How to Make Expenditures from UW Foundation Accounts

Procedure for making expenditures from University Accounts using Foundation Funds

  • Transfer money from the appropriate UW Foundation accounts to a new or existing Fund 233 projects at the University by following the instructions in “Requesting Gift Funds from UW Foundation”.
  • Make your expenditure from the Fund 233 project following University directions described in “How to Make A Purchase“.
  • Such money should be transferred prior to making the expenditure from the 233 Project.

Procedure for making expenditures directly from Foundation Funds

  • Determine that making the expenditure directly from the UW Foundation is appropriate.
  • To the maximum extent possible, University expenditures are to be made from University Accounts using procedure 1 above.
  • Only those expenditures which are necessary to support ongoing programs where the expenditure is not allowed by University or State regulations and where you feel comfortable explaining the reasonableness of the expenditure if it is challenged in the press or in public, should be made directly from the Foundation. See the last section of this August 2009 email about UW-Madison and UW Foundation Policies (PDF) for examples of typically appropriate and typically inappropriate transactions.
  • Complete a UW Foundation Check/ACH Request Form on the WFAA Advancement Resources website and route the form and all documentation through your Dean or Director’s office for approval.
  • Remember that documentation of these transactions is considered a public record.

For more complete information about the relationship of the UW Foundation and the University see the Chancellor’s August 2009 email about UW Madison and UW Foundation Policies (PDF).

In e-Reimbursement, the traveler will be reimbursed for both Foundation and UW expenditures by the University upon approval of their expense report. The University will then collect the UW Foundation portion of the payment from the Foundation accounts specified when the expense report is filed.

  • The traveler prepares and submits the expense report. The receipt packet must include detailed receipts for expenses over $25 and the business reason and justification for the expense that will be charged to the Foundation.
  • Ensure that the expense to be charged to the Foundation is in compliance with UW-Madison and UW Foundation Policies.
  • Only expenses that cannot be paid by the UW are allowed to be split and charged to the UW Foundation by Approvers.
  • All expenses charged to the UW Foundation must have a valid, open, UW Foundation account number and funds available to cover the expense.
  • The specific names of persons for whom expenses were incurred must be entered in e-Reimbursement. General terms such as “staff” or “donors” are not sufficient.
  • Receipts to support the expense must be obtained and retained according to UW procedures and available upon request by UW Foundation staff.
  • Accounting Services will bill UW Foundation weekly.
  • Auditors will reconcile the receivable account monthly.

 Step-by-step instructions

  1. Click the Expense Details link.
  2. Display the funding string for the appropriate expense by expanding the two grey arrows (left of the date and left of the Accounting Details).
  3. If splitting the charge between a UW funding string and Foundation funding, click the plus sign to the far right of the funding string (you will have to use the scroll bar below the funding string).
  4. Change the account code to 6240 for the funding line being charged to Foundation funding.  Hit ‘tab’ when finished.  Do not delete the rest of the funding string.
  5. Click the Foundation link to the left of the funding string.  Enter the 9-digit Foundation account number, the Foundation account description, and the reason for using Foundation funding.  Click OK.
  6. Update the amounts to reflect the proper split between UW funding and Foundation funding.
  7. For Hosted Meals, click the Additional Attendees link.  Add the names and affiliations of the additional attendees, if not already done so.