This resource guide was prepared for the use of University of Wisconsin. The information contained herein may not apply to other colleges and universities.
Descriptions of non-immigrant classification visa options
All visas fall within two broad categories: non-immigrant and immigrant.
Non-immigrant visas are given to individuals who intend to reside temporarily in the United States. The position they fill may be permanent, but they must be in it temporarily. The vast majority of the UW’s international faculty and staff are here in some non-immigrant category.
Immigrant visas are for those who intend to reside permanently in the United States and have an offer of permanent employment. Non-immigrant visas require considerably less documentation and processing time.
On-campus sources of additional information
F-1 and J-1 students
International Student and Scholar Services, (608) 265-2257
H-1B, J-1 scholars, permanent residence, all other immigration categories
International Faculty and Staff Services, (608) 265-2257
Employee payments
Employee Compensation and Benefits Services, (608) 262-5650 |
Non-employee payments
Accounting Services
Jose A. Carus, Jr. – Tax Compliance Manager, (608) 262-0582
Legal questions
Legal Services, (608) 263-7400
Visa types
Other visas: Please contact Tax Compliance Office at (608) 262-0582 or for details and restrictions.