Internal Third Party Payments

Also referred to internal third party deferrals or contracts, this process credits a student tuition account with funds that will be paid by a UW-Madison department. 

There are two types of third party payments at UW-Madison: internal and external.

External payment contracts are made on behalf of the student from a sponsor or organization outside of UW-Madison, and require a specific payment process.


Internal third party payments are contracts made on behalf of the student by UW-Madison departments. Internal third party contracts specify:  Type of tuition and fees | Payment amount | Term | Students receiving deferral.

  • Submit a separate form for each semester. Do not mix terms.
  • Submit a separate form if you intend to have more than one contract for the term.
  • Download a new spreadsheet each semester.


Departments determine eligibility. When a UW department acts as a Third Party, they are authorizing the Bursar’s Office to defer a student’s tuition and/or fees and invoice the department. Third-party deferrals have more set-up options and more processing controls than Scholarships.

Once a Department has determined that a student qualifies for a third party contract take the following steps:

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

1. Submit the Internal Third Party Authorization Form

Determine which Internal Third Party Authorization Form should be used for your students.

Internal Third Party Authorization Form— Non-Employees
Use for students receiving internal third party tuition deferrals. If an individual is an employee with the University (excluding TA, PA, RA, LSA, Fellows, a student hourly employee, an Asst Faculty Assoc, or a Post Doc Trainee) the individual should not be included on this form. (Post Grad Trainees are employees.) By submitting this form you are verifying that UW Madison employees are not included in the list.

Internal Third Party Authorization Form— Employees
Use for employees that are enrolled in a course for job-related training only. To qualify as job-related, the training/course must be: Required by the employer or required as a condition to the retention of an established position or status (e.g., continuing professional education courses), taken to maintain or improve skills required in the employee’s present work, or Post Grad Trainees (Post Doc Trainees are non-employee).

2. The Bursar posts to the student's tuition account

The Bursar’s Office reviews the file, prepares the file, and posts the information directly to the student’s tuition account through the third party contract. This contract will defer the tuition from the student’s account to the organization’s account.

  • If any portion of the student’s tuition and fees is not covered by a third party contract and/or remission, the student must pay the remaining balance before the tuition due date in order to avoid a late payment fee.
  • Third Party credits posted to student accounts with active financial aid will not be refunded until the Financial Aid Office has an opportunity to review the student’s aid and repackage it per federal regulations.

3. Invoices are sent

The Bursar’s Office then generates third party tuition invoices after the last add or drop date for the students.  Invoices are sent via email in the form of an Excel workbook.

4. The department submits payment

The departments are expected to submit payment as soon as possible (must be paid within 30 days of receiving the third party invoice).

Due Dates

Receiving timely authorizations allows students to receive their financial aid refund – meant to cover living expenses- as early as Federal Regulations permit.  It is understood that sometimes appointments cannot be made until immediately before or after the start of the term. In such cases, notify the Bursar’s Student Account Office as soon as the appointment is made.

These dates are the same as Tuition Remission.

How to pay an internal third party invoice

Internal third party invoices, also referred to as “invoice workbooks,” will be sent via email.

The invoice workbook will contain four tabs; Invoice, InterDeptForm, InterDeptForm (2), & Instructions.

  1. Validate the accounting string you are using for payment.
  2. Audit the invoice closely for accuracy. If a remission is added or changed for a student, notify the department that is responsible for the third party payment.
  3. Read the instructions included within the payment instructions workbook. When sending Third Party deferral payments, please include one workbook per e-mail.
    • Email subject line should be Term, Corp Account Number, and Contract Number.
    • When naming the file, please include the Term, Corp Account Number, and Contract Number for the payment in the file name.
    • Subject line and file name is necessary to improve processing within RSP and the Bursar’s Office.

Instructions on how to pay the invoice will be included in the email, but departments can also refer to Pay a Third Party Invoice Instructions (doc).

Fails to enroll

If a student fails to enroll, no charges are created and the third party deferral will not post.

When a student enrolls and then withdraws:

  1. If the department has already made payment, the department will be refunded any excess payment due to a reduction in fees.
  2. If the student withdraws after the drop date and the student still has charges, the department may not be refunded the full payment amount unless the department submits a third party cancellation.


Find the Bursar's Office

Bursar’s Office—Third Party Billing
333 East Campus Mall #10501
Madison, WI 53715-1383

Call the Bursar's offce

Phone: 608-262-3612