3013.7 Department Card Use and Account Management Procedure

Procedure #3013.7; Rev. 1 (Effective March 20, 2018)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Administrator: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.7 Department Card Use and Account Management Procedure (PDF)


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

The UW–Madison Department Card Program is designed to allow employees and enrolled students without a purchasing card the ability to use a Department Card to make infrequent, pre-approved purchases. The Department Card is for UW–Madison business purchases only. There are specific procedures (in addition to those outlined in Procedure 3013.2 – Purchasing Card Use and Account Management) that govern its use, including obtaining pre-authorization to use a Department Card.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

Department Card Administrator (DCA); users of a Department Card; site managers; Divisional Business Office staff; the Division of Business Services Purchasing Card Program Administrator; Purchasing Services staff.

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III. Procedure

  1. Determining who may use a Department Card: The Department Card can be used by the Department Card Administrator (DCA), other authorized employees and authorized enrolled students. Non-employees are not eligible to use a Department Card. The Department Card is intended to be used by those required to make occasional purchases, but not enough to warrant having a purchasing card of their own.
  2. Intended uses of the Department Card: The Department Card is intended for low-dollar, occasional purchases from local or online vendors. It is not recommended the Department Card leave the DCA’s headquarters city, unless necessary (e.g., student group travel).
  3. Obtaining pre-authorization to use a Department Card: No more than five days prior to each request to use the Department Card, purchasers must obtain approval from their supervisor. For enrolled students, this approval may come from a Hoofers Advisor, Club Leader, Department Chair or equivalent. Purchasers must complete the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form with their name, the item(s) intended to be purchased and the UW–Madison business purpose for the intended purchase. Supervisors are to approve the appropriateness of the purchase, not the appropriateness of the use of the Department Card as a payment mechanism. Approval from the supervisor may be in the form of a signature on the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form or in an email which restates the item(s) intended to be purchased.
  4. Requesting the Department Card from the Department Card Administrator: Once a purchaser has obtained approval from the supervisor, the purchaser may request the Department Card from the DCA. The DCA must review the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form and determine if the Department Card is the most appropriate method of payment for the intended purchase(s). If a more appropriate payment method or purchasing mechanism exists (e.g., ShopUW+, internal billing, purchase order) or if it is determined the intended purchase is non-compliant with UW Policy, the DCA must withhold the Department Card from the purchaser and redirect them accordingly. If the DCA determines the intended purchase is compliant with UW policy and is an appropriate Department Card purchase, the DCA may provide the Department Card to the authorized purchaser along with the University’s Tax-Exempt Letter and Certificate or a Tax-Exempt Wallet card, if applicable.
  5. Department Card use in Concur profiles: DCA preapproval is required for all Department Card transactions. If a Department Card account number is stored in a traveler’s Concur profile, the traveler may not use it to make a purchase without obtaining pre-authorization from their supervisor or club leader and the DCA as outlined in Sections B and C above. If a traveler makes a purchase without obtaining pre-authorization from their supervisor or club leader and the DCA, the purchase is considered unauthorized (see Section H. Handling Unauthorized Purchases).
  6. Department Card reconciliation:
    1. DCA responsibilities: Standard purchasing card reconciliation requirements are outlined in Section III.E. of Procedure 3013.2: Purchasing Card Use and Account Management. In addition to these requirements, the DCA must also attach the Department Card Pre-Authorization Forms as part of the supporting documentation for each Department Card transaction initiated by an authorized purchaser (not the Department Card Administrator).
    2. Site Manager responsibilities: Standard purchasing card reconciliation requirements are outlined in Section III of Procedure 3013.5: Purchasing Card Site Manager Review and Reconciliation. In addition to these requirements, the site manager must also ensure each transaction posted to the Department Card account not made by the Department Card Administrator is supported by the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form.
  7. Handling unauthorized purchases: If unauthorized purchases post to the Department Card, the DCA must follow up to determine how the transactions originated. If it is determined a previously authorized purchaser retained the Department Card account number and used it to make a subsequent unauthorized purchase, the DCA must initiate a fraud claim through U.S. Bank and request a cancellation/reissuance of their Department Card. The DCA may not allow the unauthorized purchaser to use the new Department Card or account number to make future purchases, regardless of supervisor approval. Further, the DCA is required to inform the Divisional Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the unauthorized use and provide additional information as requested.
    1. Note: If the unauthorized purchase was not made by a previously authorized purchaser, the DCA must follow the standard procedures for addressing unrecognizable transactions in Section III.H of Procedure 3013.2: Purchasing Card Use and Account Management.
  8. Non-Compliance: If the site manager identifies an instance of non-compliance and determines the DCA is responsible, standard procedures apply, as outlined in Procedure 3013.10: Address Non-Compliance. If Accounting Services identifies an instance of non-compliance, standard procedures apply as outlined in Section III.K of Procedure 3013.2: Purchasing Card Use and Account Management.

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IV. Contact Roles and Responsibilities

  • Department Card Administrator (DCA): responsible for complying with purchasing card policy and procedures and managing the Department Card account.
  • Authorized purchaser: employee or enrolled student authorized by the supervisor (or equivalent) and DCA to make a purchase.
  • Supervisor/Club leader/Hoofers Advisor: responsible for reviewing employees’ or enrolled students’ Department Card purchase requests for appropriateness.
  • Site manager: responsible for reviewing all assigned card activity for policy compliance.

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V. Definitions

  • Department Card Administrator (DCA): The UW–Madison employee whose name appears along with a department name on a Department Card and who is responsible for all purchases made with that card.
  • Department card: A university-liability credit card issued to a UW–Madison employee that may be used by other authorized employees or enrolled students for pre-approved business-related purchases.
  • Site manager: the individual who manages purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level.

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VI. Related References

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VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.7
Date Approved March 20, 2018
Revision Dates September 6, 2018 – Removed Accounting Services 100% audit requirement
August 7, 2019 – Update links due to Business Services web redesign
January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.7 from 300.7
December 11, 2021 – Updated due to implementation of P-Card Module in the Shared Financial System.
January 25, 2023 – Department Card Tracking Log no longer used.

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