April 2022 update: This is a reminder to visit covidresponse.wisc.edu for up-to-date campus Covid-19 updates and requirements. As of March 12, 2022, the campus masking mandate has ended; masking is no longer required, but individuals may continue to wear masks.
Original post from Sept. 11, 2020:
Effective immediately, Purchasing will be including a PDF attachment outlining supplier on-site Covid requirements when emailing (and mailing) Purchase Orders.
View Outlining Supplier on-site COVID requirements
Additionally, we will also do the following:
- Add Covid pandemic language to our current bid templates (SCOBs) with link to website
- Incorporate (as needed) to any current contract amendments – use agent discretion
If there are any supplier/vendor questions to these requirements, please forward to the Purchasing inbox (purch@bussvc.wisc.edu) so we may address.
Brian P. Klinger
Assistant Director, Purchasing
University of Wisconsin – Madison