David Honma will join UW–Madison as the new assistant vice chancellor of business services and controller. Honma will replace Dan Langer, who retired.
New “Find Capital Equipment Assets” WISER Tool
A new “Find Capital Equipment Assets” search tool for WISER is now available. This search tool is intended for DPA and financial staff usage. This allows departments to create their own ad hoc reporting on their capital equipment.
Reminder: In-person SWAP sales suspended
SWAP is not open to in-person sales, but online auction services remain available at swapauction.wisc.edu.
Update on available face masks and PPE at ShopUW+
The use of face coverings continues to be part of UW-Madison’s strategy to help slow the transmission of COVID-19. KN95 and N95 masks are available at no cost to employees in certain roles. Surgical grade masks are also available.
Policy Update – UW-3058: Non-competitive Purchases
Please note revisions to the policy and form requirements for requesting non-competitive purchases.
Vendor/Supplier Covid-19 requirements update
Vendors: Please review the face covering and vaccination requirements for visitors to campus posted on the covidresponse.wisc.edu website.
Updates to university travel – Nov. 8, 2021
Effective Nov. 8, 2021, the ban on university-sponsored international travel is no longer restricted to essential activities and an exemption form is no longer needed.
Purchasing Card News – September 2021
Spread the Word! This communication was distributed to the UW-Madison Purchasing Card Site Manager and Purchasing Card Cardholder lists. To ensure all users stay informed, please forward this email to other staff as appropriate. We …
Face Coverings available through ShopUW+
As a reminder with the chancellor’s order requiring all students, employees, and campus visitors to wear masks when inside campus buildings effective August 5, 2021, please note that disposable face masks and cloth face coverings …
Purchasing Card News – July 2021
Spread the Word! This communication was distributed to the UW-Madison Purchasing Card Site Manager and Purchasing Card Cardholder lists. To ensure all users stay informed, please forward this email to other staff as appropriate. We …