Administration of a worker’s compensation claim is multifaceted, requiring prompt reporting and ongoing communications between the injured employee, supervisor, Human Resources representative, payroll specialist, Worker’s Compensation Coordinator, and UW System’s Worker’s Compensation Claims Examiner.
Supervisor responsibilities in the worker’s compensation claims process
- Ensure the injured employee receives immediate and/or emergency medical attention, as needed.
- Interview the injured employee to obtain information about the injury and any potentially unsafe work conditions.
- How a claim is submitted and how the supervisor completes their report varies depending on work unit:
- For the majority of UW employees:
- Obtain the injured employee’s completed Employee’s Work Injury and Illness Report.
- Complete the Supervisor’s Incident Analysis and Prevention Report (PDF).
- Submit the completed Supervisor’s Incident Analysis and Prevention Report and Employee’s Work Injury and Illness Report to your Divisional HR Representative within 1 work day (8 business hours) of learning of an employee’s work-related injury or illness.
- For Physical Plant and College of Engineering employees (pilot program):
- The employee submits an online Employee’s Work Injury and Illness Report. The supervisor will receive an email when this is done.
- Supervisor must complete the Supervisor’s Incident Analysis and Prevention Report (links to UW System site) within 1 work day (8 business hours) of learning of an employee’s work-related injury or illness.
- The Worker’s Compensation Coordinator and EHS Manager are notified and receive copies when both the employee and supervisor submit their reports.
- For the majority of UW employees:
- For employees who have lost time from work due to work-related injury, complete and submit Worker’s Compensation Lost Time Reports (Excel) for the injured employee to your HR representative or payroll specialist on a timely basis (no later than Monday morning of the Pay Period Final Calculation week).
- Maintain confidentiality of all information related to claim.
- Remain in contact with the injured employee, so you are aware of their estimated return to work date. Remind the employee they must provide a medical “release” note from their treating physician prior to returning to work.
- Work with your Divisional Disability Representative (DDR) to assist and arrange for the injured employee to return to work as soon as they are medically able to do so.
Commonly used worker’s compensation forms for supervisors
Frequently Asked Questions
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If the employee feels their work-related injury/illness is not serious enough to warrant medical attention, does it still need to be reported?
Yes. All work-related injuries and illnesses, even those that do not require medical treatment, should be reported.
If the employee declines to complete an Employee Work Injury and Illness Report, the Supervisor should proceed in completing the Supervisor’s Incident Analysis and Prevention Report (please note on the report the employee has declined to complete a Work Injury Report) and submit it to the Divisional HR Representative within 1 work day (8 business hours) of learning of the injury/illness incident.
What are my responsibilities if my employee is losing time from work due to a work-related injury?
- Remain in contact with your injured employee while they are losing time from work, so you are able to become aware of their estimated return to work date.
- Remind the employee they must provide a medical “release” note from their treating physician prior to returning to work.
- Complete and submit Worker’s Compensation Lost Time Reports (Excel) for your injured employee to your HR Representative or Payroll Specialist on a timely basis (no later than Monday morning of the Pay Period Final Calculation week). Payment of Worker’s Compensation wage replacement benefits to the employee will be delayed if Lost Time Reports are not submitted timely.
Note: The injured employee’s paper timesheets must accompany the Worker’s Compensation Lost Time Report submission.
- Work with your Divisional Disability Representative (DDR) to assist and arrange for the injured employee to return to work as soon as they are medically able to do so.
What should I do if my employee gives me a medical note?
Provide any medical documents you receive from the employee to your Divisional Disability Representative (DDR). Your DDR will review and send the documents to the Worker’s Compensation Coordinator. Do not keep copies of any medical documents you may receive.
Who is the Divisional Disability Representative (DDR) for my Division/Department?
Worker’s Compensation
21 N. Park St., Suite 5301
Madison, WI 53715
Note – Please contact the email address with questions and/or to schedule an in-person meeting. Advanced meeting scheduling is necessary in order to meet with Risk Management staff; drop-in appointments are not available.
(608) 265-9475
Fax: (608) 265-3624