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This communication was distributed to the UW-Madison Purchasing Card Site Manager and Purchasing Card Cardholder lists. To ensure all users stay informed, please forward this email to other staff as appropriate. We appreciate your assistance!
Purchasing Card Module Implementation
On December 11, 2021, Business Services will implement the Purchasing Card module of the Shared Financial System (SFS). The module will facilitate the reconciliation, verification, and approval of purchasing card transactions and become the system of record for all purchasing card supporting documentation and approvals. The Purchasing Card module will replace the use of U.S. Bank’s Access Online for most functionality apart from program maintenance performed by Purchasing Card Program Administrators.
Benefits of the Purchasing Card Module
We are anticipating many benefits from use of the new Purchasing Card module, including:
- Shorter timeframe between date of purchase and date of posting to WISER: Transactions are loaded to the Purchasing Card module daily and can be reconciled daily; there is no need to wait for the “billing cycle” to end.
- No more edit deadlines: Since transactions are loaded daily, site managers can review and approve as cardholders complete their verifications.
- Additional cardholder functionality: In the Purchasing Card module, cardholders can allocate transactions if they choose.
- Access to supporting documentation: Since the Purchasing Card module will be the system of record, auditors will have access to supporting documentation, eliminating the need to request from site managers via email.
- Electronic approvals: All verifications and approvals will be done electronically, eliminating the need for signatures on paper statements.
- Automated reminders: The Purchasing Card module includes automated email reminders to ensure unreconciled transactions are not forgotten.
Prior to implementation, all purchasing cardholders and site managers are required to complete training to remain eligible for the purchasing card program. This online training will be a combination of the annual refresher training and the new module training. Information about training will be communicated directly to cardholders and site managers via email in mid-October.
Please note the important dates below:
- October 15, 2021: Training available and distributed to cardholders and site managers.
- November 2021: Online Q&A Sessions available (more information and registration links forthcoming)
- December 11, 2021: Purchasing Card Module implementation date; cardholders and site managers begin reconciling purchasing card transactions posted 12/11/2021 or later in the Purchasing Card module.
- December 17, 2021: Final edit deadline in Access Online for the 12/10/2021 billing period. Transactions posted after 12/10/2021 must be reconciled in the Purchasing Card module.
Note: Any changes to the above will be further communicated.
If you have questions, please contact pcard@bussvc.wisc.edu.