Frequently Questioned Purchases

If you are unsure if something is an appropriate purchasing card purchase, please review the list of frequently questioned purchases below. Some of the items listed are allowable, some are not, and some are allowable under certain circumstances. Please contact if you cannot find a specific item/service you want to learn about.

Common Topics

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


A purchasing card may be used to purchase airfare pursuant to UW-3016 Air Travel Policy.


It is allowable for the University to pay for wine and beer to be served with a dinner included at a University-sponsored conference where these costs are included in the participant fee for the conference. All other alcoholic beverage purchases are prohibited on the purchasing card. See UW-3043 Exceptions/Approvals/Special Handling Policy.


Appliances required for lab/research use are allowable. Appliances for use in break rooms, lactation rooms, or other general shared spaces are allowable. Appliances for individual use in private offices are not allowed.


Awards meeting the criteria found in UW System Administrative Policy SYS 330: Prizes, Awards and Gifts are allowable on the purchasing card.

Capital Equipment and Fabrication Materials

Capital equipment components and fabrication materials less than $5,000 are allowable on the purchasing card provided they are reconciled appropriately. Purchases of materials for capital equipment fabrications must be reported to UW–Madison Property Control. Allocate the expenses to Account Code 4670 and reference the appropriate Asset ID number within the documented business purpose. Contact the appropriate Department Property Administrator (DPA) or if you have questions.

Cash advances

Cash advances are technically not possible with a purchasing card. If a cardholder attempts to obtain cash from an ATM with their purchasing card, the request will be declined.

Cell phones/service

Cellular service and equipment purchases are coordinated by DoIT in accordance with the State of Wisconsin cellular contracts and, therefore, are not allowable on the purchasing card. See UW–Madison Information Technology Cellular Service.


Copiers are not allowable on the purchasing card and must be purchased through the state contract. See How to Purchase a Photocopier (Copier).

Cylinder gases

Cylinder gases are not allowed on the purchasing card. They must be purchased through ShopUW+ for safety and tracking purposes.

Decorative items/Flowers

The purchase of decorative items (plants, artwork, picture frames, etc.) from university-administered funds is allowable only if the items are placed in a common space frequented by students and/or the general public. The purchase of items placed in employee lounges, assigned offices, or other work areas is not allowable.

The purchase of temporary decorations (balloons, flowers, signage, etc.) for UW-sponsored events is allowable provided the event supports the mission of the unit.

Ebay purchases

The purchasing card may be used to purchase items from an online auction source, such as ebay, provided the risk of loss has been minimized to the maximum extent possible and University procurement requirements are met. Cardholders should do everything possible to determine the true condition of the item being purchased. When purchasing an operating piece of equipment, it is expected an independent person or company be used to validate the operating condition. Cardholders are encouraged to contact the Purchasing Specialist that handles the particular commodity prior to making an online auction purchase.


Fines, including parking tickets on or off campus, are not allowable on the purchasing card.


Gas may only be purchased on the purchasing card if it is going into a rental vehicle being used for University business. If an individual is driving their personal vehicle, mileage should be claimed on an expense report.


Gifts that meet the criteria found in UW System Administrative Policy SYS 330: Prizes, Awards and Gifts are allowable on the purchasing card.

Gift cards

Gift cards are allowable on the purchasing card provided the purchase is pursuant to UW-3027 Gift Cards Policy.

Holiday decorations

Holiday decorations are only allowable on the purchasing card when they are placed in open public areas, such as at a student union, student dormitory, or student health center.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Hospitality expenses

Hospitality expenses (e.g. sympathy flowers, baby gifts, retirement gifts) are not allowed on the purchasing card unless pursuant to UW-3075 Official Functions and Expenses Policy.


Insurance purchases are not allowed on the purchasing card. Exceptions to this rule include:

  • International Health Insurance purchased through the Cultural Insurance Services International program
  • contracted rental vehicle insurance coverage (when necessary) or other insurance purchases approved by the Travel and Card Manager in consultation with Risk Management

Contact Risk Management for more details or discussion on insurance purchases. Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) payments are processed by University Health Services and are not allowable on the purchasing card.

Meals & Catering


Individual meals, which are reimbursed to travelers as part of a Meals & Incidentals (M&IE) per diem allowance, are not allowed on the purchasing card.

Business meals are allowed on the purchasing card provided the purchase follow guidance in UW-3039 Business Meals Policy.


Catering expenses are allowed on the purchasing card provided they follow guidance in UW-3049 Catering Policy. It is recommended event planners work with Purchasing Services from the early stages of the
event planning process to ensure all necessary contracts are reviewed and signed by a Procurement Specialist and in case the event cost exceeds the $5,000 best judgement purchase limit.

Note: Catering does not include food purchased and prepared by University staff or prepared food (box lunches, sandwiches, cheese trays, pizza, cookies, fruit or similar items) purchased from a licensed restaurant and/or catering operation and served by University staff on property owned/leased by the University.


Membership renewals are allowable on the purchasing card; however, the initial payment of a new membership must be processed on a requisition, a Direct Payment Form or via e-Reimbursement to allow for appropriate approvals.

Amazon Prime Memberships are not allowable on the purchasing card without prior approval from the Purchasing Card Program Manager and the cardholder’s Divisional Business Office.


Parking is payable on the purchasing card except for employee parking at the employee’s worksite (commuting expense).


Postage/stamps are allowable on the purchasing card.


Print orders that exceed $49.99 must be competitively bid. See UW-3044 Printing Related and Printing Purchases Policy.

Print orders $49.99 or less may be purchased on the purchasing card.


Prizes that meet the criteria found in UW System Administrative Policy SYS 330, Prizes, Awards and Gifts are allowable on the purchasing card.

Recurring payments

Recurring payments setup on an automatic payment cycle are not allowable; however, once an invoice has been reviewed and approved, the purchasing card can be used as a mechanism for payment.


Registrations are allowable on the purchasing card provided they are subject to UW-3021 Registration Fees.


Services are allowable on the purchasing card as it is the payment processor who is required to report on taxable credit card transactions. If the vendor is setup as an active supplier in ShopUW+, users may be assured the vendor has undergone all required vetting and meets the requirements for doing business with the UW.


Sponsorships or donations are not allowable on the purchasing card.


Subscriptions are allowable on the purchasing card.

Tax reportable purchases

Tax reportable payments are allowed on the purchasing card as it is the payment processor who is required to report on taxable payments made with a credit card.


Weapons/ammunition are not allowable on the purchasing card. All purchases of weapons/ammunition must be approved by UW-Madison Police Department. Please see UW-3043 Exceptions/Approvals/Special Handling Policy for further instruction.