3024.8 Using Foundation Funding in e-Reimbursement

Expenses may be charged to the Wisconsin Foundation Alumni Association (WFAA) when appropriate. E-Reimbursement Approvers are responsible for entering WFAA funding. Upon approval of the expense reimbursement, the claimant receives one payment from the University. Accounting Services then bills WFAA for their portion.

Procedure # 3024.8; Rev.: 1 (Effective June 30, 2020)
Related Policy: UW-3024 Expense Reimbursement Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Division of Business Services
Contact: Expense Reimbursement Program Manager – Allie Watters, expensereimbursement@bussvc.wisc.edu, (608) 263-3525


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

Expenses may be charged to the Wisconsin Foundation Alumni Association (WFAA) when appropriate. e-Reimbursement approvers are responsible for entering WFAA funding. Upon approval of the expense report, the claimant receives one payment from the University. Accounting Services then bills WFAA for their portion.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

Employees who seek reimbursement for out-of-pocket or Corporate Card expenses; alternates who prepare expense reports in the Shared Financial System (SFS)/e-Reimbursement; approvers and auditors; Divisional Business Officers and others who have approval authority.

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III. Procedure

  1. Expense Report Submission (Traveler/Alternate role)
    1. For expenses with food and/or drinks, claimants/alternates must enter the number of attendees and their names into e-Reimbursement. This is required for the “Meal-Hosted” and “Event-Catering” expense types (PDF).  When entering expenses:
      1. Enter the total number of attendees in the “How many people” field.
      2. A list of meeting participants for whom expenses are to be covered, indicating name and affiliation, i.e., institution, state agency, business, etc. must be attached to the expense report. Alternately, meeting participants’ names and affiliations may be listed in the “Add Additional Attendees” link within the expense line
    2. Claimants submit expense reports without entering WFAA funding. Include in the justification notes the amount being charged to WFAA and the name and number of the WFAA account, if known.
  2. Entering Foundation Funding Information (Approver Role)
    1. e-Reimbursement approvers are responsible for entering WFAA funding information. Claimants, alternates, and auditors do not have this ability.
    2. Access the expense line funding for the expense being charged to WFAA funding.
      1. While in the summary view of an expense report in your approval queue, click the Expense Details link.
      2. View the expense line funding by expanding the two grey arrows. The first is to the left of the expense date, the second is above “Accounting Details”.
    3. If expense is split between UW funding and WFAA funding, add additional funding lines as needed. Funding lines are added by using the plus sign at the far right end of the funding string (may require using the scroll bar below the funding string).
      1. Expenses must be split at the funding line level within one expense line. Do not enter multiple expense lines for the same expense.
      2. For Hosted Events and Business Meals, alcohol and meal overages must be split onto separate funding lines. Meal expenses which include alcohol and meal overages will have three funding lines.
        1. Portion allowable on UW funding
        2. Alcohol to WFAA
        3. Meal overages charged to WFAA
    4. For WFAA funding lines, change the account code to 6240. Hit tab. Click the “Foundation” link that appears at the far left of the funding string.
      1. UW Fund Account Type: leave as “UW Foundation” unless instructed to change by Athletics Business Office.
      2. UW Foundation Account Number: enter the 9-digit WFAA account number.
      3. Account Description: enter the title of the WFAA account.
      4. Reason for Foundation Use: enter justification for why WFAA funding is appropriate and/or UW funding is not appropriate.
      5. Click “OK”
    5. Enter any other relevant information in the Description box of the expense line. This Description box and the “Reason for Foundation Use” box are the only justifications WFAA has access to when reviewing these expenses. The billing process may be delayed if necessary information is included elsewhere in the expense report.
  3. Reimbursement payment
    1. Claimants receive one payment from the University, even for expense reports split between UW and WFAA funding.
  4. Billing process
    1. Accounting Services bills WFAA for their portion of e-Reimbursement payments after the reimbursements have been paid. Even though these WFAA expenses have already been reimbursed to the claimant, WFAA has the final authority to deny any submitted non-compliant expenses for payment, which could require reimbursement from the claimant.

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IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Claimant/Alternate: Responsible for understanding and complying with Business Meals, Hosted Events, Official Functions and University travel and purchasing polices. Responsible for entering number of attendees and their names and affiliations. Responsible for retaining all required documentation.
  • Approver: Responsible for entering WFAA funding information, ensuring amounts split between WFAA and UW funding are accurate, and providing sufficient justification for e-Reimbursement auditors and WFAA personnel to approve expenses.
  • Accounting Services: Responsible for reviewing WFAA expenses, billing expenses to WFAA and processing payments from WFAA.

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V. Definitions

  • Claimant: individual claiming reimbursement for expenses.
  • Alternate: individual granted authority to enter expense reports on behalf of a claimant.
  • Approver: the first reviewer of expense reports , also known as “Required Departmental Approver.”
  • Auditor: the final expense report reviewer, also known as “Required Final Approver.”
  • WFAA: Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association. WFAA is a separate, non-profit entity which solicits and accepts gifts on behalf of the University and invests and protects those gift funds until needed by the University.
  • e-Reimbursement: the Expenses module of the Shared Financial System (SFS), used to create, submit, and approve expense report claims.
  • Expense report: An expense report contains a categorized and itemized list of expenses that were made on behalf of University of Wisconsin–Madison. This report helps the employer or finance team determine what money was spent, what was purchased, and how much of the expenditure is approved for reimbursement.

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VI. Related references

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VII.  Revisions

Procedure Number 3024.8
Date Approved June 30, 2020
Revision Dates Jan. 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3024.8 from 320.8

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Coming Soon: Purchasing Card Module

Purchasing Cardholders, Site Managers and Divisional Business Office Leadership,

In conjunction with UW System Administration and UW Oshkosh, UW Madison staff have been working to implement the purchasing card module of PeopleSoft (SFS) for purchasing card reconciliation.  This module will replace the use of U.S. Bank’s Access Online for cardholders and site managers and includes benefits for purchasing card users at every level, including cardholders, site managers, Divisional Business Office leadership, program administrators and program auditors:

  • Allows for both cardholder and site manager allocation (currently, only site managers have the ability to allocate purchasing card transactions in Access Online).
  • Decreases the time between when a purchase is made and when the transaction posts to the University’s general ledger.
  • Allows for electronic retention of purchasing card supporting documentation in one system of record.
  • Allows for electronic review and approval of purchasing card transactions and supporting documentation.
  • Decreases administrative burden during post-payment audit process (e.g. Business Services will no longer need to request documentation from site managers for audit).

Timeline: An exact implementation date has not been determined yet as the team is currently in the planning/development stages of the project; however, the goal is to implement the module before the end of the calendar year.

Refresher Training: A decision has been made to postpone the Annual Online Purchasing Card Refresher Training until we can incorporate training for the new module into the course.  All active purchasing cardholders and site managers will be required to complete the course later on this year.

Questions/Comments: Feel free to reach out if you have questions/comments about this project.  Further information will be forthcoming.



Meghann Grove
Card Program Manager
21 N. Park Street, Suite 5301
Madison, WI 53715
(608) 262-3300

Purchasing Low-Dollar Office Supplies while Telecommuting

Post updated 2/7/22

While most UW-Madison employees are now working remotely, it is understood there may be a need for low-dollar, office supply-type purchases at remote work locations.

Employees should purchase necessary supplies through ShopUW+ and have the supplies shipped directly to their remote work location. The system will automatically route orders with shipping information that are not campus buildings through an approval process that will meet the required level of documentation for purchases.

Blanket Business Case Exceptions related to COVID-19

Effective March 12, 2020, the State Bureau of Procurement (SBOP) implemented a blanket business case exception for those products needed to support agency preparedness measures in response to COVID-19. This blanket business case exception applies to the following contracts and for those products (i.e. hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, face masks, etc.) that are unavailable due to short supply or significant lead times:

  • Office Supplies (505ENT-M19-OFFSUPPLY-01)
  • Cleaning Chemicals (505ENT-M16-CLEANGCHEMS-00)
  • Medical Supplies (505ENT-M19-MEDICALSUP-00)
  • Maintenance Repair and Operations (505ENT-M19-FACILITMRO-00)

This business case exemption does not waive procurement rules for purchases over $5000 nor for items that are still readily available through the contracted supplier. With this business case exception, end users can purchase needed items from any available source without having to first use the State’s mandatory contract. This blanket business case exception will remain in effect until products are again available through mandatory contracts in the quantities and delivery times required by the contract or until determined by SBOP.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Meghann Grove.

Meghann Grove
Card Program Manager

Purchasing Card News – November 2019

Spread the Word!

This communication was distributed to the UW-Madison Purchasing Card Site Manager list.  To ensure our users stay informed, please forward this email to your cardholders and other staff as appropriate.  We appreciate your assistance!

2019 Purchasing Card Refresher Training Deadline Approaching

As a reminder, the deadline for completing the 2019 Online Annual Purchasing Card Refresher training is November 30, 2019.  As of October 28, 2019, 59% of cardholders and 79% of site managers have met the training requirement.  Additional reminders will be communicated to remaining cardholders and site managers throughout the month.  The 2019 Purchasing Card Online Refresher Training may be accessed here.

Gift Card Scam

Multiple UW-Madison purchasing cardholders have been victims of an email scam intended to steal funds from the University in the form of gift cards.  The scammers obtain the names and email addresses of UW employees and use them to contact other employees.  These emails, which appear to come from an employee’s supervisor, request the employee purchase several hundred dollars’ worth of gift cards (e.g. Amazon, Target, Apple) and to deliver the card numbers to the scammer via email or text message.  Cardholders can identify the scam and avoid becoming a victim by noting the following:

  • First, if you receive a request from your supervisor requesting you to purchase gift cards, consider whether this is an unusual request for your supervisor to make. If so, confirm with your supervisor verbally prior to proceeding with the purchase.
  • Next, review the sender’s information. Who is the email actually from?  The sender’s email address may appear to be your supervisor’s @wisc.edu address; however, if you hover over it with your cursor, the actual email address will display.  Is it still your supervisor’s email?  Or something generic?
  • Next, review the content of the email and be on the lookout for the following:
    • Urgency: The email conveys a great sense of urgency. The scammer starts the conversation by asking if the employee is busy and if they can do them a favor.  After receiving a response from the employee, the scammer requests the gift cards, noting the cards are needed immediately.  Throughout any additional conversation, the scammer continues to use language conveying a need to purchase and deliver the gift cards as soon as possible (e.g. “Can you quickly pick them up this morning?” “Can you do that right away?” “Let me know as soon as you have them.” “Do you have the gift cards with you now?” “Just send me the codes once you have them, I was supposed to send them out already.” “Can you get this done within the hour?”
    • Secrecy: The email may request the employee keep the purchase private (e.g. “I’d want you to keep it between us…”
    • Grammatical Errors: The email contains numerous grammatical errors or unusual wording (e.g. I will like you to take pictures of each cards.”)
  • Finally, consider Policy 350 – Gift Cards, which requires Divisional Business Office approval prior to making any gift card purchase and limits the dollar value of gift cards purchased with the purchasing card to $25. This policy applies regardless of who the requestor is.

Due to the upcoming holidays, it is reasonable to anticipate an increase in scams such as this.  Please be aware and proceed with caution.

Paying an Internal Vendor

In an effort to reduce transaction processing fees charged to UW-Madison vendors, Procedure 300.2 – Purchasing Card Use & Account Management encourages cardholders to limit the use of the purchasing card when making internal payments.  The following internal vendors have recently modified their business practices to accept funding string payments from departments in lieu of the purchasing card:

Please modify business practices when making purchases to these and other UW-Madison departments.

Prohibited Vendor:  Huawei

Security concerns have been raised by U.S. federal agencies regarding the practices of the foreign company Huawei and its subsidiaries.  Based on these concerns, the University has decided to not allow any new sponsored research projects, other contracts or purchases from these vendors.  For more information and a list of subsidiaries, click here.

Purchasing Card 2020 Calendars

The 2020 Cardholder Calendar and the 2020 Site Manager Calendar are now available on the Business Services website.


If you have questions, please contact pcard@bussvc.wisc.edu.

Purchasing Card News – September 2019

September 2019

Spread the Word!

This communication was distributed to the UW-Madison Purchasing Card Site Manager list.  To ensure our users stay informed, please forward this email to your cardholders and other staff as appropriate.  We appreciate your assistance!

2019 Purchasing Card Refresher Training

Each year, all purchasing cardholders and site managers are required to complete an online refresher training in order to maintain eligibility for the purchasing card program.  The 2019 Purchasing Card Online Refresher Training was distributed to site managers on September 3, 2019 with instructions to forward to their cardholders.  Backup site managers are not required to complete the training, but are welcome to do so if desired.  The deadline for completing the training is November 30, 2019.  Completion updates will be sent regularly.

Please access the 2019 Purchasing Card Online Refresher Training here.

Shop@UW:  Apple Punch-out Site Available

A new Apple punch-out site is available to Shop@UW customers as of September 1, 2019.  Similar to other punch-out pages, the Apple punch-out combines the usability of Apple’s commercial webpage with UW specific pricing and consolidated direct billing.  For more information, please see the Apple FAQ.  If you have any questions about the new punch-out, please contact shopuw@bussvc.wisc.edu.

UWSA Continuous Purchasing Card Audit

The UW System Administration Department of Internal Audit has completed another round of testing.  This review included 133 purchasing card transactions totaling $340K posted between 12/29/2018 and 06/28/2019.  The audit resulted in the issuance of 4 compliance warnings.  UW-Madison Accounting Services has been tracking audit data since the implementation of the warning/revocation policy in May 2017.  Over the course of two years, the top four audit finding categories are:

  1. Personal Purchases: 59 instances
  2. Lack of Adequate Business Purpose: 49 instances
  3. Policy Violation (e.g. travel policy, gift card policy, business meals policy): 18 instances
  4. Cardholder/Site Manager Approval (e.g. missing signatures/dates): 17 instances

UW-Madison Accounting Services has issued a total of 159 warnings and revoked 6 purchasing cards.


If you have questions, please contact pcard@bussvc.wisc.edu.

3025.2 How to Approve and Reconcile a Cash Advance (Approver/Auditor Procedures)

How to Approve and Reconcile a Cash Advance (Approver/Auditor Procedures)

Procedure # 3025.2; Rev.: 1 (Effective October 10, 2018)
Related Policy: UW-3025 Cash Advance Policy
Functional Owner: Accounting Services, Business Services
Contact: Expense Reimbursement Program Manager – Allie Demet, expensereimbursement@bussvc.wisc.edu, (608) 263-3525


  1. Procedure statement
  2. Who is affected by this procedure
  3. Procedure
  4. Contact roles and responsibilities
  5. Definitions
  6. Related references
  7. Revisions

I. Procedure statement

Cash Advance requests are submitted through the Shared Financial System (SFS). Employees must first be approved by their Dean’s/Divisional Business Office to receive Cash Advances. Employees’ profiles must be activated for Cash Advances by Business Services before they can create and submit Cash Advances. Employees must fully reconcile Cash Advances within 30 days of the end of the trip.

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II. Who is affected by this procedure

e-Reimbursement approvers and auditors who review, approve, and reconcile Cash Advances.

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III. Procedure

  1. Pre-Approval: Prior to advancement, a Cash Advance Activation Request Form must be submitted to Business Services. This form must be approved by the Department and Division. Once the form has been submitted and the traveler’s profile has been activated, the traveler can request a cash advance. Once activated, the traveler’s profile is permanently activated unless the Department or Division specifically requests a traveler to be deactivated.
  2. Cash Advance Approval: Cash advances are approved by an approver and auditor. They appear in approver/auditor queues with expense reports. The level of detail required in a cash advance is determined by the department and division.
  3. Reconciliation: Cash advances must be fully reconciled within 30 days of the end of the trip.
    1. Traveler submits expense report: Travelers must submit an expense report to account for the use of advanced funds.  Expenses post to the general ledger after the expense report is approved; expenses do not post when the cash advance is approved.
    2. Refund of excess advanced funds: Travelers must promptly refund any unused advanced funds to the University. Deposits must be made to the funding used in the cash advance.
      1. Identify the funding string used on the cash advance:
        1. Sign into WISDM.
        2. Navigate to Main Menu > Other > Transaction Search.
        3. Complete the search criteria as follows:
          • Select the Fiscal Year and Accounting Period in which the Cash Advance was paid.
          • Change the Dept drop-down menu to starts with and enter the traveler’s Division code (e.g. 48 for L&S).
          • Change the Account drop-down menu to is exactly and enter account code 6166.
          • Change the Description drop-down menu to is exactly and enter the traveler’s Employee ID.
          • Check the Show Balance Account
      2. Click Submit.
      3. Find the original cash advance payment by locating the Cash Advance ID in the Jrnl Line Ref column and the total sum of the cash advance in the Monetary Amt column. Use this funding string to deposit the refund payment.
        1. Note: Jrnl Line Ref is not a default column in WISER for the Transaction Search and must be manually added. To do this, click the “More Options” when icon next to “Pin to Dashboard.” From the menu that pops up, select “Customize…” Under “Available Columns” menu, select “Jrnl Line Ref” and click the right arrow button to move the field to your “Custom View.” If desired, rearrange “Custom View” by selecting the field you’d like to move, and clicking the up or down arrows. Once complete, click “Save.” The custom layout including Jrnl Ln Ref should now be visible.
      4. Submit a Check Deposit Form utilizing the funding string identified in the step above.
  4. Auditor Reconciliation: The Auditor of the Cash Advance request must reconcile the deposit in e-Reimbursement to fully close the Cash Advance. The refund check must have been deposited prior to the auditor’s reconciliation.
    1. Sign into the Shared Financial System (SFS)/e-Reimbursement, click the Expenses WorkCenter tile.
    2. Select Reconcile Cash Advance from the cash advance submenu. Select the proper cash advance from the list.
    3. Enter the check number and the amount of refunds received. Click Reconcile.

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IV. Contact roles and responsibilities

  • Travelers – Travelers are responsible for reconciling cash advances within 30 days of the end of the trip. Travelers must not seek excessive cash advances and must refund any excess advancements promptly. Advanced funds must be used prudently and in accordance with UW travel and purchasing policies. Travelers are responsible for submitting cash advance requests in a timely enough fashion to allow for approvals and payment.
  • Approver – Upon submission, cash advance requests are first reviewed by an approver. Approvers are responsible for reviewing supporting documentation, for reviewing cash advances for policy compliance, and for reviewing the funding being charged.
  • Auditor – All cash advances are reviewed by an auditor after the approver. Auditors are responsible for reviewing cash advances for policy compliance. Auditors are responsible for reconciling refunded payments related to cash advances.

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V. Definitions

  • Cash Advance – a request for monetary advancement prior to a trip.
  • Expense reports – An expense report contains a categorized and itemized list of expenses that were made on behalf of University of Wisconsin–Madison. This report helps the employer or finance team determine what money was spent, what was purchased, and how much of the expenditure is approved for reimbursement.

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VI. Related references

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VII. Revisions

Procedure Number 3025.2
Date Approved October 1, 2018
Revision Dates July 23, 2019 – Updated instructions for depositing refund checks
Jan. 19, 2021 – Updated Procedure Number to 3025.2 from 321.2

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