How to Purchase a Printing or Copying Job

The State of Wisconsin has very strict rules relating to printing services imbedded in the constitution. This being the case, purchasing a printing job is NOT intuitive. To further compound things there are mandatory state contracts through the State Department of Administration.

Regrettably faculty and staff are NOT authorized to directly purchase printing over $49.99 from outside vendors.

Printing must be ordered through Digital Printing & Publishing Services (DP&PS, formerly DoIT Printing). This applies to all printing jobs, including quick copy/duplicating and photocopying.

Using DP&PS

If you have camera-ready copy, you may take the job directly to DP&PS/DoIT, which is an actual printing facility. They are capable of completing most jobs on site and also work closely with printing contractors.

Both offices are the authorized printing purchasing offices and orders to them should be processed on internal requisitions.

Using Campus Copy Centers

Use campus copy centers to complete any duplicating jobs when possible.

Purchases Involving Purchasing Services

Purchasing Services only handles printing related items; e.g. binders with printing, diplomas, bookbinding, image-setting, promotional items with printing on them, etc. Orders for these items that can’t be put on a Purchasing Card (P-card) should be processed using an external requisition.

For more information

Refer to policy UW-3044 Printing-Related and Printing Services for more in-depth information. Please contact DP&PS or Purchasing Services with questions.