departments choose to attach an invoice and reference the number
  4. The form is formatted to automatically calculate the Total Debits and Total Credits fields.
    • The amount fields are already formatted to display dollar signs, commas, and plus/minus signs so there is no need to enter them.
    • Check to ensure the Total Credits field is a negative (-) number.
  5. If you run out of room, insert more rows.
    • The “Add Debit Row” and “Add Credit Row” buttons are macros and may not function in newer versions of Excel for the PC or Mac.
    • Use Insert>Row options from the menu if the buttons do not work.
  6. Print the form and send a hardcopy to Accounting Services, 21 N. Park, Suite 5301.

Questions regarding this form should be directed to Disbursement Services.

Direct Payment Form

Use this form to create a Direct Payment (DP) to individual non-employees who are vendors, companies (including LLCs), institutions, and organizations that provide an invoice.

Use this form to create a Direct Payment (DP) to individual non-employees who are vendors, companies (including LLCs), institutions, and organizations that provide an invoice.

When to use the Direct Payment (DP) Form

Use the Direct Payment (DP) form to make payments when an invoice is provided by the following:

  • Individual non-employee
  • Company (including LLCs)
  • Institution (Do not use the DP form to pay UW-Madison departments or other UW campuses.)
  • Organization

The following criteria must be followed:

  • Submit only one invoice per DP form.
  • Best judgment purchases ($5,000 or less) must comply with the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s purchasing policies and procedures, accounting policies and procedures, and with extramural funding agency restrictions.
  • UW-Madison requires that a completed and signed form W-9 (or W-8BEN-E for Foreign Businesses) be on file in Disbursements for all payments requested on Direct Payments (DP).
  • Non-U.S. Source Income payments are exempt from tax withholding and reporting.  For details on what constitutes Non-U.S. Source Income payments please refer to Federal Tax Withholding under the section on Non-U.S. Source Income. A W-8BEN or W-8BEN-E still must be on file in Disbursements.
  • Additional SFS Account code information is available on our Codes guide.

When not to use the Direct Payment Form

  • Payments to individual non-employees for services, payments to human research subjects and payments on entertainment contracts must be done on the Payment to Individual Report (PIR).
  • Reimbursement for travel and expenses to individuals (employees and non-employees) must be done through e-Reimbursement.
  • Use Purchasing Card guidelines for acceptable and non-acceptable purchases..

ShopUW+ Direct Payment Form Instructions

This form is not to be used to pay UW Students, UW Employees, or Refunds.

Auto-Reject: Please note that this form will auto-reject if you are requesting a DP greater than $5,000 AND you select “Other” as the category for this purchase on the “Questions” tab. You will need to use a Purchase Order – please complete a purchase requisition or use the Non-Conforming PO form (if you have already made a purchase) to have your payment processed – please read the instructions on the Non-Conforming PO form for more information.

Complete all required fields (will be indicated by an asterisk *) and attach the appropriate documentation (invoice, relevant contracts, application forms, registration forms, other supporting documentation, wire transfer form) necessary to process the payment request. DO NOT ATTACH W-8 OR W-9 WITH SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS TO THIS FORM. 

Supplier Instructions: If you need to update a supplier currently in ShopUW+ or create a new supplier, you will need to follow the supplier request process for your campus. Please consult the business services website for your campus for further instruction.

Access Direct Payment Form in ShopUW+


Questions regarding this form should be directed to

Finding the Direct Payments Form in ShopUW+

  1. After you Login, Click on “Shop” on the left-hand side.
  2. Next, click on “Shopping” in the fly-out menu
  3. Click “View Favorites”. You will see all the forms you have access to in ShopUW+. If you need access to a form that is not listed please contact,

Screenshot of ShopUW+ Forms