Gift Management – Operational update

We understand the complexity that the University is working through at this time and that prioritization of core functions is necessary.  Gift Management team members are working remotely and we are here to assist you.  Please reach out to us through email at with any needs during this telecommuting time period.

WFAA gift funds requests:  Please continue to prepare both the UWF Check/ACH Request Form and the UW-Madison Gift Deposit Routing Form as you normally would to make a gift funds request from WFAA, including routing to your Dean/Director/Divisional Business Office for approval.  A digital signature on the pdf documents will be accepted on both forms.  Both completed forms are to be emailed together to the WFAA helpdesk at by the Dean/Director/Divisional Business Office.  Please write “Attn:  Disbursements” at the top of the email message.  Please note:

  • Each individual check/ACH request along with any supporting documentation should be saved as a single pdf document to allow for more efficient processing by the WFAA Disbursements team. (Meaning please do not include 10 different check/ACH requests in one single pdf document.)
  • You can attach more than one pdf to one helpdesk email. However, please submit any fund 233 BOR gift funds requests in a separate email from any direct vendor payment requests.

You can contact Stefanie Merucci or April Cook with any questions.

UW-Madison gift deposits (non WFAA funds):  Please continue to follow the normal gift deposit procedures for checks, ACH/wires, and cash.  Our Cash Management team is currently retrieving mail and depositing checks on Tuesdays and Fridays.  A completed Gift Deposit Routing Form will be required for all gift revenue deposits, and a digital signature on the pdf document will be accepted.  Completed forms can be emailed to and they will be aligned with the check or monies received.  You can contact April Cook with any questions.  Please continue to adhere to Cash Management procedures and internal controls as noted in the Cash Management section of our Division of Business Services continuity website.

Gifts in Kind:  Please continue to follow the normal procedures for processing and reporting gifts in kind.  Digital signatures will be accepted on the Gift in Kind Routing Form, and completed forms and attachments can be emailed to  You can contact April Cook with any questions.