Purchasing Card News – July 2020

Spread the Word!

This communication was distributed to the UW-Madison Purchasing Card Site Manager and Purchasing Card Cardholder lists.  To ensure all users stay informed, please forward this email to other staff as appropriate.  We appreciate your assistance!

Policy Updates

The following policy updates have been made and are effective immediately:

  • Sales Tax Tolerance Level: The sales tax tolerance level has been increased from $5 to $25. As a reminder, if a cardholder inadvertently pays sales tax in an amount of $25 or less, the cardholder is not required to attempt to obtain a refund for the sales tax paid; however, if sales tax is paid in error in an amount greater than $25, the cardholder is required to contact the vendor for a refund AND to document that attempt on the purchasing card supporting documentation.
  • Warning Expungement Timeframe: Purchasing card warnings will now be expunged after a period of one year (previously two years).

As a result of these changes, Procedures 300.2 and 300.5 have been updated.

Purchasing Card Audits

The UW System Administration Office of Internal Audit completed a review of UW Madison purchasing card activity between 06/29/2019 and 12/27/2019.  This audit included a review of 99 transactions and resulted in a total of five audit findings:

pcard audit findings july 2020

All results have been shared with the relevant cardholders, site managers and Divisional Business Office leadership.  The next round of continuous audit will include transactions posted between 12/28/2019 and 06/26/2020.  We expect to receive the audit request this month and will work with the site managers to gather the required supporting documentation.


If you have questions, please contact pcard@bussvc.wisc.edu.