Use this form to submit internal department scholarships.
Be sure to choose the form for the appropriate term.
Download the Scholarship Form – Fall and Spring (xlsx)
Download the Scholarship Form – Summer (xlsx)
Please follow the instructions below:
- The field lengths provided in the spreadsheet format are the greatest allowable values. For example, NAME cannot be more than 30 characters.
- Fall/Spring item types must begin with 15 or 16. Summer item types must begin with 18. For example: 15010 or 18010.
- Please do not include more than one Item Type and one term per Excel file you upload. Files generated from the Common Scholarship Application (CSA) may allow for more than one Item Type or term. It is the Department’s responsibility to review the file and as needed split it into multiple files (per Item Type and Term) for upload.
- “NAME” must be entered in the spreadsheet by last name first (i.e. Smith, Joe). This will enable searching by last name in WISDM.
- Submit the file using the Bursar’s Office Secure Website. Instructions on how to submit the spreadsheet are available in the section below. We will not accept the file by email.
- The “EMPLID” field refers to the ID found in SIS. It typically begins with three zeroes (000). The program will not recognize payroll IDs or campus IDs when uploading scholarships.
- The “TERM” field should be filled out using the term code chart on the right of the scholarship form.
- The “PROGRAM” field should always be 9 (FINANCIAL AID) and account code should be 5711 (SCHOLARSHIPS/FELLOWSHIPS AID). This is because all scholarships are considered Financial Aid.
- Before submitting any upload, please verify all information is correct, including:
- Verifying citizenship: International students (Non-Resident Alien) must have taxes deducted from their scholarships. Consequently, these scholarships need to be processed through payroll and not by the Bursar’s Office. Please refer to the Accounting Services website for more information: Scholarship Payments to Non-Resident Aliens.
- Validating all funding: Please make sure the combination of fund, account code, program code, department, and project are valid for processing via JET. You can perform this test in WISDM at the path below: Main Menu—>Other—>Funding Validation/Inquiry.
- Verifying enrollment: Students must be enrolled in order to receive a scholarship.
How to upload the completed form
- Log in to the Bursar’s Office Secure Website with your NetID.
- Add the name of your department in the first entry box.
- Select the “Internal Department Scholarships” button.
- Attach the file.
- Select “Upload File.”
The Bursar’s Office will receive notification once your upload is complete, and you will receive an email with the upload information. Please reference the file ID number if you need to contact our office about an uploaded file.