Refunds of Receipts Form

The Refund of Receipts form is used to request a refund to the original payee associated with receipt of revenue collected by the University.

The Refund of Receipts form is used to request a refund to the original payee associated with receipt of revenue collected by the University.

Student tuition related refunds/adjustments and housing refunds are primarily handled through Student Information System and are not to be submitted using RoR forms.

Complete all required fields (will be indicated by an asterisk *) in the form and attach the appropriate supporting documentation necessary to process the request. DO NOT ATTACH W-8 OR W-9 WITH SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS TO THIS FORM.


  • Only one payee is allowed per form. If paying more than one customer, please fill out a Refund of Receipts form for each customer.
  • Supplier: Select a supplier (1) a persistent vendor active in the system or (2) the refund of receipts single payment vendor [search refund in the supplier search and select refund of receipts]. Note any other single payment vendor used will result in this form auto-returning to you. 
  • The account codes used for this form should start with a 7xxx or a 9xxx– using a different account code will result in this form being auto-rejected.
  • Any requests for other non-revenue expenses should be submitted using appropriate forms (For example: Direct Pay Form, e-reimbursement, Payment to Individual Request Form, etc.).

Access Refund of Receipts Form in ShopUW++

Finding the Refund of Receipts Form in ShopUW+

  1. After you Login, Click on “Shop” on the left-hand side.
  2. Next, click on “Shopping” in the fly-out menu
  3. Click “View Favorites”. You will see all the forms you have access to in ShopUW+. If you need access to a form that is not listed please contact,

Screenshot of ShopUW+ Forms

Check Custody Agreement- One Day Form

Use this form for checks to be stored and distributed outside of Accounts Payable

Use this form for checks to be stored and distributed outside of Accounts Payable

Checks require a valid business reason for a department to request pick up. This handling exception requires written justification explaining the reason(s) for doing so, including the signature of the Divisional CFO authorizing the check custodian (see below) to pick up the checks. This agreement identifies the check custodian and alternate (hereafter “check custodian”) who will be responsible for the safe keeping of the checks until they are distributed. Checks will only be distributed to check custodians.

Download Check Custody Agreement-One Day Form (docx)

Check Custody Agreement – Standing Form

Use this form for checks to be stored and distributed outside of Accounts Payable

Use this form for checks to be stored and distributed outside of Accounts Payable                        

Most check custody requests should be submitted on the Check Custody Agreement—One Day Form. This agreement identifies the check custodian and alternate (hereafter “check custodian”) who will be responsible for the safe keeping of the checks until they are distributed to payees, along with a date range. This handling exception requires written justification explaining the reason(s) for requesting the exception, including the signature of the Divisional CFO authorizing the check custodian to pick up the checks. Checks will only be distributed to check custodians. The standing agreement requires a countersignature from Business Services management before it is valid.

To obtain a copy of the Check Custody Agreement—Standing Form for submission, please email a request to , with “Standing Check Custody Agreement” in the subject line and a justification for requesting a standing agreement in the body of the email.