Procedure # 3024.8; Rev.: 1 (Effective June 30, 2020)
Related Policy: UW-3024 Expense Reimbursement Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Expense Reimbursement Program Manager – Allie Watters,, (608) 263-3525
- Procedure statement
- Who is affected by this procedure
- Procedure
- Contact roles and responsibilities
- Definitions
- Related references
- Revisions
I. Procedure statement
Expenses may be charged to the Wisconsin Foundation Alumni Association (WFAA) when appropriate. e-Reimbursement approvers are responsible for entering WFAA funding. Upon approval of the expense report, the claimant receives one payment from the University. Accounting Services then bills WFAA for their portion.
II. Who is affected by this procedure
Employees who seek reimbursement for out-of-pocket or Corporate Card expenses; alternates who prepare expense reports in the Shared Financial System (SFS)/e-Reimbursement; approvers and auditors; Divisional Business Officers and others who have approval authority.
III. Procedure
- Expense Report Submission (Traveler/Alternate role)
- For expenses with food and/or drinks, claimants/alternates must enter the number of attendees and their names into e-Reimbursement. This is required for the “Meal-Hosted” and “Event-Catering” expense types (PDF). When entering expenses:
- Enter the total number of attendees in the “How many people” field.
- A list of meeting participants for whom expenses are to be covered, indicating name and affiliation, i.e., institution, state agency, business, etc. must be attached to the expense report. Alternately, meeting participants’ names and affiliations may be listed in the “Add Additional Attendees” link within the expense line
- Claimants submit expense reports without entering WFAA funding. Include in the justification notes the amount being charged to WFAA and the name and number of the WFAA account, if known.
- For expenses with food and/or drinks, claimants/alternates must enter the number of attendees and their names into e-Reimbursement. This is required for the “Meal-Hosted” and “Event-Catering” expense types (PDF). When entering expenses:
- Entering Foundation Funding Information (Approver Role)
- e-Reimbursement approvers are responsible for entering WFAA funding information. Claimants, alternates, and auditors do not have this ability.
- Access the expense line funding for the expense being charged to WFAA funding.
- While in the summary view of an expense report in your approval queue, click the Expense Details link.
- View the expense line funding by expanding the two grey arrows. The first is to the left of the expense date, the second is above “Accounting Details”.
- If expense is split between UW funding and WFAA funding, add additional funding lines as needed. Funding lines are added by using the plus sign at the far right end of the funding string (may require using the scroll bar below the funding string).
- Expenses must be split at the funding line level within one expense line. Do not enter multiple expense lines for the same expense.
- For Hosted Events and Business Meals, alcohol and meal overages must be split onto separate funding lines. Meal expenses which include alcohol and meal overages will have three funding lines.
- Portion allowable on UW funding
- Alcohol to WFAA
- Meal overages charged to WFAA
- For WFAA funding lines, change the account code to 6240. Hit tab. Click the “Foundation” link that appears at the far left of the funding string.
- UW Fund Account Type: leave as “UW Foundation” unless instructed to change by Athletics Business Office.
- UW Foundation Account Number: enter the 9-digit WFAA account number.
- Account Description: enter the title of the WFAA account.
- Reason for Foundation Use: enter justification for why WFAA funding is appropriate and/or UW funding is not appropriate.
- Click “OK”
- Enter any other relevant information in the Description box of the expense line. This Description box and the “Reason for Foundation Use” box are the only justifications WFAA has access to when reviewing these expenses. The billing process may be delayed if necessary information is included elsewhere in the expense report.
- Reimbursement payment
- Claimants receive one payment from the University, even for expense reports split between UW and WFAA funding.
- Billing process
- Accounting Services bills WFAA for their portion of e-Reimbursement payments after the reimbursements have been paid. Even though these WFAA expenses have already been reimbursed to the claimant, WFAA has the final authority to deny any submitted non-compliant expenses for payment, which could require reimbursement from the claimant.
IV. Contact roles and responsibilities
- Claimant/Alternate: Responsible for understanding and complying with Business Meals, Hosted Events, Official Functions and University travel and purchasing polices. Responsible for entering number of attendees and their names and affiliations. Responsible for retaining all required documentation.
- Approver: Responsible for entering WFAA funding information, ensuring amounts split between WFAA and UW funding are accurate, and providing sufficient justification for e-Reimbursement auditors and WFAA personnel to approve expenses.
- Accounting Services: Responsible for reviewing WFAA expenses, billing expenses to WFAA and processing payments from WFAA.
V. Definitions
- Claimant: individual claiming reimbursement for expenses.
- Alternate: individual granted authority to enter expense reports on behalf of a claimant.
- Approver: the first reviewer of expense reports , also known as “Required Departmental Approver.”
- Auditor: the final expense report reviewer, also known as “Required Final Approver.”
- WFAA: Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association. WFAA is a separate, non-profit entity which solicits and accepts gifts on behalf of the University and invests and protects those gift funds until needed by the University.
- e-Reimbursement: the Expenses module of the Shared Financial System (SFS), used to create, submit, and approve expense report claims.
- Expense report: An expense report contains a categorized and itemized list of expenses that were made on behalf of University of Wisconsin–Madison. This report helps the employer or finance team determine what money was spent, what was purchased, and how much of the expenditure is approved for reimbursement.
VI. Related references
- How to Create, Modify and Submit an Expense Reimbursement in e-Reimbursement
- Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association Website
- Hosted Events webpage (DoBS)
- UW-3039 Business Meals Policy
- UW-3075 Official Functions and Expenses Policy
- Shared Financial System (SFS) Billing Entry for Business Meals guide (PDF)
- Gifts webpage (DoBS)
- Requesting Gift Funds from WFAA
- How to Make Expenditures from WFAA Accounts
VII. Revisions
Procedure Number | 3024.8 |
Date Approved | June 30, 2020 |
Revision Dates | Jan. 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3024.8 from 320.8 |