Blanket Business Case Exceptions related to COVID-19

Effective March 12, 2020, the State Bureau of Procurement (SBOP) implemented a blanket business case exception for those products needed to support agency preparedness measures in response to COVID-19. This blanket business case exception applies to the following contracts and for those products (i.e. hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, face masks, etc.) that are unavailable due to short supply or significant lead times:

  • Office Supplies (505ENT-M19-OFFSUPPLY-01)
  • Cleaning Chemicals (505ENT-M16-CLEANGCHEMS-00)
  • Medical Supplies (505ENT-M19-MEDICALSUP-00)
  • Maintenance Repair and Operations (505ENT-M19-FACILITMRO-00)

This business case exemption does not waive procurement rules for purchases over $5000 nor for items that are still readily available through the contracted supplier. With this business case exception, end users can purchase needed items from any available source without having to first use the State’s mandatory contract. This blanket business case exception will remain in effect until products are again available through mandatory contracts in the quantities and delivery times required by the contract or until determined by SBOP.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Meghann Grove.

Meghann Grove
Card Program Manager