How to pay for registrations for conferences, performances, or other business related engagements.
What's allowed and how to pay
Allowable registrations/fees
Make registrations directly with event sponsors.
Registration fees for official participation at conferences, conventions, training, or meetings related to University business are payable/reimbursable by the University. Non-business related or optional activities (e.g. sightseeing tours, golf outings, family activities) or expenses for a companion traveler are not payable/reimbursable.
How to pay
Travelers and travel arrangers may pay for registration fees with a University purchasing card (P-card), a My Corporate Card, or personal funds.
If personal funds are used, the expense may be reimbursed prior to the trip.
Policies and procedures
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Travelers and departmental staff should contact their Divisional Business Office for policy or procedural questions.
Divisional Business Offices may e-mail with questions.