3013.9 Department Purchasing Card Application, Activation, and Registration

Purchasing Card Department Purchasing Card Application, Activation, and Registration

Procedure #3013.9; Rev.: 0 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Administrator: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.9 Purchasing Card – Department Purchasing Card Application, Activation, and Registration (PDF)


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

The UW–Madison department purchasing card is a VISA card issued through and supported by U.S. Bank. The card is sponsored by the employing department and is authorized for use for UW-Madison business only. The Purchasing Card Program Office in the Division of Business Services administers the Purchasing Card Program. To obtain a department purchasing card, an employee must complete an application and complete mandatory training. All applications are subject to the approval of the applicant’s supervisor, site manager, Divisional Chief Financial Officer, Purchasing Card Program Administrator, and in some cases, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. After receiving a department purchasing card, the employee must activate the card in Access Online. Details are outlined below.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

Employees who apply for department purchasing cards; site managers; Divisional Chief Financial Officers; the Division of Business Services Purchasing Card Program Administrator; Research and Sponsored Programs staff.

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III. Procedure

  1. Card application: To apply for a department purchasing card, an employee must complete the Department Purchasing Card Application. The application must be routed for the following required approvals.
  2. Approval Process:
    1. Supervisor approval: The supervisor reviews and approves the application.
    2. Site manager approval: The site manager reviews and approves the application.
    3. Divisional Business Office approval: The Divisional Chief Financial Officer reviews and approves the application.
    4. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs approval (only required if default funding includes a sponsored project): The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs reviews the application and approves the use of sponsored funding (133/144) for the default funding source.
    5. Purchasing Card Program Administrator approval: The Purchasing Card Program Administrator reviews the application and confirms whether the applicant is eligible to receive a department purchasing card based on prior audit or monitoring findings. If the applicant is ineligible, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator notifies the applicant, the site manager, and the Divisional Chief Financial Officer that the application was not approved. If the applicant is eligible, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator verifies the applicant has completed the required training. If the applicant has not completed the required training, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator notifies the applicant of the training requirements and retains the application without ordering the department purchasing card from U.S. Bank. If the applicant has completed the required training, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator approves the application and orders the card from U.S. Bank.
  3. Training: Before the Purchasing Card Program Administrator orders a department purchasing card from U.S. Bank, the applicant must attend Purchasing Card Policies and Procedures training and UW–Madison Travel Policy Training. Registration details are available in the Purchasing Card webpage’s Training section. In addition, the applicant must complete an online course specific to the use of a department purchasing card. The Purchasing Card Program Administrator will enroll the applicant in the course upon receipt of the applicant’s approved Department Purchasing Card Application. It is recommended the applicant complete Purchasing Card Policies & Procedures training prior to Department Purchasing Card training.
  4. Card distribution: U.S. Bank mails the purchasing card directly to the applicant at the address indicated on the Department Purchasing Card Application.
  5. Card activation: Cards may be activated online or via phone:
    1. Online:
      1. Visit the U.S. Bank Access Online site and click Activate Your Card.
      2. Enter the requested information (card number, expiration date, last 4 digits of business phone number).
      3. The cardholder will be sent two emails to the email address on file for the account, one with a unique activation link and another with an activation code. Follow the link in the first email to enter the code from the second email. The link and activation code are valid for 20 minutes. If this time lapses, the cardholder should begin the process again.
    2. Phone:
      1. Contact U.S. Bank Customer Service at (800) 344-5696.
      2. When prompted for the last four digits of the Social Security Number or Employee ID, enter four zeroes (0000).
  6. Real-Time Alerts: To enroll in real time alerts via text message or email, see Procedure 3013.8 – How to Enroll in Real-Time Alerts.

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IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Applicant/Department Card Administrator/Cardholder: responsible for applying, enrolling in and completing the mandatory purchasing card training, activating the card, and enrolling in real-time alerts if desired.
  • Supervisor: responsible for reviewing and approving the application.
  • Site manager: responsible for reviewing and approving the application (review includes default funding and credit limits) and reviewing all card activity.
  • Divisional Chief Financial Officer: responsible for reviewing and approving the application (review includes default funding and credit limits).
  • Office of Research and Sponsored Programs: responsible for reviewing the application and approving the use of sponsored funds (133/144) as the default funding source.
  • Purchasing Card Program Administrator: responsible for reviewing the application for eligibility, ordering the card from U.S. Bank, training, and retaining documentation.
  • U.S. Bank: responsible for processing the card request, producing the card, and sending the card to the applicant.

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V. Definitions

  • Access Online: U.S. Bank’s web-based transaction management tool used by the Purchasing Card Program Administrator to maintain the purchasing card program at UW–Madison and by purchasing cardholders to manage account settings.
  • Site manager: the individual who manages purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level.
  • Purchasing Card Program Administrator: the individual appointed by the Accounting Services unit in the Division of Business Services to manage, coordinate, and control purchasing cards for campus.

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VI. Related references

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VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.9
Date Approved May 8, 2017
Revision Dates January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.9 from 300.9
December 11, 2021 – Purchasing Card Module implementation
Sept. 11, 2023 – New and required UW Travel Policy Training available.

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3013.8 Purchasing Card How to Enroll in Real-Time Alerts

Purchasing Card How to Enroll in Real-Time Alerts

Procedure #3013.8; Rev.: 1 (Effective January 17, 2020)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Administrator: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.8 Purchasing Card How to Enroll in Real-Time Alerts (PDF)


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

U.S. Bank will notify cardholders via text and/or e-mail when previously identified or suspicious activity has been detected on a purchasing card. Cardholders can easily confirm whether a transaction is valid or fraudulent, ensuring fewer unnecessary declines and prompt protection in the event of attempted fraud.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

Purchasing card (P-card) cardholders.

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III. Procedure

  1. Login to U.S. Bank’s Access Online (access.usbank.com). If you have not previously registered in Access Online, complete the registration steps below:
    1. Visit the U.S. Bank Access Online site and click Register Online.
    2. Enter the following information:
      1. Organization Short Name: uwmdsn
      2. Account Number: The 16-digit account number located on the front of the new card.
      3. Account expiration date: The month/year of expiration located on the front of the new card.
      4. Click Register This Account.
    3. Note: If the cardholder has more than one card to register, the cardholder should click Additional Account, enter the additional account information, and click Save List.
    4. Establish a User ID and password.
    5. Select three unique authentication questions and answers to be used if the password is forgotten when attempting to log in.
    6. Note: If a cardholder forgets the User ID, the authentication questions will not be helpful. The cardholder will likely be asked questions that were not previously answered and will be unable to log into the system. If this happens, the cardholder should contact pcard@bussvc.wisc.edu for login information.
    7. Enter the cardholder contact information and click Continue. Then click Save.
  2. Navigate to My Personal Information > Account Alerts.
  3. Confirm or provide the Mobile and Email contact information.
  4. Review the Alert Types tabs and make selections.
  5. Click Terms and Conditions to review.
  6. Select the “I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions Agreement” box and click “Submit.”

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IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Cardholder: responsible for enrolling in real-time fraud alerts if desired.
  • U.S. Bank: responsible for sending real-time text/email alerts when fraud is suspected.

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V. Definitions

  • Access Online: U.S. Bank’s web-based transaction management tool used by the Purchasing Card Program Administrator to maintain the purchasing card program at UW–Madison and by purchasing cardholders to manage real-time alerts.
  • Cardholder: the UW–Madison employee whose name appears on a purchasing card and who is responsible for all purchases made with that card.
  • Real-Time Alert: communication in the form of a text message or email sent by U.S. Bank to an enrolled purchasing cardholder when U.S. Bank suspects fraudulent use of the purchasing card or when a purchasing card authorization meets previously set criteria established by the cardholder in Access Online.

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VI. Related references

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VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.8
Date Approved April 4, 2018
Revision Dates January 17, 2020 – Updated procedure to include Event and Purchase alerts in addition to Fraud alerts.
January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.8 from 300.8
December 11, 2021 – Updated procedure to reflect changes due to Purchasing Card Module implementation.

3013.7 Department Card Use and Account Management Procedure

Purchasing Card Supervisor Statement Approval Procedure

Procedure #3013.7; Rev. 1 (Effective March 20, 2018)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Administrator: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.7 Department Card Use and Account Management Procedure (PDF)


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

The UW–Madison Department Card Program is designed to allow employees and enrolled students without a purchasing card the ability to use a Department Card to make infrequent, pre-approved purchases. The Department Card is for UW–Madison business purchases only. There are specific procedures (in addition to those outlined in Procedure 3013.2 – Purchasing Card Use and Account Management) that govern its use, including obtaining pre-authorization to use a Department Card.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

Department Card Administrator (DCA); users of a Department Card; site managers; Divisional Business Office staff; the Division of Business Services Purchasing Card Program Administrator; Purchasing Services staff.

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III. Procedure

  1. Determining who may use a Department Card: The Department Card can be used by the Department Card Administrator (DCA), other authorized employees and authorized enrolled students. Non-employees are not eligible to use a Department Card. The Department Card is intended to be used by those required to make occasional purchases, but not enough to warrant having a purchasing card of their own.
  2. Intended uses of the Department Card: The Department Card is intended for low-dollar, occasional purchases from local or online vendors. It is not recommended the Department Card leave the DCA’s headquarters city, unless necessary (e.g., student group travel).
  3. Obtaining pre-authorization to use a Department Card: No more than five days prior to each request to use the Department Card, purchasers must obtain approval from their supervisor. For enrolled students, this approval may come from a Hoofers Advisor, Club Leader, Department Chair or equivalent. Purchasers must complete the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form with their name, the item(s) intended to be purchased and the UW–Madison business purpose for the intended purchase. Supervisors are to approve the appropriateness of the purchase, not the appropriateness of the use of the Department Card as a payment mechanism. Approval from the supervisor may be in the form of a signature on the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form or in an email which restates the item(s) intended to be purchased.
  4. Requesting the Department Card from the Department Card Administrator: Once a purchaser has obtained approval from the supervisor, the purchaser may request the Department Card from the DCA. The DCA must review the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form and determine if the Department Card is the most appropriate method of payment for the intended purchase(s). If a more appropriate payment method or purchasing mechanism exists (e.g., ShopUW+, internal billing, purchase order) or if it is determined the intended purchase is non-compliant with UW Policy, the DCA must withhold the Department Card from the purchaser and redirect them accordingly. If the DCA determines the intended purchase is compliant with UW policy and is an appropriate Department Card purchase, the DCA may provide the Department Card to the authorized purchaser along with the University’s Tax-Exempt Letter and Certificate or a Tax-Exempt Wallet card, if applicable.
  5. Department Card use in Concur profiles: DCA preapproval is required for all Department Card transactions. If a Department Card account number is stored in a traveler’s Concur profile, the traveler may not use it to make a purchase without obtaining pre-authorization from their supervisor or club leader and the DCA as outlined in Sections B and C above. If a traveler makes a purchase without obtaining pre-authorization from their supervisor or club leader and the DCA, the purchase is considered unauthorized (see Section H. Handling Unauthorized Purchases).
  6. Department Card reconciliation:
    1. DCA responsibilities: Standard purchasing card reconciliation requirements are outlined in Section III.E. of Procedure 3013.2: Purchasing Card Use and Account Management. In addition to these requirements, the DCA must also attach the Department Card Pre-Authorization Forms as part of the supporting documentation for each Department Card transaction initiated by an authorized purchaser (not the Department Card Administrator).
    2. Site Manager responsibilities: Standard purchasing card reconciliation requirements are outlined in Section III of Procedure 3013.5: Purchasing Card Site Manager Review and Reconciliation. In addition to these requirements, the site manager must also ensure each transaction posted to the Department Card account not made by the Department Card Administrator is supported by the Department Card Pre-Authorization Form.
  7. Handling unauthorized purchases: If unauthorized purchases post to the Department Card, the DCA must follow up to determine how the transactions originated. If it is determined a previously authorized purchaser retained the Department Card account number and used it to make a subsequent unauthorized purchase, the DCA must initiate a fraud claim through U.S. Bank and request a cancellation/reissuance of their Department Card. The DCA may not allow the unauthorized purchaser to use the new Department Card or account number to make future purchases, regardless of supervisor approval. Further, the DCA is required to inform the Divisional Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the unauthorized use and provide additional information as requested.
    1. Note: If the unauthorized purchase was not made by a previously authorized purchaser, the DCA must follow the standard procedures for addressing unrecognizable transactions in Section III.H of Procedure 3013.2: Purchasing Card Use and Account Management.
  8. Non-Compliance: If the site manager identifies an instance of non-compliance and determines the DCA is responsible, standard procedures apply, as outlined in Procedure 3013.10: Address Non-Compliance. If Accounting Services identifies an instance of non-compliance, standard procedures apply as outlined in Section III.K of Procedure 3013.2: Purchasing Card Use and Account Management.

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IV. Contact Roles and Responsibilities

  • Department Card Administrator (DCA): responsible for complying with purchasing card policy and procedures and managing the Department Card account.
  • Authorized purchaser: employee or enrolled student authorized by the supervisor (or equivalent) and DCA to make a purchase.
  • Supervisor/Club leader/Hoofers Advisor: responsible for reviewing employees’ or enrolled students’ Department Card purchase requests for appropriateness.
  • Site manager: responsible for reviewing all assigned card activity for policy compliance.

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V. Definitions

  • Department Card Administrator (DCA): The UW–Madison employee whose name appears along with a department name on a Department Card and who is responsible for all purchases made with that card.
  • Department card: A university-liability credit card issued to a UW–Madison employee that may be used by other authorized employees or enrolled students for pre-approved business-related purchases.
  • Site manager: the individual who manages purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level.

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VI. Related References

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VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.7
Date Approved March 20, 2018
Revision Dates September 6, 2018 – Removed Accounting Services 100% audit requirement
August 7, 2019 – Update links due to Business Services web redesign
January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.7 from 300.7
December 11, 2021 – Updated due to implementation of P-Card Module in the Shared Financial System.
January 25, 2023 – Department Card Tracking Log no longer used.

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3013.5 Purchasing Card Site Manager Review and Reconciliation Process Procedure

Purchasing Card Site Manager Review and Reconciliation Process Procedure

Procedure #3013.5; Rev.: 0 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Manager: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.5 Purchasing Card Site Manager Review and Reconciliation Process Procedure (PDF)


I. Procedure statement
II. Who is affected by this procedure
III. Procedure
IV. Contact roles and responsibilities
V. Definitions
VI. Related references
VII. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

The UW–Madison Purchasing Card Program is designed to expedite the purchasing process and reduce the costs associated with processing low-dollar, best-judgment purchases. The site manager is the individual responsible for managing purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level. This procedure provides the site manager with specific instructions on how to review and reconcile the purchasing cards assigned to them. The site manager must not make purchases with a purchasing card they manage.

II. Who is affected by this procedure

Site managers; purchasing cardholders.

III. Procedure

Purchasing card transactions are reconciled in the Shared Financial System (SFS). Transactions are loaded into SFS daily and can be reconciled daily. After a purchasing cardholder verifies a transaction in SFS, the purchasing card site manager (Approver) receives an automated email notification that a transaction is pending approval. Detailed instructions for approving purchasing card transactions are available in the Purchasing Card Approver Business Process Guide (PDF). See below for a summary of the purchasing card transaction approval process.

A. Purchasing card site managers receive an email notification from SFS when a transaction has been verified by a purchasing cardholder. The email is only sent if the cardholder clicks the “Notify My Approver(s)” button after completing their reconciliation. It is recommended site managers routinely review the Reconcile Statement page in SFS for any outstanding transactions for which a notification was not sent.

B. Site managers review transactions for appropriateness and verify all required supporting documentation has been provided.

  1. Review posted transactions for policy compliance:
    1. Verify who made the purchase. A UW-Madison purchasing card may only be used by the employee whose name is embossed on the front of the card.
    2. Verify the purchase is considered best-judgment and within the cardholder’s single purchase limit. The best-judgment purchase limit at UW-Madison is $5,000.
    3. Verify the cardholder did not intentionally split transactions to avoid the single purchase limit and/or the best-judgment purchase limit.
    4. Verify purchases do not require special approvals (see UW-3034 Exceptions/Approvals/Special Handling Policy).
    5. Verify purchases of materials for capital equipment components or fabrication materials are allocated to Account Code 4670 and the appropriate Asset ID is referenced within the provided business purpose.
    6. Verify purchases related to the relocation of an incoming employee (e.g., payments to moving companies, temporary lodging, airfare for employee and family) are allocated to account codes 2880, 2881 or 2883 and enter the new employee’s Employee ID in the Comment field.
    7. Identify purchases that should have been made at ShopUW+.
    8. Verify purchases are in compliance with UW-Madison policies including those listed on the Business Services Policy and Procedure list and the purchasing card list of Frequently Questioned Purchases.
    9. Identify purchases made from Ineligible Vendors.
    10. Identify purchases made with internal vendors and encourage purchasers to use different payment mechanisms for making internal purchases.
    11. Identify sales and use tax paid in error. If sales tax is paid in error in an amount greater than $25, verify the cardholder has documented an attempt to recover the amount from the vendor.
  2. Verify required supporting documentation is included:
    1. Vendor receipts: Invoices, packing slips, cash register receipts, confirmation screens, service agreements, and registration forms are acceptable forms of vendor documentation. All receipts must include the date of purchase, vendor name, items purchased, and pricing information. If the vendor receipt does not contain adequate detail, the cardholder must provide the required information elsewhere in the supporting documentation.
      Note: The Purchasing Card Missing Receipt Form is available for occasional use only. Repeat use of the form should be addressed with the Purchasing Card Non-Compliant Form.
    2. Other supporting documentation: Other required supporting documentation may include agendas, attendee lists, conference brochures, etc., as required by expense-specific policies.
    3. Business purpose: Cardholders are required to provide a business purpose for each transaction that posts to their purchasing card account. The business purpose must provide adequate detail so the site manager can reasonably conclude the expense is appropriate and business-related.

C. Site managers verify intended funding source(s):

  1. All purchasing card transactions are initially allocated to the cardholder’s default funding source. The cardholder and the site manager can reallocate transactions to other funding sources prior to final approval.
  2. Site managers should review the assigned funding and make changes as appropriate (see Accounting Services Coding Information).

D. Site managers address any instances of noncompliance. See Procedure 3013.10 – Address Non-Compliance.

E. After completing the policy review and transaction reconciliation, site managers approve reconciled transactions in SFS.

F. UW–Madison Division of Business Services initiates processing, and approved transactions are posted to WISER.

G. Timeliness of Purchasing Card transaction reconciliation: Cardholders and site managers are required to reconcile transactions within 30 days of the transaction posting date.

  1. If a cardholder has a purchasing card transaction that is not fully approved after 15 days, an automated email reminding the cardholder of the pending transaction will be sent. Emails will continue to send daily until the transaction is fully approved or system closed, including those transactions that have been previously verified by the cardholder, but have not been approved by the site manager. Site managers do not receive reminder emails; therefore, it is the cardholder’s responsibility to either forward the email to their site manager or utilize the Notify Approver(s) button on the Reconcile Statement page of the Purchasing Card module. Site managers may utilize the Transactions Near System Close query available in SFS to monitor aging transactions requiring cardholder and/or site manager approval.
  2. After 30 days, a process will run to “System Close” any purchasing card transactions that have not been fully approved and transfer the transaction(s) to WISER. “System Closed” transactions will be tracked by the Purchasing Card Program Manager and treated as non-compliance. Compliance measures will be taken for repeat offenders.
  3. Cardholders and site managers are required to complete the reconciliation process and provide the required receipts and supporting documentation for “System-Closed” transactions.
  4. The Purchasing Card Program Manager notifies the cardholder, site manager and Divisional Business Office of “System-Closed” transactions. The email notification includes the Purchasing Card Post-System Close Reconciliation Form referencing the details of the “System-Closed” transaction. The following steps must be completed within 14 days of receipt of this form.
  5. The cardholder provides a justification for missing the reconciliation deadline and signs the form, acknowledging the policy requirement. The cardholder provides the required business purpose and supporting documentation for the “System-Closed” transaction in the Purchasing Card module. The cardholder forwards the form to the site manager via email.
  6. The site manager provides a justification for missing the reconciliation deadline, reviews the provided supporting documentation and business purpose in the Purchasing Card module, and attaches the form to the “System-Closed” transaction in the Purchasing Card module.
  7. The Purchasing Card Program Manager reviews the “System-Closed” transaction to verify reconciliation is complete within 14 days.

IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Cardholder: responsible for complying with purchasing card policy and procedures and managing the purchasing card account.
  • Site manager: responsible for reviewing all card activity to verify the cardholder provided all required documentation and adhered to purchasing card policies.

V. Definitions

  • Cardholder: the UW–Madison employee whose name appears on a purchasing card and who is responsible for all purchases made with that card.
  • Department Property Administrator (DPA): an individual in a department or division who serves as the liaison between that department or division and Property Control for all matters regarding capital equipment.
  • Site manager: the individual who manages purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level.

VI. Related references

VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.5
Date Approved May 8, 2017
Revision Dates July 9, 2020 – Increased tax tolerance level from $5 to $25
January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.5 from 300.5
December 11, 2021 – Purchasing Card Module implementation

3013.4 How to Become a Purchasing Card Site Manager Procedure

How to become a Purchasing Card Site Manager Procedure

Procedure #3013.4; Rev.: 0 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Manager: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.4 How to Become a Purchasing Card Site Manager Procedure (PDF)


I. Procedure statement
II. Who is affected by this procedure
III. Procedure
IV. Contact roles and responsibilities
V. Definitions
VI. Related references
VII. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

The UW–Madison Purchasing Card Program is designed to expedite the purchasing process and reduce the costs associated with processing low-dollar, best-judgment purchases. The site manager is the individual responsible for managing purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level. This procedure provides specific instructions on how to become a site manager.

II. Who is affected by this procedure

Site managers; department chairs; Divisional Business Office staff; Division of Business Services, Accounting Services staff; the Division of Business Services Purchasing Card Program Manager.

III. Procedure

A. The department’s administrative staff and the respective Divisional Business Office identify:

  1. An employee who will be assigned the site manager responsibilities.
  2. The Department ID range the site manager will support.

B. The identified site manager completes the Purchasing Card Site Manager Agreement and routes it to the department chair for approval.

C. The department chair reviews and approves the Purchasing Card Site Manager Agreement and routes it to the Divisional Business Office for approval.

D. The Divisional Business Office reviews and approves the Purchasing Card Site Manager Agreement, updates the Purchasing Card Approver Assignment Grid, and routes the agreement and grid to the Purchasing Card Program Manager for processing.

Note: To obtain a copy of the current Purchasing Card Approver Assignment Grid, contact the Purchasing Program Manager.

E. The identified site manager registers for and attends required purchasing card training sessions.  The Purchasing Card Program Manager verifies training completion, assigns the new site manager to the requested Department ID range in the Purchasing Card Module of the Shared Financial System, and adds the individual to the Site Manager Email Distribution List.

F. The Purchasing Card Program Manager emails confirmation to the new site manager.

IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Departmental staff/Divisional Business Office staff: responsible for identification and approval of the site manager.
  • Purchasing Card Program Manager: responsible for ensuring the site manager is trained and assigning the site manager role.
  • Site manager: responsible for submitting the Purchasing Card Site Manager Form, attending required purchasing card training, reviewing all card activity, and acting as the liaison between cardholders and the Purchasing Card Program Office.

V. Definitions

  • Purchasing Card Program Module: Module of the Shared Financial System (SFS) used to reconcile purchasing card transactions; also, the system of record for all purchasing card supporting documentation and reconciliation approvals.
  • Site manager: the individual responsible for managing purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level.

VI. Related References

VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.4
Date Approved May 8, 2017
Revision Dates January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.4 from 300.4
December 11, 2021 – Purchasing Card Module implementation

3013.3 Purchasing Card Deactivation Procedure

Purchasing Card Deactivation Procedure

Procedure #3013.3; Rev. 0 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Manager: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.3 Purchasing Card Deactivation Procedure (PDF)


I. Procedure statement
II. Who is affected by this procedure
III. Procedure
IV. Contact roles and responsibilities
V. Definitions
VI. Related references
VII. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

Deactivation of a purchasing card should be initiated by the cardholder or site manager prior to the cardholder’s last day of employment with the sponsoring department. The Purchasing Card Program Manager initiates the deactivation of a card when an employee transfers from a sponsoring department without notification, an account is identified as idle (and not designated for emergency purposes), or because of negligent use identified through auditing or monitoring. Details are outlined below.

II. Who is affected by this procedure

Employees who are assigned a purchasing card; site managers; Divisional Business Office staff; the Division of Business Services Purchasing Card Program Manager.

III. Procedure

A. Deactivation initiated by cardholder or site manager

  1. The cardholder or site manager fills out an Account Update Request Form and submits it for approval to the Divisional Business Office prior to the cardholder’s last day of employment with the sponsoring department (if the cardholder fills out the form, he or she must obtain the site manager’s signature before submitting the form to the Divisional Business Office). The cardholder or site manager destroys the card.
    Note: Under no circumstances should the department continue to use the card after the cardholder’s departure.
  2. The Divisional Business Office routes the form to the Purchasing Card Program Manager who deactivates the card and documents the card cancellation.

B. Deactivation initiated by Purchasing Card Program Manager

The Purchasing Card Program Manager:

  1. Monitors weekly query to identify employees who are no longer UW–Madison employees.
  2. Runs a monthly query to identify idle accounts (e.g., a card has not been used in over 12 months) where no justification has been provided for keeping the card activated.
    Note: This excludes cards designated for emergency purposes as part of the campus Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).
  3. Oversees regular audit and monitoring activities.

IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Cardholder: responsible for completing (including obtaining the site manager signature) and submitting an Account Update Request Form and destroying the card.
  • Site manager: responsible for signing the Account Update Request Form and routing it to the Divisional Business Office (also responsible for completing the form and destroying the card if the cardholder fails to do so prior to the last day of employment with the sponsoring department).
  • Divisional Business Office: responsible for signing the Account Update Request Form and routing it to the Purchasing Card Program Manager.
  • Purchasing Card Program Manager: responsible for deactivating the card, monitoring OHR reports, running a monthly query for card activity, and retaining documentation.

V. Definitions

  • Cardholder: the UW–Madison employee whose name appears on a purchasing card and who is responsible for all purchases made with that card.
  • Deactivation: a change in account status that forces all authorization requests to decline.
  • Idle account: an account that has not been used for a minimum of 12 months.
  • Purchasing Card Program Manager: responsible for deactivating the card, monitoring management queries, and retaining supporting documentation of account maintenance.
  • Site manager: the individual responsible for managing the purchasing cards for a department or division.

VI. Related references

VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.3
Date Approved May 8, 2017
Revision Dates January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.3 from 300.3
December 11, 2021 – Purchasing Card Module implementation

3013.2 Purchasing Card Use and Account Management Procedure

Purchasing Card Use and Account Management Procedure

Procedure #3013.2; Rev.: 1 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Administrator: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.2 Purchasing Card Use and Account Management Procedure (PDF)


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

The UW–Madison purchasing card is for UW–Madison business purchases only. There are specific procedures that govern its use, including those for working with vendors, obtaining appropriate supporting documentation, handling returns, reviewing transactions, and generally managing the purchasing card account.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

Employees who are assigned a purchasing card; site managers; Divisional Business Office staff; the Division of Business Services Purchasing Card Program Administrators; Purchasing Services staff.

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III. Procedure

  1. Things to consider before using a purchasing card – In many cases, the purchasing card may not be the best or most appropriate method of payment. The cardholder should consider the following before making a purchase with the card:
    1. Card limits: Know the limits for the card. The cycle credit limit and single purchase limit can be obtained from the Purchasing Card Program Administrator. Do not exceed the single purchase limit by splitting purchasing transactions.
    2. Best-judgment purchase limit: The best-judgment purchase limit at UW-Madison is $5,000. Purchases exceeding the best-judgment purchase limit must be coordinated through UW–Madison Purchasing Services. The purchasing card may not be used to make purchases that exceed this limit.
    3. Contracted vendors: Use the Purchasing Services contract vendor directory to identify contracted vendors and negotiated discount pricing. Purchases from non-contracted vendors may require additional justification. Contact Purchasing Services.
    4. ShopUW+: Whenever possible, purchase items from UW–Madison’s contracted vendors via ShopUW+. At times, individual items may be less expensive not using ShopUW+, however; the discount we receive for all UW–Madison’s purchases is based on our spend volume. By purchasing from non-contracted buyers, there is potential to reduce our future overall discounts, which would have a greater negative financial impact than the savings on individual items. As such, it is important to check the online supplier catalogues for the item(s) needed prior to using the purchasing card with a non-contracted vendor. Using ShopUW+ guarantees contract pricing and tax exemption. More information can be found at ShopUW+ Essentials.
    5. Vendor’s eligibility to do business with UW–Madison: A vendor’s eligibility to do business with UW–Madison is contingent upon its compliance with state statutes. Several vendors have been deemed ineligible by the State of Wisconsin because they are not compliant with our state tax laws or affirmative action employment requirements. The cardholder must not conduct business with vendors on either of the ineligible vendor lists.
    6. Alternate methods of making internal purchases: While many internal vendors (e.g., campus catering, campus libraries, campus printing services) accept payments by credit card, the purchasing card should not be used for purchases between UW–Madison units. Vendors pay a transaction fee for all purchases made with a credit card. Departments should instead use the Interdepartmental Billing Form or other internal billing method for payments greater than $100 to other campus units in order to avoid these credit card processing fees. Internal payments of $100 or less made on the purchasing card will not be identified as non-compliance, but are still subject to other program policies.
    7. Purchases that require special approval or special handling: Some products and services require special approval or special handling and may not be purchased without adhering to requirements found in UW-3043 Exceptions/Approvals/Special Handling Policy.
    8. Frequently questioned purchases: For additional information on items or services allowed to be purchased with the purchasing card, refer to the list of Frequently Questioned Purchases. Some of the items on this list are allowable and some are not. Read the whole explanation before determining if the card can be used.
  2. Making a purchase:
    1. Determine the appropriate vendor for the materials or services needed. See section A, 3-5.
    2. Provide the purchasing card information to the vendor (e.g., account number, expiration date, Card Verification Value [CVV] number).
    3. For the “Bill to” address, provide the vendor with the address currently on file with U.S. Bank (typically, as submitted on the card application). Do not use generic campus addresses (e.g., 21 N. Park Street).
    4. For the “Ship to” address (if the purchase requires a shipment of materials), provide a campus address. If the purchase must be shipped off campus (e.g., shipping to a remote work location), the cardholder must provide a reasonable justification in the supporting documentation.
    5. Provide the vendor with the appropriate tax-exempt information. (Note: UW–Madison is exempt from state sales and use tax for purchases made from vendors in Wisconsin and in other states with which we have tax treaties.) If sales tax is paid in error in an amount greater than $25, contact the vendor to obtain a refund. Document the date and action taken on the supporting documentation for the charge.
    6. Ask whether the vendor offers educational or governmental rates or discounts.
    7. Obtain required vendor documentation or receipts for all transactions regardless of the dollar amount. Required vendor documentation includes at least one of the following:
      1. Invoice (a packing slip is acceptable if an invoice is unavailable)
      2. Confirmation screenshot or email
      3. Itemized cash register receipt
      4. Registration form with pricing detail
      5. Service agreement with pricing detail

      Note: If supporting documentation has been lost or destroyed, contact the vendor for a copy. If a copy cannot be obtained from the vendor, complete a Missing Receipt Form.

    8. Obtain other supporting documentation, when required:
      1. For documentation requirements for travel: see the travel section of the Business Services policies and procedures list.
      2. For documentation requirements for business meals and events: see UW-3039 Business Meals Policy.
      3. For documentation requirements for gift cards: see UW-3027 Gift Card Policy.
    9. Ensure appropriate receipt of materials and services and follow up with vendors to resolve any discrepancies.
  3. Returning or requesting a refund for goods or services: When returning an item or requesting a credit for services bought with the purchasing card, the cardholder should request the credit be issued to the card used for the purchase. Cardholders may not accept a refund in cash or in-store credit to be used for another purchase. Since no new authorization is required, credits may be posted to closed purchasing card accounts.
    1. Note: If the original purchase was coded to a capital equipment account code (series 46XX), contact property@bussvc.wisc.edu and the Department Property Administrator (DPA).
  4. Transaction reconciliation: Purchasing card transactions are reconciled in the Shared Financial System (SFS). Transactions are loaded into SFS daily and can be reconciled daily.  Transactions must be reconciled within 30 days of the transaction posting date.  Detailed instructions are available in the Purchasing Card Reconciler Business Process Guide (PDF). See below for a summary of the purchasing card transaction reconciliation process.
    1. Purchasing cardholders receive an email notification from SFS when a transaction(s) has posted to their account.
    2. Cardholders are required to provide a business purpose and supporting documentation for each transaction prior to finalizing their verification.
    3. Cardholders may allocate the transaction(s) to more appropriate funding than their default funding source.
    4. Cardholders verify the transaction(s) and notify the Approver (site manager) and transactions are ready for review.
  5. Unique considerations during transaction reconciliation: Some transactions require additional information/supporting documentation to adhere to policy.
    1. Capital equipment fabrication materials: Capital equipment components and materials for capital equipment fabrications must be reported to UW–Madison Property Control. Allocate the expenses to Account Code 4670 and reference the appropriate Asset ID number within the documented business purpose. Contact the Department Property Administrator (DPA) or property@bussvc.wisc.edu if you have questions.
    2. Relocation expenses: When reconciling an expense related to employee relocation (e.g., moving costs, airfare, temporary lodging), for tax reporting purposes, the transaction must be allocated to account codes 2880, 2881, or 2883 and the new employee’s Employee ID must be entered in the “Comment” section.
    3. Fraudulent/disputed transactions: Fraudulent/disputed transactions must be reconciled the same as any other purchasing card transactions. It is recommended the fraudulent/disputed transaction be left on the purchasing card account’s default funding string to eliminate additional allocation requirements once the expected, subsequent credits post to the account. Supporting documentation and a documented business purpose are required. Cardholders may attach any relevant supporting documentation or simply create an attachment acknowledging the fraudulent/disputed transaction and any actions taken. The business purpose can be used to identify the transaction as fraudulent or disputed and to document any other pertinent information the cardholder has about the situation.
    4.  Note: See Section III.H below for procedural steps to address unrecognizable transactions.
  6. Assigning a proxy reconciler: Purchasing cardholders may request to add a Proxy Reconciler to their profile in the Purchasing Card Module to assist in transaction reconciliation. The Proxy can provide the business purpose(s) and supporting documentation and allocate the transaction(s); however, the cardholder is ultimately responsible for verification of each transaction. Proxy Reconcilers must be university employees.  Add or remove a Proxy Reconciler by completing and submitting the Account Update Request Form.
  7. Timeliness of Purchasing Card transaction reconciliation: Cardholders and site managers are required to reconcile transactions within 30 days of the transaction posting date.
    1. If a cardholder has a purchasing card transaction that is not fully approved after 15 days, an automated email reminding the cardholder of the pending transaction will be sent. Emails will continue to send daily until the transaction is fully approved or “system-closed”, including those transactions previously verified by the cardholder, but have not been approved by the site manager. Site managers do not receive reminder emails; therefore, it is the cardholder’s responsibility to either forward the email to their site manager or utilize the Notify Approver(s) button on the Reconcile Statement page of the Purchasing Card module.
    2. After 30 days, a process will run to “System Close” any purchasing card transactions that have not been fully approved and transfer the transaction(s) to WISER. “System-Closed” transactions will be tracked by the Purchasing Card Program Administrator and treated as non-compliance. Compliance measures will be taken for repeat offenders.
    3. Cardholders and site managers are required to complete the reconciliation process and provide the required receipts and supporting documentation for “System-Closed” transactions.
      1. The Purchasing Card Program Administrator notifies the cardholder, site manager, and Divisional Business Office of “System-Closed” transactions. The email notification includes the Purchasing Card Post-System Close Reconciliation Form referencing the details of the “System-Closed” transaction. The following steps must be completed within 14 days of receipt of this form.
      2. The cardholder provides a justification for missing the reconciliation deadline and signs the form, acknowledging the policy requirement. The cardholder provides the required business purpose and supporting documentation for the “System-Closed” transaction in the Purchasing Card module. The cardholder forwards the form to the site manager via email.
      3. The site manager provides a justification for missing the reconciliation deadline, reviews the provided supporting documentation and business purpose in the Purchasing Card module, and attaches the form to the “System-Closed” transaction in the Purchasing Card module.
      4. The Purchasing Card Program Administrator reviews the “System-Closed” transaction to verify reconciliation is complete within 14 days.
  8. Following up on unrecognizable or disputed transactions: It is the cardholder’s responsibility to follow up on any unrecognizable transactions that post to the account. To do this, the cardholder must first determine if business has been conducted with the vendor in the past:
    1. If yes, the cardholder should contact the vendor to see if they are able to explain the charge or clear up any discrepancies. If the vendor is unwilling or unable to rectify the situation, the cardholder must file a dispute through U.S. Bank by contacting U.S. Bank Customer Service at (800) 344-5696. The disputed amount(s) will be credited back to the cardholder’s account on a subsequent statement.
      1. Note: Per U.S. Bank, transactions must be disputed within 90 days of the transaction date.
    2. If no, the cardholder must contact the U.S. Bank Fraud Investigation Unit at (800) 523-9078. The bank will initiate a fraud claim and send a fraud form to be completed by the cardholder. The fraudulent amount(s) will be credited back to the cardholder’s account, the account will be closed, a new account will be opened, and a new card will be sent directly to the cardholder.
      1. Note: Per U.S. Bank, fraud must be disputed within 60 days of the transaction date.
    3. See section III.E.3. for procedural steps to reconcile fraudulent/disputed transactions.
  9. Updating account information: To update account information (e.g., demographic information, credit limits, default funding), the cardholder must complete the Account Update Request Form, obtain the appropriate approvals, and route the form to the Purchasing Card Program Office.
    1. Note: Cards cannot be transferred from one individual to another or from one department to another (e.g., in the event of an employee transfer).
  10. Renewing a purchasing card: Purchasing cards automatically renew every four years provided the cardholder has successfully completed required annual refresher training. Renewed cards are mailed directly to the cardholder at the address on file at U.S. Bank, at the end of the month prior to expiration. Cards remain active until the end of the month in which they expire.
  11. Warning and card revocation: If, as a result of an audit or monitoring, a transaction is found to violate UW-Madison Purchasing Card Policy or Procedures, the following will occur:
    1. If the cardholder has not had a violation within the previous one-year period, the cardholder will receive a written warning from the Purchasing Card Program Administrator. A copy of the written warning will also be sent to the site manager, the divisional Chief Financial Officer, the Controller/Assistant Vice Chancellor for Business Services. The written warning will remain on file in the Purchasing Card Program Office for one year. One year from the date of the communication, the warning will be expunged.
    2. If the cardholder has two violations within a one-year period, all purchasing cards issued to the cardholder will be revoked. After one year, the employee may reapply for a purchasing card. If the application is approved, the employee will be required to attend purchasing card training. During the one-year revocation period, the former cardholder is ineligible for all roles associated with the purchasing card program, including being an authorized user of a Department Purchasing Card or serving as a purchasing card site manager.

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IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Cardholder: responsible for complying with purchasing card policy and procedures and managing the purchasing card account.
  • Site manager: responsible for reviewing all assigned card activity and serving as the liaison between cardholders and the Purchasing Card Program Administrator.
  • Purchasing Card Program Administrator: responsible for overseeing the Purchasing Card Program at the campus level, providing training and resources for cardholders and site managers, and collaborating with campus leadership and program stakeholders to continuously review and improve the program.

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V. Definitions

  • Department Property Administrator (DPA): an individual in a department or division who serves as the liaison between that department or division and Property Control for all matters regarding capital equipment.
  • ShopUW+: a ShopUW+ is an efficient way to make business purchases and carries commonly used items such as lab supplies, office supplies, computer hardware, and Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) supplies.
  • Site manager: the individual who manages purchasing cards at the departmental level. The site manager is responsible for reviewing all card activity and acting as the main communication link between cardholders and the Purchasing Card Program Office. Cardholders who are unsure who their site manager is should contact pcard@bussvc.wisc.edu.

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VI. Related References

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VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.2
Date Approved May 8, 2017
Revision Dates July 13, 2018 – Updated deadlines for filing disputes and claiming fraud
August 14, 2019 – Updated links due to Business Services web redesign.
August 15, 2019 – Added procedure for requesting sales tax refund (previously noted in Procedure 300.5).
September 20, 2019 – Updated Warning/Revocation section to include ineligibility for use of Department Card and site manager role if purchasing card is revoked
July 9, 2020 – Increased tax tolerance level from $5 to $25; decreased warning life from two years to one year
January 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.2 from 300.2
December 11, 2021 – Update procedure to reflect SFS – Purchasing Card Module implement
September 8, 2022 – General review and updates
March 8, 2023 – Additional clarification added re: alternate methods of making internal purchases

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3013.1 Purchasing Card Application, Activation, and Registration Procedure

Purchasing Card Application, Activation and Registration Procedure

Procedure # 3013.1; Rev. 2 (Effective May 8, 2017)
Related Policy: UW-3013 Purchasing Card Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Purchasing Card Program Administrator: (608) 262-3300, meghann.grove@wisc.edu

Download 3013.1 Purchasing Card Application, Activation, and Registration Procedure (PDF)


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

The UW–Madison purchasing card is a VISA card issued through and supported by U.S. Bank. The card is sponsored by the employing department and is authorized for use for UW–Madison business only. The Purchasing Card Program Office in the Division of Business Services administers the Purchasing Card (PCard) Program. To obtain a purchasing card, an employee must complete the PCard Request Form and attend mandatory training. All applications are subject to the approval of the applicant’s supervisor, the Divisional Business Office, a Purchasing Card Program Administrator, and in some cases, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP). After receiving a purchasing card, the employee must activate the card. Details are outlined below.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

Employees who apply for purchasing cards; site managers; Divisional Business Office staff; the Division of Business Services Purchasing Card Program Administrator; Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) staff.

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III. Procedure

  1. Card application: Applications for a purchasing card must be completed and submitted through the PCard Request Form, an electronic purchasing card application available in the Shared Financial System (SFS). The PCard Request Form tile can be found on the SFS homepage:Screenshot of the Pcard Request Form tile in the Shared Financial System (SFS). The tile is white with the words "PCard Request Form" and a stylized paper icon underneath.
    1. To begin a new application, click Add a New Pcard eForm on the Pcard Request Landing Page.
    2. Review the pre-populated demographic information, updating any fields as necessary. Be sure to add a room/office number (if applicable). Complete the required default funding and account limit fields. Review the list of Purchasing Card Transaction Approvers. These individuals are established Site Managers responsible for reviewing and approving purchasing card transactions for the indicated Department ID. Review the Purchasing Card Agreement and toggle the switch to indicate agreement. Click Submit.
    3. The submitted application is electronically routed for approvals.
  2. Approval process:
    1. Supervisor approval: The supervisor reviews the application. Supervisors may “Deny” the application to eliminate it from the approval workflow or “Recycle” the application to send it back to the applicant for editing and resubmission.
      1. If the application is not approved, an automated email is sent notifying the applicant the application was not approved.
      2. If the application is approved, it is routed to the Divisional Business Office.
    2. Divisional Business Office approval: The Divisional Business Office reviews the application.
      1. If the application is not approved, an automated email is sent notifying the applicant the application was not approved.
      2. If the application is approved, it is routed to the Purchasing Card Program Administrator or, if the requested default funding includes a sponsored project, to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
    3. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs approval (only required if default funding includes a sponsored project): The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs reviews the application for the appropriateness of using sponsored funds (133/144) as the default funding source.
      1. If the application is not approved, an automated email is sent notifying the applicant the application was not approved.
      2. If the application is approved, it is routed to the Purchasing Card Program Administrator.
    4. Purchasing Card Program Administrator approval: The Purchasing Card Program Administrator reviews the application and confirms whether the applicant is eligible to receive a purchasing card based on prior audit or monitoring findings.
      1. If the applicant is ineligible, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator notifies the applicant, the site manager, and the Divisional Business Office that the application was not approved.
      2. If the applicant is eligible, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator verifies the applicant has completed the required training.
      3. If the applicant has not completed the required training, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator notifies the applicant of the training requirement and retains the application without ordering the purchasing card from U.S. Bank.
      4. If the applicant has completed the required training, the Purchasing Card Program Administrator approves the application and orders the card from U.S. Bank.
  3. Training: Before the Purchasing Card Program Administrator orders a purchasing card from U.S. Bank, the applicant must complete Purchasing Card Policies and Procedures training and UW–Madison Travel Policy Training. Registration details are available in the Purchasing Card webpage’s Training section.
  4. Card distribution: U.S. Bank mails the purchasing card directly to the applicant at the address indicated on the PCard Request Form. Cards may be returned to sender as “undeliverable” if the provided address was not complete (e.g., missing room number).
  5. Card activation: Cards may be activated online or via phone:
    1. Online:
      1. Visit the U.S. Bank Access Online site and click Activate Your Card. (You do not need to login.)
      2. Enter the requested information (card number, expiration date, last 4 digits of business phone number).
      3. The cardholder will be sent two emails to the email address on file for the account (included on application); one email with a unique activation link and another with an activation code. Follow the link in the first email to enter the code from the second email. The link and activation code are valid for 20 minutes. If this time lapses, the cardholder should begin the process again.
    2. Phone:
      1. Contact U.S. Bank Customer Service at (800) 344-5696.
      2. When prompted for the last four digits of the Social Security number or Employee ID, enter four zeroes (0).
  6. Real-time alerts: To enroll in real time alerts via text message or email, see Procedure 3013.8 – How to Enroll in Real-Time Alerts.

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IV. Contact Roles and Responsibilities

  • Applicant/Cardholder: responsible for applying, completing the mandatory purchasing card training, activating the card, and registering the card in Access Online.
  • Supervisor: responsible for reviewing and approving the application.
  • Divisional Business Office: responsible for reviewing and approving the application (review includes default funding and credit limits).
  • Office of Research and Sponsored Programs: responsible for reviewing the application for the appropriateness of using sponsored funds (133/144) as the default funding source.
  • Purchasing Card Program Administrator: responsible for reviewing the application for eligibility, ordering the card from U.S. Bank, training, and retaining documentation.
  • U.S. Bank: responsible for processing the card request, producing the card, sending the card to the applicant.

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V. Definitions

  • Access Online: U.S. Bank’s web-based transaction management tool used by the Purchasing Card Program Administrators to maintain the purchasing card program at UW–Madison and by purchasing cardholders to manage account settings.
  • Site manager: the individual who manages purchasing cards at the departmental or divisional level.
  • Purchasing Card Program Administrator: the individual appointed by the Accounting Services unit in the Division of Business Services to manage, coordinate, and control purchasing cards for campus.

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VI. Related references

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VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3013.1
Date Approved May 8, 2017
Revision Dates June 21, 2017 – remove Travel Card training option.
March 28, 2018 – add role of applicant’s Supervisor in Section I Procedure Statement and Section III Procedure
May 4, 2018 – Updated card distribution process; purchasing cards are delivered directly to the applicant
Jan. 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3013.1 from 300.1
December 11, 2021 – Purchasing Card Module implementation
September 2, 2022 – Updated to replace “Purchasing Card Application and Agreement” with new “PCard Request Form.”
Feb. 22, 2023 – Cardholder signature no longer required.
Sept. 11, 2023 – New and required UW Travel Policy Training available.

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