A Letter explaining UW-Madison's tax exempt status, including relevant ID numbers.
Linked below is a letter explaining UW-Madison’s tax exempt status, including relevant ID numbers. This includes the tax exempt certificate and may be used to respond to vendor inquiries.
Download Sales Tax Exempt Status Letter/ Substitute W-9 – NetID login required
Sales Tax Exempt Certificate -UW Madison
Below is a link that you can follow to download the University’s tax-exempt certificate.
Download Sales Tax Exempt Certificate – NetID login required
Related resources
- UW–Madison Tax Exempt Status Letter/Substitute W-9 – designed to answer inquiries concerning our tax exempt status. This letter is used to send to entities requesting information on our tax exempt status and includes the University of Wisconsin’s ID numbers.
- UW–Madison Credit Letter – the University’s response to a request for a credit application. It also includes UW–Madison’s tax-exempt information and ID numbers (including DUNS and UEI numbers) and may be used to respond to vendor inquiries.
This letter explains the University's response to a request for a credit application and includes the tax-exempt information and ID numbers. It may be used to respond to vendor inquiries.
This letter explains the University’s response to a request for a credit application and includes the tax-exempt information and ID numbers. It may be used to respond to vendor inquiries.
Credit/Sales Tax Exempt Letter- Requires Net-ID sign in
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Lighting Losses Affidavit document
This form must be completed for property claims of damages caused by lightning to UW–Madison owned property, equipment, or other contents. Learn more about filing property damage claims
The Lightning Losses Affidavit form must be completed by a repair firm/person and signed by the department representative. Submit the completed form to Risk Management (propertyclaims@bussvc.wisc.edu).
Download Lightning Losses Affidavit Form (PDF)
After a Gift In Kind is made, each campus department is responsible for issuing a donor acknowledgment letter to all donors and keeping a copy on file. The letter serves as a thank you, and include specific language for tax purposes.
After a Gift In Kind (non cash) donation is received directly by UW Madison from a donor, the campus department is responsible for issuing a GIK donor acknowledgment letter to the donor and keeping a copy on file.
Download Gift in Kind Acknowledgement Letter (Word Doc)
The letter serves as a thank you and required written acknowledgment, and should include specific language from the downloadable template for tax purposes. The letter should describe the item(s) donated, but should not include a dollar value.
Sample letter and procedure for sending an acknowledgment of a gift made to UW-Madison.
Sample letter and procedure for sending an acknowledgment of a gift made to UW–Madison.
Download Gift Acknowledgement Letter (Word Doc)
After a monetary donation is received directly by UW–Madison from a donor, the campus department is responsible for issuing a donor acknowledgment letter and keeping a copy on file. The letter serves as a thank you and required written acknowledgment, and should include the amount donated and specific language from the downloadable template for tax purposes.