3024.5 How to Reimburse Non-Employees Procedure

Procedure # 3024.5; Rev.: 1 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3024 Expense Reimbursement Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Expense Reimbursement Program Manager – Allie Watters, expensereimbursement@bussvc.wisc.edu, (608) 263-3525


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

Non-employees are reimbursed for out-of-pocket travel expenses through e-Reimbursement. Expense reports for non-employees must be created and submitted by Alternates. Non-employees are paid via paper check unless they are setup to receive a wire transfer.

Non-employee Profile Setup Forms are created in SFS/e-Reimbursement and routed to the UW–Madison Travel Office. Alternates are notified via email when the non-employee profile is complete and they can begin preparing expense reports.

Generally, non-employees are subject to the same travel and reimbursement policies as employees.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

  • Alternates who prepare expense reports
  • Employees responsible for reviewing and submitting Non-Employee Profile Setup and Change forms

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III. Procedure

  1. Finding an existing non-employee profile
    1. Before requesting a new non-employee profile, check if one already exists for the recipient.  If one does exist, use this search to find the non-employee ID and ensure the recipient’s address is correct.
    2. Sign into the Shared Financial System (SFS). Click the Expenses WorkCenter tile.
    3. Expand the Employee Data menu, then select Update Profile.
    4. Search by employee ID (this includes non-employee IDs), name or last name. Search the “Name” field using the convention “LastName,FirstName” with no spaces.
    5. Review the search results to find the proper profile.  Click one of the blue links to access profile details in a read-only format.
    6. The Employee Data tab shows the non-employee’s name and address.
    7. The Organizational Data tab shows the hire date (i.e., first date expenses were incurred) and the default funding.
    8. Non-employee profiles do not expire. The same non-employee profile should be used for the same recipient, even if it was originally setup by a different department. Avoid creating duplicate non-employee profiles for the same person. The default funding for an existing nonemployee may be updated by utilizing the Request Non-employee EmpIid tile and form, choosing the option to Update an Existing Emplid.
  2. Creating a new non-employee profile or updating information on an existing non-employee profile
    1. Sign into the Shared Financial System (SFS) and choose the Expenses tile. Then click on the Request Non-employee Emplid tile.
    2. Choose either Add a new non-employee or Update an Existing Emplid and fill in all the required fields (marked by an asterisk).
      1. Instructions for setting up a new non-employee travel profile
      2. Please note additional requirements are necessary for Non-Resident Aliens (NRAs). The initiating department/division is responsible for obtaining, reviewing and retaining additional documents for Non-Resident Aliens prior to submitting a non-employee profile creation request and/or filing reimbursements. Documentation must be complete, accurate, legibly copied and kept on file in the initiating department/Division. Learn about the necessary documents
    3. Submit the form once it is completed. The submitter of the form will receive an email confirming successful submission. Once the Non-employee ID has been created or updated, the submitter and alternates will receive another email stating it has been approved.
    4. Alternates are listed on the form and are notified via email when the profile is setup.
    5. Non-employee payments should be sent to a home address, not a campus address. If the recipient plans to pick up the check from the Business Services office, enter “Hold for Pickup” in the address field.  If a different individual is picking up the check on behalf of the recipient, follow the Check Custody Agreement instructions (check custody agreements are not guaranteed to be approved).
  3. Reimbursing non-employees: Expense reports for non-employees are submitted through e-Reimbursement. Non-employee expense reports are created and submitted by employees serving as their alternate.
  4. Requesting payment via wire transfer
    1. Non-employee payments must be made via wire transfer when the address is outside of the United State or Canada.
    2. When filling out the Non-employee Profile Setup Form or the Non-employee Change Request Form, indicate payments are to be made by wire transfer by entering “Wire Transfer, ATTN: Cash Management” in the address field. Once activated for wire transfers, all reimbursement payments will be paid via wire transfer.
    3. For each wire payment, fill out an Outgoing Wire Form and upload it as an attachment to the expense report.
    4. Upon approval of the expense report, payment will be automatically routed to Cash Management to process the wire transfer.

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IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Alternate – responsible for creating and submitting expense reports on behalf of others. Employees who seek reimbursement can assign an alternate to create and modify expense reports for them, but the employee must submit their own. Expense reports for non-employees or recently-terminated employees are created and submitted by alternates.

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V. Definitions

  • e-Reimbursement: the Expenses module of the Shared Financial System (SFS), used to create, submit, and approve expense reimbursement claims.
  • Expense report: contains a categorized and itemized list of expenses that were made on behalf of University of Wisconsin–Madison. This report helps the employer or finance team determine what money was spent, what was purchased, and how much of the expenditure is approved for reimbursement.
  • Non-employee: an individual who does not have an active appointment at the University. Non-employees can be reimbursed for travel-related expenses through e-Reimbursement.

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VI. Related references

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VII.  Revisions

Procedure Number 3024.5
Date Approved May 8, 2017
Revision Dates Dec. 6, 2019 – Updated links
Jan. 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3024.5 from 320.5

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