Unmanned Aircraft Systems -Drones

Overview of important points related to the regulated use of unmanned aircraft system (UAS)/drones at UW-Madison.

UW–Madison requires safe and lawful use of drones for research and instructional use. The UW–Madison unmanned aircraft system (UAS) use policy helps researchers and instructors meet the Federal Aviation Association’s rules for flying UAS – better known as aerial drones – while also helping to protect privacy. UW–Madison has established the UAS Ethics and Safety Committee to provide direction and guidance in this area. UW–Madison Research Vehicle Safety Oversight has more details on policy and procedures.


Supplemental insurance coverage has been procured to cover authorized UAS/drone operations. This includes $2 million in aviation liability limits and $100k aggregate in physical damage / hull coverage limits. Details include:

  • The aviation liability coverage has no deductible and our self-funded liability program will be excess of the $2 million in liability limits.
  • The physical damage / hull coverage is a shared aggregate of $100K for all state drones with a deductible of 5% each and every loss.

Report all UAS claims to Risk Management at riskmgmt@bussvc.wisc.edu or call (608) 262-0379.


Report all UW-Madison drones/UAS to Risk Management to secure insurance coverage. Reporting is done by completing the UW–Madison UAS/Drone Insurance Inventory Form and sending the form to Risk Management at riskmgmt@bussvc.wisc.edu. Be sure to include: make, model name/number, serial number or equivalent, purchase price, Department/Unit name, and any extra equipment that will be attached to the unit (including that value).

Please send questions to riskmgmt@bussvc.wisc.edu.


Risk Management's location

Risk Management
21 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53715

Note – Please contact the appropriate topic area’s email address with questions and/or to schedule an in-person meeting. Advanced meeting scheduling is necessary in order to meet with Risk Management staff; drop-in appointments are not available.

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