Alternates are employees who serve as proxies for other employees and non-employees in e-Reimbursement.
- For employees, alternates have delegated authority to create and modify expense reports.
- For non-employees and recently-terminated employees, alternates have delegated authority to create, modify, and submit expense reports.
Current Employees
- Current employees must add and remove their own alternates. Any employee may serve as an alternate for any other employee. See Procedure 3024.2 for instructions on how to add an Alternate.
- Alternates can create and modify expense reports for employees, but employees must submit their own expense report. Employees are responsible for submitting their expense report on time and in compliance with UW–Madison travel policies.
- Alternates are assigned to non-employees when the non-employee profile is setup
- Alternates are responsible for ensuring non-employee expense reports are submitted on time and in compliance with UW–Madison travel policies. Expense reports cannot be submitted more than 90 days after the trip for non-employees (see UW-3023).
- All expense reports for non-employees must be prepared and submitted by alternates. Non-employees do not have access to e-Reimbursement.
Recently-Terminated Employees
- Recently-terminated employees can be reimbursed for expenses using their UW–Madison employee ID (8-digit number found on payroll statement; not the 9-digit number from their Wiscard) for up to 365 days after their termination date.
- Expense reports for recently terminated employees must be prepared and submitted by alternates. Terminated employees do not have access to e-Reimbursement.
- Contact or for access to submit expense reports on behalf of recently-terminated employees. Include UW–Madison employee ID for both the alternate and the claimant, if known.
Using e-Reimbursement as an alternate
- Click the Expenses Tile to access a claimant’s expense reports and MyWallet transactions. Once inside one of the following tiles, click the blue arrow next to your name to change the claimant from yourself to the person for whom you are working as an alternate.
- Click Create Expense Report to create a new expense report (see Procedure 3024.1).
- Click Add Quick Expense to view or modify a claimant’s My Wallet expenses.
- Click My Expense Reports to view a claimant’s in-process expense reports.
- Click Expense History to view a claimant’s paid or denied expense reports and their My Wallet history.
Queries and Tools for Alternates
All of the features mentioned below are found in the Expense WorkCenter tile. The panel along the left side has two tabs: Main and Reports/Queries.
- Main tab
- Delegate Entry Authority: this is where employees add and remove their own Alternates.
- Employee Data > Update Profile: use this search to see if a non-employee profile already exists and to see if the name and address information is still accurate.
- Reports/Queries tab
- Traveler Information > Proxy – Where are My ERs: view a list of all in-process expense reports for all claimants whom you are an alternate for. These are expense reports that have been submitted, but not yet paid.
- Traveler Information > Proxy – Where are My PND ERs: view a list of all pending expense reports for all claimants whom you are an alternate for. These are expense reports that have not yet been submitted or have been returned to the claimant for modification.
Queries that do not include “Proxy” are specific to the individual doing the search; they will only return your own expense reports. The CA (Cash Advance) and TA (Travel Authorization) searches work the same as the ER searches.
Policies and procedures
- Travel, Purchasing Card, Reimbursement policies and procedures
- UW-3024 Expense Reimbursement Policy
- How to create, modify, and resubmit an expense reimbursement in e-Reimbursement
- Procedure 3024.1 - How to Create an Expense Reimbursement
- Procedure 3024.2 - How to Assign an Alternate in e-Reimbursement
Travelers and departmental staff should contact their Divisional Business Office for policy or procedural questions.
Divisional Business Offices may e-mail with questions.