Tuition Remission Eligibility for Instructional Academic Staff

The University remits the non-resident tuition for certain Instructional Academic Staff who are enrolled as graduate students and hold one of the eligible academic staff titles listed:

  • Clinical Professor
  • Clinical Professor, Distinguished
  • Clinical Professor, Associate
  • Clinical Professor, Assistant
  • Clinical Instructor
  • Faculty Associate
  • Faculty Associate, Assistant
  • Lecturer
  • Professor (CHS)
  • Professor (CHS), Associate
  • Professor (CHS), Assistant
  • Instructor (CHS)

Fall and Spring Remission

Students with these academic staff appointments are responsible for paying the instructional portion of their tuition charges, in addition to their segregated fees by the due date as specified on their tuition and fee bill.

Students who finish their degree in the middle of a term retain their tuition remission for that term, as long as they remain on payroll for no less than a 33% appointment through the date that they receive their degree.

Students who withdraw in the middle of a term will lose their tuition remission if the duration of their appointment is not sufficient to meet the 33% for 9 pay periods appointment requirement.

Graduate students with Instructional Academic Staff appointments must have the equivalent of at least a 33% appointment for the length of the Fall or Spring term (9 pay periods) to be eligible for non-resident tuition remission for that term.  The same criteria are used for students with annual appointments that are used for students with term appointments, to determine their eligibility.

Appointment options to achieve an appropriate position include:

  • A 33% appointment for 9 pay periods (18 weeks).
  • A higher percentage appointment for a shorter number of weeks that nets to the equivalent of a 33% 9 pay period appointment. Average % = ((Actual %) x (Actual Duration)) / (9 pay periods/18 weeks)

Summer Remission

Continuing Graduate students who earned Instructional Academic Staff remission of their instructional and non-resident (if applicable) tuition in the Spring Term:

  • Based on eligible Appointments, will have their eligibility carry over automatically to the following Summer Term of that same year.
  • Departments do not need to provide any additional information to the Bursar’s Student Account Office for the summer tuition remission/waiver to occur.

Graduate students who earned Spring Term Instructional Academic Staff non-resident tuition remissions:

  • Eligibility automatically carries over to the following summer term for the same year.
  • Departments do not need to provide additional information to the Bursar’s Office for the summer tuition/waiver remission to occur.
  • Students with these appointments are responsible for paying their segregated fees by the due date specified on the Tuition and Fee bill – regardless of when the Bursar’s Office is notified of the eligible appointment.

Graduate students with Instructional Academic Staff appointments during the summer who did not have a Spring Term non-resident tuition remission:

  • Must have at least a 33% appointment for eight weeks during the Summer Term, or an appointment with a different percentage and length equivalent that meet the requirements to be eligible for a summer term non-resident tuition remission. Use the following formula to determine if a shorter length with a higher percentage Summer Term appointment qualifies for a tuition remission:
    • A student must work a minimum of 33% for 8 weeks. 40 hours a week divided by 1/3 = 13.33 hours per week. 13.33 divided by the number of days actually worked = % of appointment.Example for a student working 5 weeks: 13.33 divided by 25 days (5 weeks x 5 days per week) = 53%. The student would need to have a 53% appointment for 5 weeks to qualify for a tuition remission.
  • The Bursar’s Office grants these students non-resident tuition remission when notification is received from campus departments.
    • When possible, the Bursar’s Office should be notified of eligible students before the start of the Summer Term, so students receive correct tuition and fee bills.
    • An audit is done mid term against the UW Appointment System to verify that students held the appropriate percentage appointment during the summer.
    • Students who do not meet the requirements will have their non-resident tuition remission cancelled and are sent a tuition and fee bill for their non-resident tuition fees.

Tuition Remission Appointment Rate Minimums

Graduate students with Instructional Academic Staff appointments need to earn a minimum amount during the term in order to be eligible for the tuition remission.

Tuition Remission Appointment Rate Minimums


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333 East Campus Mall #10501
Madison, WI 53715-1383

Call the Bursar's Office

Phone: (608) 262-4518